You Don't Deserve to Buy Any Single House!

Logan zipped through the city streets on his electric scooter, a newfound determination glinting in his eyes. The hospital incident had been a turning point, pushing him to turn a fresh page in his life. He was headed to Dragon Valley, the most exclusive neighborhood in Southriver Hill.

Logan arrived and parked his scooter in front of a grand real estate agency, its glass windows and luxurious decor exuding opulence.

Entering the office, Logan immediately sensed a cold, dismissive atmosphere. The staff eyed him with disdain, judging his modest appearance and his scooter. To them, someone like him couldn't possibly afford even the cheapest home in Dragon Valley.

Logan ignored their looks and walked confidently to the reception desk, clearing his throat. "Good morning," he said firmly. "I'd like to see the most luxurious residence you have."

The receptionist, a young woman with neatly tied blonde hair, raised her eyebrows and looked at Logan as if he were joking.

"You're not fooling, s
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