The CEO of Moore Group

Logan lifted his chin defiantly, meeting their arrival with an unyielding expression. Ariana jabbed her index finger toward Logan's face, then spewed venomous accusations in all directions. "Officer, this scum has no regard for the law! He assaulted my boyfriend without cause and callously departed. You must arrest him and toss him in jail!"

Two officers fixed Logan with stern gazes before questioning, "Is her accusation accurate?"

"Yes," Logan responded without hesitation. "However, there's a reason behind my actions."

"We don't need any reasons," one officer interjected with disdain. "Assault within a hospital warrants arrest, regardless of justification."

Logan regarded them with an icy stare and responded stoically, "What would you do if you discovered your spouse cheating with a colleague? I suspect you'd react just as I did."

As if indifferent, an officer produced handcuffs while walking towards Logan. "Save your explanations for the jury. Here, we won't hear any bullshit coming out of your mouth."

The officer attempted to grasp Logan's hand, but the young man swiftly sidestepped, catching the others off guard. Refusing to comply with a police officer's arrest could escalate matters, demanding a resolute reaction. It was evident to all that Logan was only exacerbating his situation by behaving recklessly.

"Are you defying our authority?" the officer inquired, his tone edged with cunning. 

"I harbor no guilt, Mr. Officer," Logan retorted cynically. "You've lost your conscience."

The officer seemed to grow irritated after Logan provoked him several times. "You know, I can use force if you force me to."

"Huh!" Logan snorted disdainfully. "Dare to lay a finger on me, I won't hesitate to defend myself with force as well."

Logan's words caused the officer to falter, taking a few steps backward before withdrawing his pistol from its holster. His two companions mirrored his actions, brandishing their own firearms.

They bellowed in unison, "Kneel down! Hands on your head!"

Logan's smile held bitterness; he realized that his recent words had been interpreted by the officers as a genuine threat.

"C'mon, pal. We'd rather not be in this position," the officer implored. "Consider the potential consequences. How many patients in this hospital might suffer from panic or even heart attacks due to the sound of gunfire?"

Another officer said, "Moreover, you surely don't want to die for something silly like this."

Logan maintained his smile, his stance unwavering. Towering with resolve, he taunted, "A man's legacy is forged by his courage or his cowardice. You may opt for the last one, but I'll always choose the first one."

The three officers exchanged glances for a brief moment before nodding in silent agreement. Swiftly, their fingers moved to flip the safety levers on their pistols to the open position.

The muzzles of the weapons were now aimed directly at Logan's face.

"This is your last warning before we smash your head like a rotten watermelon, pal," the officer threatened. "Kneel down and hands up."

Logan remained rooted in place, his resolve unshaken. He understood that the officers had intended to shoot him from the outset; their warnings were merely a formality. Thus, though he complied by kneeling and raising his hands to his head, Logan accepted that his fate had been sealed for this day.

As Logan glanced at Ariana and her new boyfriend, who were smiling broadly, realization dawned upon him. This entire ordeal had been orchestrated, and they were the masterminds behind it all. They had paid off those officers to execute Logan "legally," thereby silencing any repercussions from their affair.


In the midst of the tense standoff, a voice pierced the air, capturing everyone's attention. All eyes turned towards a beautiful young woman clad in patient attire, sprinting towards them. Upon closer inspection, the onlookers were taken aback as they recognized the girl's true identity.

"My goddess, isn't that Shania Moore?"

"I can't believe my eyes receiving such blessing. People weren't lying about her beauty!"

"Miss Moore is the perfect depiction of a woman!"

While the officers were busy praising Shania Moore's beauty, Ariana wondered, "Why is she here?"

Shania Moore continued her sprint, bypassing Ariana and the officers, until she abruptly halted directly in front of Logan.

"Never dare to shoot him!" she shouted, her voice ringing out with fierce determination as she stretched out both of her arms in a commanding gesture.

Logan was so surprised that he almost vomited blood. 'Holy shit, does this girl know my identity?!'

Shania, clad in patient attire and sporting a worn-out appearance, couldn't abruptly intervene to shield Logan. There had to be a significant reason driving her actions. Logan's concern grew, speculating whether this girl had recognized him as the one who had saved her life just moments ago.

Meanwhile, the officers reluctantly lowered their weapons, their movements hesitant. One of them addressed Shania, "Miss Moore, why are you shielding this guy? He's a criminal."

"Why not?" Shania raised her sharp chin and said challengingly, "If I want something, I'll get it. Now tell me, who instructed you to arrest this man?"

"I did," Ariana stepped forward with a hint of hesitation. "I reported this janitor to the police, Miss Moore. He assaulted my boyfriend, causing a broken nose, before fleeing the scene."

Logan clenched his fists. Ariana always managed to position herself as the victim of her own mistakes. Why didn't she tell the reason why her "boyfriend" got punched?

"Withdraw your report right now," Shania replied coldly.

"Miss Moore, this scum doesn't deserve—"

"Withdraw your report, RIGHT NOW!" Shania repeated in a raised voice. "Do you even know who I am?"

Spitting out her words, Ariana replied, "You're Shania Moore, the CEO of Moore Group."

"Exactly. I'm the head of Moore Group, and Moore Group holds the majority shares in this hospital. If I desire your dismissal, it's of little consequence," Shania retorted firmly. "So, what are you going to say?" she pressed, her tone unwavering.

Ariana found herself fell into confusion. She cast a desperate glance at her new boyfriend, Bruno, but he took a few steps back, preparing to make his escape, leaving Ariana stranded and alone.

"I..." Stammering, Ariana hesitated, biting her lip. "Okay, Miss Moore. I withdraw the report."

Nodding in satisfaction, Shania shifted her gaze towards the police officers. "Did you hear that?" she remarked sarcastically.

The police officers, despite their initial eagerness to apprehend Logan, found themselves powerless as Ariana withdrew her report.

Everyone left Shania and Logan alone in the hospital corridor as soon as possible, not wanting to get into any more trouble.

"Miss, why did you help me?" Logan finally inquired, his voice tinged with curiosity.

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