Renee attempt
Renee walked into Lucas’s office, her heart pounding with a mix of determination and regret. She knew she had hurt him deeply, but she was desperate to make things right. As she approached Lucas, she placed her hands gently on his chest, looking up into his eyes.

“Lucas, I know how much I’ve hurt you,” she began, her voice trembling. “But it’s time we fix everything. I still care about you.”

Lucas stepped back, his expression cold and unyielding. "Renee, you need to understand that the world isn’t made for you and me. I don’t love you, not even for a moment. Norah is the only one I love. This should be the last time, you stepped you leg into my office " Now leave." Lucas said to her, about pushing Renee out from his office.

Sure, here’s a rewritten and more detailed version starting from Thomas assuring Lucas:

Thomas barged into Lucas’s office, his face alight with triumph. “Finally, I have evidence, and with this, Norah will know about Renee placing her hands on your chest and trying
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