Ch 239 - I Did To Protect You!
"Who allows all of you to laugh?" The feminine voice asked from behind me, and the voice was very familiar to me.

Suddenly, all the women in the uniform kneeled and bowed their heads.

The area went silent with only the sound of the wind, which made me feel a little calmer.

'What just happened?' I thought.

I looked back to find the owner of the voice, and I saw Freya coming out of her starship while turning my body to face her.

"Seo, calm down, please?" Freya walked to me slowly, stopped in front of me, and tapped on my shoulders with her hands while looking into my eyes.

I felt very calm with her beautiful green eyes on me. "But she murdered the innocent," I replied, then pointed my finger at the murderer.

"Seo, listen to me, okay?" Freya asked me in a pleading tone. "The police force was following my orders to execute and interrogate. They will be reallocated to another government after executing two of the sinners," she added.

"Sinners? What do you mean by sinners?" I
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