
This force was much more powerful than whatever Damien had ever accosted in his entire life. He was confused and worried that things might not go in his way. This force was nothing close to what he had faced in the past. It was much more scary and demanding.

If the force was all that he needed to conquer, wouldn't that be enough? But the voice had threatened to take him back to the realm by force.

No, he wouldn't allow that to happen! He wouldn't return to the realm! At least not now. Not now that the BMX girls are about to make history repeat itself.

He couldn't really tell how he got here and how he was thrown into the depth of the ocean. He couldn't tell if he teleported or disappeared.

He had left the tower to go and figure out where things went wrong with the new girls. He had felt dizzy, and when he opened his eyes, he was choking in the dark.

This force was a wave of thick steam. It was hot and full of strong substances. He could feel it wrapping around his waist like the
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