Daniel had been asked to cater alongside the more professional and popular planners who had been contracted to cater for the wedding between Vanessa and Nathan, since Nathan enjoyed his company.

So by association, Ryan was also going to be at the wedding. As much as he despised the idea, he couldn't afford to lose his job and arouse any inch of suspicion.

Working at his ex's wedding was not something Ryan could have imagined after all her and her family had done to him.

He still had a lowly reputation to maintain, after all.

“The wedding is in a week, people! We need to make sure we make a great presentation” Daniel addressed.

“Aren't there going to be much more professional and well recognized bartenders at the wedding scene?” One of the workers mentioned.

“Well…we may be the smallest out of all of them but we hold a special spot in the groom's heart, so we have to give it our all” Daniel answered, reassuring them.

“Plus, we have Ryan! Our best bartender since I got into this business!” Daniel added.

A weak cheer followed, more for the sake of satisfying Daniel's ego than out of genuine happiness.

Ryan slipped out a half smile, feeling awkward.

“Alright! Let's get back to work, we have so much to do and in such a short time” Daniel announced, ending the meeting.

The workers began to troop away slowly from the table they had gathered at.

“And it's official! Miss Vanessa Jordan, General Manager of the Jordan Empire has tied the knot with wealthy business tycoon and heir to the Daniels Empire, Nathan Daniels! Everyone wishes them a beautiful life together” an announcer on TV said.

“Alright everyone! To your places! The ceremony at the church is over, guests have begun to arrive and the couple will be heading here soon” somebody announced.

Everyone began to scamper around their tables in a controlled chaos. Soon, Ryan found himself at Daniel's table, waiting to see the mother of his unborn child, walk in with her celebrity sweetheart husband.

It was going to be heartbreaking to watch but he still had a lot to accomplish before he was ready to take action for his rights.

“Ryan, you have been specially requested by the groom to tend to the VIP tables. Guess you finally got in his favor” Daniel announced a few minutes after Vanessa and Nathan arrived at the wedding reception scene.

Ryan let out a deep sigh and walked down to where the VIP tables had been placed, directly opposite Vanessa and Nathan's table.

He felt a strange deja vu just hearing Daniel say how he got in Nathan's favor.

Ryan sighted some of Nathan's bratty friends who frequented Danny's Bar with their whores.

“Hey dipshit! Over here! Get our table a round of your special mix!” One of them called, as the ladies at the table giggled silly.

“Um…I'm sorry but we're all out of the mix. But we have the…”.

“Do I look like I care for whatever leftover you have? I'm sure you see that this is a VIP table, you clueless idiot!” The man interrupted, looking around for the support of the entire table.

The girls giggled again.

“My apologies…”.

“Save your useless apologies and just get out of my sight” the man sneered.

Ryan turned away, walking down to another VIP table.

Clink! Clink!

Everyone's attention turned to the direction of the noise. Nathan stood up, holding a glass cup and a little metal stick.

“Hello Everyone, I want to thank you all for coming out today, my wife, Vanessa and I are beyond grateful for your support in one way or another towards our dream and we hope to see you all gathered the same way at the arrival of our lovely child”.

He paused and the crowd took it as an opportunity to cue the first round of applause.

“A lot of you don't know our story. Nessa and I were high school sweethearts, the perfect pair. Yeah, our relationship dates back that long haha. We were together until two years ago when I took a business trip that appeared to ruin our relationship. We broke up and went our separate ways even if we missed each other sorely. I concentrated on furthering my business while Nessa here found another man”.

The crowd took a simultaneous gasp as Nathan's lips formed a sly smirk. Ryan's eyes remained widened. What kind of story had Vanessa and her parents cooked up for Nathan to win his trust?, he reasoned.

“Yes! Long story short, he physically and mentally abused her. My darling Nessa was a victim of abuse. Her new man was a psychopath and when she heard I was in town after a whole year overseas, she ran to me. I became her comfort place and we slowly became friends all over again. She could not tell her parents".

Nathan paused to give the crowd time to murmur loudly amongst themselves. Nathan felt powerful, cooking up the non-existent protagonist of his story.

Ryan shifted his gaze to Vanessa whose expression looked like one of pure embarrassment.

“I fought to release Nessa from the clutches of her man and we became even closer. She got pregnant for me, I proposed, and we are here today” Nathan continued, gripping Vanessa's hands.

Vanessa let out a half hearted smile.

“We were always meant to be together, as fate would have it. Cheers!” Nathan said, as everyone raises their glasses in support.

“You idiot! Don't you have eyes?!” Another of Nathan's friends yelled.

Ryan's attention turned back to the glass he had been pouring into for the past few seconds.

He had been too invested in Nathan's crazy story.

“Oh…I am so so sorry!” Ryan apologized, untying his apron to clean the spot on the man's shirt that had been stained.

“Of course it's you. You seem to have a talent for giving people's outfits drink stains” the man commented.

People around laughed. Nathan took a quick glance at the table and scoffed.

“Everyone! The highlight of the day, our celebrity klutz bartender has done it again!” Nathan announced, as the crowd erupted in laughter.

Ryan faced the floor, walking away slowly. This was now a canon event in his life.

He walked straight to the entrance of the venue, tossing his apron in the trash. He was done for the day.

“Hey bud! Been a while! We miss you back at the Jordan Mansion” a familiar voice called.

Ryan turned to see HIM.

Kale, one of the few people who had managed to turn his life upside down.

Ryan drew his fist and landed a deep punch aimed at Kale’s left eye.

“Ahh! You monster! What have you done?! I can't see anything!” Kale screamed.

Everyone stopped and began to gather around Kale.

Ryan dashed out from the scene as fast as he could. He was in trouble again.

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