“What's going on here?”.

That was Vanessa. Everyone turned to the direction of her voice.

She clutched a bunch of shopping bags in her hands, while trying to balance her purse under her armpit.

“Where are you coming from Vanessa?” Flora asked, concerned for their image.

“That's none of your business mom, I am a grown woman” she spat.

Vanessa looked around to see everyone staring at them. Then she spotted Ryan and instantly knew nothing good had happened.

“Ryan, let's go” she commanded, dumping all the shopping bags on him.

Ryan followed after her, wondering why she had saved him from the situation. He sensed that it was not merely to hold her shopping bags. It was completely unlike her.

“Put down the bags in my closet and come join me in bed” Vanessa instructed.

Ryan paused.

“Huh?” He asked, surprised.

“Don't make me repeat myself Ryan” she answered, dragging her words.

Ryan did as instructed and returned to see her laying down, her legs spread out across the large bed. Ryan sighed, finally realizing that she had been completely drunk all these while.

He arranged the sheets, leaning in to cover her up. She pulled him in suddenly, smashing her lips against his. Ryan was shocked, as they had never been this intimate before.

Her hands wandered around, as she suddenly came alive, sitting on his laps and caressing his mustache.

“What are you doing, Vanessa?” Ryan asked, breaking the kiss.

He didn't want to take advantage of her in her drunken state. Vanessa did not answer him as she got out of bed and took off all her clothes, standing buck naked in front of him.

“Trying to please you, Mr. Sexy ” she answered in her most attractive voice.

Before Ryan could say anything more, she tugged at his clothes, peeling them off one by one.

Vanessa dragged Ryan back into her bed, pulling up the covers as they pleasured themselves throughout the rest of the night.

“What the fuck!” Vanessa screamed.

Ryan jumped out of her bed immediately, fearing the worst.

“What's the problem, Vanessa?” He asked, ignorant.

“You! You are the problem, you idiot! What are you doing in my bed?!” She screamed, holding the covers over her chest.

Ryan sighed, placing his hand on his head. He began to recall everything that had happened the night before.

“I promise, you were drunk. I didn't do anything to you, you dragged me into bed” Ryan explained, scampering around the room for his clothes.

“God, how could I be so stupid?! To…with you? Ewww! Get out of my room!” Vanessa screamed again, visibly irritated.

“Yeah…yes…on it” Ryan stuttered, almost out of breath.

He quickly put on his clothes and dashed out of her room.

“So how was the party?” Kale asked, brushing past him.

Ryan despised Kale more than anybody else in that moment, but he had to have his bath and a change of clothes before anyone would put two and two together.

He rushed past Kale and down the short flight of stairs to the storeroom in the basement. Slouching against the wall, Ryan heaved a sigh of relief.

He could not still process what had happened between him and Vanessa, but he had a feeling that their relationship would change for the worse.

“Get up you filthy, lazy thing!” Flora yelled with disgust, emptying a bowl of ice packs on him.

Ryan jumped up, shivering slightly. He had been too deep in thought and had not realized when he fell asleep for the second time.

“Why are you sleeping when you should be cleaning up?” Flora questioned.

“I…I'm…I'll get to that” Ryan replied, confused.

His clothes were now wet from the ice and he was more broken down than usual. Flora stopped him, grabbing the neck of his shirt and peering straight into his eyes.

“Always be reminded of your place in our lives and this place. You will never be anything more than the marriage partner to our daughter that we were very unfortunate to house and feed. So don't even try to act smart at any point or try to bring disgrace to my family, got it?” she spat, with building irritation.

Ryan nodded, facing the floor. Flora stormed out of the storeroom, yelling instructions at the other servants.

Ryan rushed to take a bath and change his clothes so he could join the other servants for the day.

He had learnt not to dwell on the constant insults he received from the Jordan's. It was the only thing that kept him going, especially as he could not afford to be anywhere else.


“I was at the doctor's office today and he confirmed it. I am just so frustrated!” Vanessa cried.

Ryan stopped in his tracks. He leaned close to the door to listen to the rest of the conversation.

He knew it was strange that Hans and Flora exchanged glances and asked him to leave, the minute Vanessa got home.

“Let me see the test results” he heard Hans say.

Vanessa sounded like she was tense as her breathing was awfully loud.

“No! No, no, no, Vanessa. How could you be so damn careless?!” Hans yelled.

“This is exactly why you listen to your parents, miss grown woman!” Flora yelled, supporting Hans.

“I…I don't know what happened mom. This is a horrible mistake” Vanessa responded, bursting into tears.

“And you're very sure it belongs to Ryan?” Hans asked, breaking into a whisper.

Ryan froze. What was his?

“Yes, dad. Very sure. He was the only person I've been with since the marriage date” Vanessa replied, between sniffles.

“Then we have to get rid of it” Hans said, without emotion.

“No! Of course not! I'm not putting my body in potential danger for the baby of that idiot!” Vanessa exclaimed.

“I support her. There has to be another way” Flora spoke.

“Well, whatever you end up coming up with, just make sure that worthless bastard does not have any knowledge about this” Hans said.

Tears ran down Ryan's cheeks. He was used to being the worthless son-in-law, and now he was considered too worthless to even be a father to his child.

He could deal with Vanessa treating him like nothing, but she was not going to keep his child from him.

Ryan felt a sudden push through the door. He turned back. Kale snickered, dashing to the kitchen. His fists curled up in a ball in anger.

“Were you listening to our conversation?!” Hans snapped.

Ryan turned. He fell to his knees. It was too late to pretend like he didn't know what was going on.

“Please don't keep my child from me. I beg you!” Ryan pleaded like his life depended on it.

“That decision is not up to you! You can't even take care of yourself as a full blown adult, talk more of a child!” Flora told him.

“I promise I'll work anywhere. I'll take care of the child. Vanessa can stay here and I'll be out in the streets contributing every dime I make to the child” Ryan pleaded further, his eyes welling up with tears.

“You are a big shame to my family, Ryan. Vanessa made a horrific mistake and we will be sure to fix it. I will make sure you never come an inch closer to her or this child until we decide what's best for the situation" Hans spoke with a straight face.

“Please! Vanessa, please! I beg of you all! I'm willing to try…”.

“I'm giving you just a day's grace and by this time tomorrow, you should be out of this residence, Ryan. I can not afford any more slip-ups from you” Hans interrupted, walking out of the room.

Flora led Vanessa out of the room immediately. Ryan sat on the floor in shock.

Hans' last statement only meant one thing. His life was practically over.

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