Ch 227 - High Speed Chase

Then he grabbed my body and carried me like a rice bag, with his left hand firmly around my belly.

"Hey, I could run by myself!" I shouted in displeasure at Mr. Lackey's action.

"Master Seorus, shut your foot up!" He cursed at me and kept running forward to escape.

He ran very fast, leaving Lake Town behind us.

If I compared it to a bike, its speed was about 100 kilometers per hour.




I heard a sound that was very familiar to me when I was in the underworld in my previous body.

Then I tilted my head and looked at where the source of the sound came from.

"F-floating bike?" I was shocked to see the floating bike chase us very fast.

On top of the floating bikes were soldiers from the underworld.

"One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine..." I counted that there were a total of nine floating bikes chasing us, and one of them managed to close the distance.

"Pick a boo!" She exclaimed in excitement while pointing her spear at me and thrusting at my he
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