Liah sat in her quarters thinking about the Queen's words. She'd known Eina for a long time and just like her, Eina’s parents were also criminals. The girl would do anything to keep her parents' heads. The only one who would want General Ragi out of the way was Lord Cedric. This Lord Cedric was the one who let Eina's parents get away with her crimes.With the two pieces coming together, she realized that Eina was working under Lord Cedric just like her. She knew this before her talk with the queen.The leaf the Queen wanted used to be one of their most cherished plants. Although it was almost extinct because men like Lord Cedric knew the effects it would have on their activities so they had the plants destroyed. She wasn't lying when she told the Empress the plant was not in the black Empire. She only lied about knowing its existence. She wasn't friends with Eina but Liah knew what Lord Cedric was capable of. The man was one of the cruelest men to ever exist and if this was his as
Four days went by and Ragi was set up for trial. Eina stood proudly, confident that she would win the case effortlessly. The Emperor and his Empress sat at the highest point of the table, followed by the council Lords and lastly, the judges. Small murmurings were going around as the people discussed and argued about the case. Once the hammer hit the table, everyone fell silent waiting for the procession. “I know you all are aware of the reasons you are gathered here today but there would be a slight change in today’s session…” Murmurings arose once again and the hammer hit the table once again to get them silent. “We plan to get this over with as quickly as possible which is why we will be introducing a long-age tradition instead of the customary swearing”. Lord Cedric shifted uneasily in his seat. What was this new twist they were introducing? He was certain that the Emperor had something to do with the new development. his eyes flickered to Styles’ who remained sitting on his se
“We need more forces!”Cedric said suddenly. Mona stared at him as though he had gone mad. “Why are you giving me that look? You should know that the two of us cannot do this alone. We lost Tacki and now, Eina is gone too, thankfully before she exposed us. We need more forces.” “More forces? This looks like a lost cause to me. Can you not see how tragically our plans fail when we are so close to executing them?” Mona asked him. Cedric’s displeasure was evident on her face. He couldn’t blame the brat for whining. If she had been with him in the beginning, she would have seen bigger plans with no loopholes crash. He couldn’t bother explaining to her either. All the girl wanted was to be Queen. She didn’t know the hard work that came with the position. “If you are no longer interested in working with him, feel free to leave. I will not force you to work with me to the top. It is solely your decision!” he stated. Although he sounded calm, Mona could see the fury in his eyes, He di
Elena blinked, unable to believe that she outed herself to her family. What would they think of her now? “Mona, it’s not what you think…” Elena took a step forward but Mona backed away. Even the boys who were always in support of the her looked at her like she was the devil. “I can explain..” “There is nothing to explain, Elena. Did you or did you not?” Her husband cut in. Cedric was thrilled by the news. Elena was certainly the woman he needed on his team not her weak daughter. “I did, alright. Were you expecting me to watch my daughter get married to a nobody? Everything I did was for her good!” Eena defended. “You are so unbelievable, Mother! You decapitated a man that I loved for your selfish desires! How cruel can you be?” Mona was pissed to the point that tears pricked her eyes. “And to think you made it seem like an accident. What if those men succeeded in raping me? What would be your excuse then?” “They wouldn’t. I only asked them to pretend like they wanted to. At le
When a guard informed Ivory that the king had to go with the Lords to check out the kingdom borders and would be returning the next day, she was somewhat relieved. She didn’t need him around her whilst she was trying to sort out this misunderstanding. Bile rose in her throat once again and she dashed to the bathroom to throw up. Wiping her mouth, she became even more skeptical that the reports were mixed up. She was clearly showing signs of pregnancy. Ivory returned sullenly to her bed and tried to think it over. The King hadn’t touched her in a month, she had been unconscious for weeks and she just woke up days ago, how was she a week pregnant then? She chewed on her nails as she reasoned the situation, an act that would be deemed unbefitting of an empress. “If I keep thinking about this, I might go crazy. I just have to wait for the doctor’s report. Maybe this is all a big misunderstanding,” she mumbled. Once she convinced herself of that, she relaxed and distracted her mind wit
Styles arrived at the border with Ragi and he met the intruders at the border. They were heavily built with tall intimidating frames. Ragi, however, remained unfazed by their forms. Styles got off his horse to meet them and that was when the hefty men gave way to reveal the small petite woman. Her attire suggested she was a royal. He could barely make anything of her face because of the veil that concealed her face but her delicate steps and apparent grace made her appear like the most fragile creature he’d ever seen. “Greetings, your majesty,” she bowed and the men followed suit. “I am Princess Heli from the Yung tribe. I have been sent by my people to formally seek the protection of the black empire against the tyranny of the Wang empire. Do not send me away, I beseech you.” Her voice was melodious, blending with her stunning grace. Styles glanced at Ragi who nodded in approval. “Your greetings have been accepted and your grievances duly noted. What I do not understand is why y
“That will not happen. I am already married and I do not have plans of taking another wife,” Styles told her. Heli slowly removed the veil to reveal her beautiful face. Styles was instantly mesmerized by her beauty. “May I ask that you kindly reconsider your offer?” She asked coyly. Styles was unable to look away even when he wanted to. It was like her eyes had him entrapped. “I. Have. A. Wife.” He articulated the words and she touched his face lightly. Styles wanted to catch her hands and peel it off his face but he couldn't. Something above his power was restraining him from doing his will. “I know that but you are Emperor but nothing prevents you from taking another wife. I only want the good of my people and I do not trust to be fair to them so it is only right I wed you so I will get enough power to make decisions concerning their welfare,” Heli told him. She stood up and walked over to his side. She dropped her arms on his shoulders and leaned over to look at him. “What. H
“Your Majesty, what a pleasant surprise,” Ragi moved out of the way for her to come in. Ivory walked in. “I'm sorry for barging in on you, unannounced,” she apologized.“It's totally fine. I'm glad to have you here. What may I offer you?” He asked. Ivory didn't really want anything but she realized she needed the liquid courage to ask this outrageous question in her head. “Your finest wine. Impress me,” she shrugged, taking a seat. Ragi walked to his bar and picked out the wine on the topmost shelf. “I hope this doesn't disappoint you. It is not the finest wine in the kingdom but it is the finest in my possession,” he told her. “That is quite sweet of you. Almost ungeneral-like,” she teased. Amusement lit his eyes as he grabbed two glasses. “I heard you were not feeling well. I assume you're better now?” He threw a glance at her.“Thankfully.”Ragi poured the drink in both glasses and offered her one which she gracefully accepted. She took a sip and her eyes widened. “This is in
“You already cast this spell on me. Am I supposed to stay awake forever, Darell?” Ivory was fed up. “Please calm down, your highness,” Darell said softly. “How many more of these temporary spells do I need? You already did the first one and it wore off in three days or less and now this?” Ivory exasperated.“We are trying to buy time to find a solution, Your Majesty. Please understand,” Darell explained calmly. She couldn't find it in her to get pissed at Ivory. She couldn't even imagine what the woman was going through now. “You know what, I'm done with this!” Ivory growled and stormed out of the room. “Where is she going? Somebody stop her!” Darell yelled but the glares that Ivory threw their way made them stand back. They resorted to informing the Emperor as he was the only one who could calm her down. Ivory got to the kitchen and matched to the cabinets where the knives were kept. The maids gasped as she grabbed the butcher knife. Darell rushed into the kitchen at that mom
Darell went to the execution ground with a couple of guards. Roy was still unconscious and it was perfect for her operation. She set her materials in place and started the ritual. Soon enough, she invaded Roy's mind but just before she could extract the information she was looking for, his eyes flew open and a cruel laugh escaped him.“What do you think you are doing?” He asked her. “Do you think I will keep such confidential information in my head?” “What did the Empress do to you?” Darell demanded.“Nothing,” he shrugged. “Was it the Emperor then?” She asked. “He doesn't need to do anything for me to punish him. I love the feeling of crushing the weak,” he laughed. Darell knew this man was a maniac.She knocked him back unconscious with an enchanted powder and began the ritual once again. Although he made it clear that the answers were not in his mind, she didn't want to relent. Even if she didn't get a direct answer, she was sure she would find a clue on how to stop it. She
The first hit had Daniel flying across the street. He let out a loud groan as his back connected with the tree. This wasn't the regular fight he was used to but he knew exactly what he was getting himself into when he challenged Roy.He forced himself up the ground and charged towards Roy but the man easily swung him to the side. “You know when you challenged me, I actually thought you had some insight on how to fight me spiritually,” he huffed, “but engaging you has proven to be a waste of time!”“Which is why you should take me on!” A feminine voice challenged from behind. Roy already recognized the voice as Darell's.He whipped his head around, surprised that she could get the chains off her. He'd always known there was something special about this woman and every single minute he spent with her proved that she was twice as powerful as he was.“I didn't expect you to be up so soon,” he said. “How long did you think I could stand the stench of your wife?” Darell retorted. “Wife?
Eisha didn't dare look back as she ran. Although she was afraid of what would happen to Daniel with her gone, she knew it was necessary to save the Empress before the monster she once considered a friend got to her. She didn't think that Daniel was equipped enough to hold him down for long and her legs were getting tired. On sighting a horse from a distance, she quickly flagged the horse and luckily it was a royal horse. “Who are you running?” The soldier asked. Eisha was about to respond when she suddenly realized that a single royal horse couldn't be out here in their market.It only meant one thing. Without responding, she dashed past him, running to catch a carriage to the palace. Her heart skipped when she heard the horse galloping behind her.“Hey, woman! Stop there!” He yelled. She quickly diverted into a narrow street and went through several houses, confident he wouldn't find her. By the time she was out on the street again, the rider was nowhere in sight. She flagged a
“You need to come with me to the palace now,” Daniel told Eisha. “Why? Is something wrong?” She asked. It was sudden to see him return at that this time of the day so she knew for sure that something was up. “Yes, very wrong. The Empress, something is happening to her and we don't know the cause of it,” he said. “What is wrong with the Empress?” Eisha asked. “Her nightmares are becoming reality. She has bite and claw marks all over her and it's becoming frightening. I have this feeling it might have something to do with Roy,” he said. Eisha frowned. She didn't exactly see the connection. As if he read her mind, he responded. “The attacks started immediately after the ceremony,” he explained.“I know Roy is into some shady business but I am not sure he has anything to do with the Empress' ailment,” Eisha argued. “Fine! Even if he's not responsible for it, let's inform the Emperor about his true identity.”“I don't know, Daniel. Is that really necessary…” Eisha drawled uneasily.
Darell opened her eyes to an unfamiliar environment. The place was stuffy and smelled like it hadn't been cleaned in years. Her heightened senses could pick out the smell of a rotting corpse somewhere. She tried to sit up from the lying position only to discover that her body was chained to the bed. Her nose scrunched in irritation. “You're awake,” the gruff voice startled her. She didn't notice his presence in the room, until now. “That's good. I was hoping we could have a civil conversation.”“If you were going to abduct me, you should have at least picked somewhere with enough oxygen. I would the bare first than a room with a rotting corpse,” Darell said.Roy's eyes widen in shock. He thought the spell he used to give the room a homely smell was very effective since no one ever complained about it.How come she smelled it in just seconds of consciousness?“I don't know what you're talking about,” he denied. “You have a yard behind this place, don't you? Didn't it occur to you
Darell squinted her eyes, trying to get a glimpse of his true appearance but there was nothing for her to see. Everything was concealed by the mask on his face. “I don't want to kill you. Left to me, I wouldn't even be here but you are trying to interfere with something that is none of your business and I can't let that happen,” Roy said. “You mean the royal family? I'm afraid that is every bit my business as it is yours and I am going to stop you,” Darell said confidently. Darell pulled out a sword, surprising her. For someone with such an evil aura, she expected him to go fully spiritual on her. “A blade? I thought we were playing with magic. Except, you're not as powerful as you pretend to be,” she mocked. Roy didn't let her words get to him. The mountain already weakened him enough. Any attack he made on this woman had to be physical.She could head to head with him spiritually because of his weak state but her dainty form was no match for his physical strength.“You are not
“What do you think?” Ragi moved away from the Empress with a puzzled expression. “I must confess your highness, I have never seen anything like this. It is strange to me,” Ragi said.Ivory’s shoulder sagged hopelessly. She was expecting that response. Even in her kingdom, there had never been a record of anything like it. “So what do we do now? We have less than ten hours to figure this out, Ragi. I don't want my wife going to bed and waking up with more injuries. We need to do something about this,” Styles said. “I'm sorry, your Majesty but I really don't understand what we can do in this situation. It is a new ailment and it is quite scary,” Ragi sighed.Ivory stood, begging to be excused. She couldn't take it anymore. The images in her head was scary enough, she didn't need a reconfirmation.Styles wanted to go after her but Ragi stopped him.“Maybe Darell can help,” he suggested.“Right, Darell! Why didn't we think about that earlier? Get her here as soon as possible. I'll go
Ivory sat in her chelanvers, staring at the clock. She was afraid to sleep. She didn't want a repeat of what happened the last time.A part of her was still trying to convince her that it was all in her head. That she probably for the scratches from thrashing. But the injuries were too deep to have been her nails and the doctor confirmed it too.Styles walked into the room and this time, she was well aware of his presence. “My love,” she smiled. “Why are you still awake? It's pretty late,” he asked then glanced at the baby's cot, “was she giving you trouble?”“A little but I'm glad she's asleep now. I didn't expect you to come in so soon,” she said. Of a truth, she didn't expect him to come to her chambers at all. She was afraid he would easily notice the marks. Although she was fully clothed, she could feel the lust as his eyes roamed her body. “You're a bit overdressed, don't you think?” He spoke up and she bit her lip. “I was catching a cold,” she lied. “Are you feverish?” H