"Where's your shit?" I saw Harvey's hands grip the steering wheel profusely. 

"It was in that fucking house you dragged me out of!" I clenched my fists and took a deep breath as the car began to fill with silence.

It's almost as if you could hear our hearts racing in unison.

I started observing the area Harvey was driving towards but I just couldn't figure out where he was planning on taking me.

We travelled past many identical roads that were unrecognisable to me, so I continued to look up at the street lights which were the only thing lighting up the night.

"Where are you taking me?" I turned towards Harvey with a dead look on my face.

"Doesn't matter, cocksucker," all the profanity boared into my head and drove me to feel more aggrieved.

I went to speak again in retaliation, but stopped in my tracks knowing that it could make things worse.

I turned to look down at my body and saw myself drenched in blood, much more then what i expected.

I began to groan, as I felt mortified by what i saw.

As my hands began to shake vigorously, I reached down and grabbed the front of the shirt and pulled the blood drenched material off of my skin as it had a tenacious grip on me.

Before I knew it, my body began to reject what it was seeing in front of it as every part of me began to shake.

I let go of the shirt and reached for my head so I could run my fingers through my hair, in a hope that I could mimic my mother's way of bringing me out of my deluded states.

For a moment it helped, before I could feel the wetspots of splattered blood running through my hair.

I felt my stomach turn, and I knew I might vomit.

I felt the stress suppressing my immune system as nothing could stop the horrid feeling.

All I could think about was what happened and how grotesque it was.

He must've gotten shot in the heart but I didn't get the chance to see, because I flinched at the sound of the second gunshot.

I let out a heavy moan, almost as if I was in pain, but it was all slightly muted as I tried to push my emotions to the back of my mind, with no avail.

The feeling inside was ineffable, and I could feel my sanity fading.

"AAAAHHH!" I let out another bone chilling scream as i lost who I was in the moment. My personality was hiding behind a crippled facade I attempting to protect myself with.

"MUZZLE IT!" As Harvey spoke, I felt bile rising up in my throat.

I franitcally began to cough as I lost air to my lungs, and only caused myself to gag on it.

Harvey heard me in my struggle as he pulled the car to a stop and leaned over my body to open the door, all while ramming his shoulder in my face.

I put my hands on my neck before he leaned back and lightly pushed my head out the door while placing another hand on my back.

He patted my back as if I was a child, once again changing his demeanour in an instant, which came off as crazed.

"Fucking hell," I heard him murmering to himself in disgust as he attempted to ignore me, in a hope to not gag in reprisal.

"I'm just glad that didn't get in the car," Harvey said in anger.

I spat out chuncks of vomit still resting in my mouth as I held my head out the door, trying not to let my neck fall forward too much.

My lack of effort to spit out the rest caused me to gag again, leaving me in a uncomfortable cycle for a few continuous minutes.

"Here, take this," I turned my head slowly to see a piece of tissue in Harvey's hand, and he was reaching out to give it to me.

I bent my arm behind me, snatching the tissue out of his hand.

I held it for a moment as I coughed once more, before I took a deep breath in.

It fortuitously caused me to inhale chuncks of bile all while trying to ignore the putrid, acidic taste on my tongue.

I then wiped my mouth, while folding the tissue each time I went to wipe my face down.

Once I was done I threw the tissue outside in exasperation, before bringing my head back inside the car and slamming the door.

"Watch the fucking door!" he raised his voice at me as he started the car and drove off again.

I looked at him with eyes open wide, and a flat stare, almost in a psychotic manner.

I felt fury boiling inside of me, yet it always turned to tears and I could never contain what my body perceived as instincts.

I gave off a manic, savage scream once more before pulling my legs up towards the door and slamming my body weight into it.

I did it three more times before Harvey leaned over and gripped one of my legs in his hand tightly, with the other still somehow managing to hold the steering wheel.

"GET THE FUCK OFF ME!" My piercing cries echoed through the car and into the outside world as I continued kicking my legs, trying to release Harvey's grip.

I felt his clutch on me tighten, and I began to realise he was hurting me.

I was so worked up, I could barely feel the pain but as I looked at my leg in the middle of the struggle, I saw small pin point bruises where Harvey had first tightened his grasp.

"You're hurting me!" In response, he threw my leg back towards my body and put all of his focus on the road.

"FUCK! I have to fucking DEAL WITH YOU!" The volume of his voice went back and forth from almost mumbling to a spite filled yell that bellowed from his throat.

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