Lost Control

"Wow, looking over this list again, it's clear just how impressive Amemura is. He scored an incredible 600 points, outpacing Midnight by a substantial margin of 100 points!"

Ryoshu'sRyoshu's friend exclaimed, eyes wide with amazement as they reviewed the freshly printed results. The numbers were still crisp on the page, highlighting Amemura's name at the top with a bold score beside it. Ryoshu, however, seemed preoccupied as he fumbled with a newspaper he had just picked up.

"This... just came out... I didn't have a chance to hear the scores earlier, but... it doesn't," Ryoshu muttered, his voice trailing off as he opened the newspaper. He was soon engrossed, his eyes moving methodically across the columns of text.

Despite his initial nonchalance, he found himself compelled to read each word meticulously. A sense of helplessness washed over him as he realized he had no choice but to absorb every detail. The weight of the information bore down on him, making him feel like he was being
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