We'll get you out of here

But just as Ryoshu was about to entirely turn away, a faint, desperate groan reached his ears from somewhere behind him. The sound was weak but unmistakable, a cry for help that cut through the scene's chaos.

"H-help me..."

Ryoshu spun around quickly, his eyes scanning the wreckage. Amidst the debris, he spotted a hand clinging desperately to the floor. Once smooth and polished, the floor was now cracked and splintered, bearing the scars of the teacher's overly powerful sword technique. Chunks of wood and stone lay scattered around, a testament to the violent force that had been unleashed.

The hand was small and pale, fingers trembling with effort as they gripped the damaged floor. Without a moment's hesitation, Ryoshu's instincts kicked in. He lunged forward and grasped the hand firmly. The skin was cold and clammy, and he could feel the desperation in the weak grip. Whoever this was, they were barely hanging on.

Ryoshu knew he had to act fast. Summoning all his strength, he began to
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