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My Mystique Hunting System Chapter 12 — Hunting The Crocotta
—[TITLE CARD: A Copule Hours Ago]."Did you really have to knock him unconscious?" Aletta mused to her brother as they slowly exited the hotel building."You saw how adamant Jason was back there and you know that right from a small age he has always gotten what he wanted. Did you seriously expect me to try talking reason with someone like that?" Stephen scoffed."If I didn't know any better I'll say you still haven't gotten over that silly crush. As much as I don't like being a pessimist, Jason isn't worthy of your affections. He is a narcissistic bastard who won't mind using you to achieve his aims " Stephen spat coldly."Look at who is talking? who is it that always winces at the mere mention of Jason becoming a Mystique Hunter huh? no matter how many times you badmouth him, you cannot stop caring about his well-being. You don't want him to go down this wretched path we took " Aletta smiled."You think of him as a little brother.. don't you?" "Shut up " Stephen rolled his eyes."I
My Mystique Hunting System Chapter 13 — Exposing True Face
"Hello, what are your orders please?" a female blonde waitress stopped before a particular table as she flashed its occupants one of her sweetest smiles. "Uhmm.. you must be Stephanie correct?" Stephen scanned his eyes around the restaurant before they fell on the waitress. "As you can see on my badge" the waitress lightly tapped the name badge on her chest. "Yeah. You are right. Would you mind sparing a few minutes of your time? we would like to discuss something with you" Aletta nodded with a smile, exposing her cute set of dimples. "We are record label scouts.. we happened to have come across your cover songs on YouTube.." Stephen hurriedly lied when he noticed the other party was about to decline. "R--Really?!" the waitress named Stephanie instantly showed interest as she glanced at the watch around her wrist. "My shift ends in five minutes.." she informed them, the pace of her breathing suddenly accelerating. "Alright. Meet us outside then " Stephen nodded as he and Alet
My Mystique Hunting System Chapter 14 — Everyone Has Secrets
Bang! The claws of the Crocottta came to a halt as it crashed against the flat surface of a glowing golden colored axe. "Scram!" A swift kick sent the Crocottta staggering back, just in time for Stephen to leap towards it, chopping his axe at his head in an attempt to decapitate it. "Nice try" the Crocotta regained its footing at the last minute. The muscles on his left arm flexed tightly as he blocked the descending axe with it while sending out a jab towards Stephen's chin with his left arm. "Tch" stomping his right foot, Stephen flicked his wrist, loosening his grip on the axe as he initiated a well executed front flip, landing behind the Crocotta. Unstrapping a small dagger, he threw it towards the back of the Crocotta's head. The daggers swiftly struck their mark, bringing about a pained howl. "I.. hate.. hunters!" the Crocottta snarled angrily as it jumped back, drawing enough distance between itself and Stephen, while his left hand snaked around his head, pulling off t
My Mystique Hunting System Chapter 15 — Speak Of The Devil
—[Title Card; Five Days Ago] .. "And then, the old witch killed the two siblings and cooked their hearts into delicious stew!" "So scary!" A group of teenage girls still in uniform sat around a table inside a dimly lit class room. The windows of the classroom were opened wide ajar, allowing the rays of the half moon in the sky to wash over. On the table were about a hundred candles within hundred blue colored Japanese styled paper lanterns. Ninety nine of the candles still had smoke residue floating above their wick, while the last one was still brightly lit. "And that's the last horror story" the teenage girl who was the one telling the horror story pursed her lips as she attempted to blow off the flames on the last candle wick. "Club President, are you sure this spell is going to work?" one of the twelve teenage girls present couldn't help but question as the corner of her lips twisted skeptically. "Heh" the Club President patted an old looking tome on the table. "My g
My Mystique Hunting System Chapter 16 — Completely Stomped
Jason was half way through the alleyway path he had taken when he suddenly felt a cold presence brush past his back. Without thinking too much, he flung the bags of boutique clothes into the air, whipping out the Daggers of Cain from the system in built Inventory as he stabbed one of his daggers behind him. Whoosh! A powerful invisible force suddenly crashed against him, knocking him against the wall of the alleyway. Ignoring the slight back pain, Jason immediately whipped up the Sprite Pupils. Following the change in vision, he finally saw his assailant. It was a female Malevolent clad in red robes made out from red plasmic energy. When compared to the previous Malevolent Jason encountered, the plasmic aura surrounding this one was much more potent. "Die!" the female Malevolent was oblivious to the fact that Jason could now see her as she sent three plasmic solidified threads in an attempt to wrap around his neck. Snorting coldly, Jason backed up a bit as his wrist flexed skil
My Mystique Hunting System Chapter 17 — Types Of Mystique Hunters
"Can't you go any softer?!!" Jason let out a hiss filled with anger and a mix of agony. The teenager was currently bare chested, seated on a rumpled queen sized bed. Seated besides him was Aletta, who was dabbing at the injuries on his body with a cotton wool soaked with ethanol. "Quit whining like a babe. It isn't helping" Aletta grunted as she softly brushed the cotton wool across a peeled section of skin on Jason's left rib. The latter stiffened reflexively before gnashing his teeth. "So let me get this straight, you wanted to hunt down a Malevolent? who then trashed you but right before it could go for the kill, a little boy with telekinetic abilities came to your rescue and left with the Malevolent through a portal?" Stephen who was playing a video game on his laptop, gave Jason a fleeting look.. Although he tried to conceal it, Jason could tell he was only a small step away from breaking into a smug grin. "Why do I get the feeling that you are more delighted at my setbac
My Mystique Hunting System Chapter 18 — Urgency To Get Stronger
"You mean you are a Knight?" Although Stephen managed to hide it, Jason could sense the disappointment in his tone. "Were you expecting something more? Considering you hate the idea that I should be a Mystique Hunter?" Aiden snickered. Just as Stephen made to reply, the sound of a notification bell rang from his computer. Clicking on the floating notification tab, a strange expression appeared on his face. "What is it?" "This is an assignment from Headquarters... they wants us to deal with a job.." Stephen replied. "Really? I thought they wanted us to strictly bring Jason straight to the Bunker?" "Well.. except someone just hacked into their database, this is an assignment from them " Stephen shrugged his shoulder. "What did it say then?" If Aletta wasn't busy treating Jason's injuries, she would've rushed over. For Freelance Hunters like them, a direct assignment from the Headquarters meant higher rewards and even a chance at a promotion! Just like every other occupatio
My Mystique Hunting System Chapter 19 — No Sense
"Uhm, Aletta?" Jason hesitated a bit before asking.. "What do you guys know about Union Transformation?" "Union? where did you hear that from?" it was Stephen behind the wheels who replied first. "I kind of know about it. What's your knowledge about it? considering you are the expert here" Jason heavily placed emphasis on the last six words.. "It's a spell.. no, a technique used by Summoners to merge their souls with their contracted demons. Why are you asking about it?" "Nothing. I was just curious. How do one learn this technique?" "Well.." Stephen exhaled deeply. "Summoners are mysterious introverted freaks while Xpers are arrogant dickbags. They love hoarding all their secrets to themselves so much isn't known about them sorry " Jason bit his lower lip as he hesitated for a moment. "Can a non Summoner learn the Union transformation technique?" "Alright, that's enough vague questions. What the hell are you driving at J.C?" Stephen gave him a deep look through the rea
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Chapter 53 — Benefits Of Being The Boss
"Still stubborn?" the level 4 Malevolent smirked evily as she watched Jason choking for breath. Even if the other party wanted to grovel, they couldn't.. not while she had her heels pressed against his throat. "Hmm.. you are no fun. You can die now!" the level 4 Malevolent retracted her heel briefly before attempting to slam it down against Jason's throat. This time, her stomp contained an even more powerful magnitude. If the blow landed, Jason's neck was going to be crushed! However the young Mystique Hunter seemed to have been anticipating this small opening as he did a side roll, causing the stomp kick to miss. —[Samson has been activated!] Retracting her heel, the level 4 Malevolent closed in on Jason who was struggling to crawl back with his butts. She sent a ruthless kick towards his chest however Jason's arms lifted up in front of his chest at the opportune moment, blocking the blow with the flat part of both daggers that were now crossed against each other. Splurt!
Chapter 52 — Wiping The Floor With
Within a wide expanse of grassland, two figures were engaged in an intense clash. Crouching low a bit, Jason advanced towards the level 4 Malevolent as he slashed the right dagger upwards, it's tip aimed for her throat. "Heh" the lips of the Malevolent curled as she took a relaxed step back, causing the dagger slash to hit empty air. Before Jason could regain his stance, the other party landed a kick on his chest, causing the young Mystique Hunter to merely stagger back a couple feet.. "You kick like a girl.." Jason scorned while twirling the daggers around his fingers. He had seen many Texas rangers in Hollywood movies, use this technique with their revolvers.. he never expected to be so good at it with daggers. "I was just testing you.." "Excuses.." Jason lurched forward, spinning his body mid air as he curved his right arms, stabbing towards the left ribcage of the other party. Puchi! However to Jason's confusion, the attack landed accurately on the mark, causing the M
Chapter 51 — The Boss
—[Samson has been activated!] At that moment, the slight sluggishness Jason was previously feeling suddenly disappeared like a puff. At that moment, he noticed twelve plasmic tendrils rolling towards him. Gripping the hilt of the right dagger tightly, Jason suddenly felt a weird sensation. It was like the strength in his body was mysteriously being transferred into the dagger.. Ignoring the weird sensation, the muscles on Jason's wrist flexed as he hurled the dagger towards the approaching attacks. According to what Jason knew so far, there was no way he could stop an attack condensed from plasmic energy with his physical body.. only the klypt daggers had this ability. Snip! However to Jason's pleasant surprise, the dagger streaked across the air, slicing through the attacks like hot knife through butter as it continued forward, reaping the lives of two peak level 2 Malevolents before losing its momentum. Before it could drop to the ground, Jason recalled the dagger back into t
Chapter 50 — Fatigue
Bang! Bang! Bang! Jason's arms moved in rapid succession as he blocked the karate chops from the skinny Malevolent with both Klypt daggers, while continuously being forced on the defensive. "I still don't get why you told me your origin story.. I see no connection between that and the current situation.." Jason tried to attack the other party from the left, only for his sneaky attack to be blocked as he was forced stumbling back. "Considering I'm in a good mood, I won't mind spelling it out for you. I'm currently on a crucial brink of a breakthrough and I'm just lacking a crucial key.. you are that key young Kincie.. once I devour your soul, I will be able to reach that level!" The skinny Malevolent suddenly opened his mouth wide, however Jason seemed to have been anticipating this same attack. Hurling the left dagger towards the Malevolent, the dagger missed his cheeks by a large margin as it sank straight through the ground. Ignoring this, Jason waved the right dagger in f
Chapter 49 — Mummie From The Planetoid; Shalom
—[Host has vanquished the level 2 Malevolent]—[Host has received +250 Mystique Coins] Panting lightly, Jason stared at the pile of ghost ash around him before heaving softly. He had already forgotten how many Malevolents he had killed. "Lesser level two Malevolents are easy as pie, same as greater level 2 ones.." he wiped off the sweat trapped underneath his nose as he stared at the monoliths in the distance. He had yet to encounter a Malevolent stronger than a greater level 2 Malevolent. Honestly, Jason was beginning to get bored. It was no fun if he could just kill the opponent in one shot. Six more Monoliths glowed briefly as their residents lurched towards Jason. Exchanging a couple blows with them, Jason analyzed them to be greater level 2 Malevolents. Just when he decided to get serious and finish them off, an awfully large Monolith unexpectedly released a glow from his left. Bang! Its resident had just made an appearance when he charged towards Jason, knocking away the
Chapter 48 — Kenneth Christel
Spreading her arms apart, the head Witch seemed to be fully basked in the rays of the moon as she began a chant in unfiltered Empryeanochian. "Ni Sirbenet muitselesc murallets te allets naretea eanul" "Ni Sirbenet muitselesc murallets te allets naretea eanul" the group of Witches around her chorused in perfect unision.. "Seledif Seroros Egrevnoc Supmet" "Seledif Seroros Egrevnoc Supmet" "Són eralleppa dá sugam mummus!""Són eralleppa dá sugam mummus!" "Tīs aitarg sitagrusnoc!""Tīs aitarg sitagrusnoc!" The twelve tomes that appeared to be mystically linked together suddenly flipped to a particular page as series of mystical characters emerged from within the pages of this tome. Bathed under the brilliant rays of the moonlight, the previously silver colored mystical characters slowly transformed to resemble the light of the moon as they all converged into each other to form a sophisticated formation before descending back on the ground. Dust carelessly swirled as the sigil
Chapter 47 — Dance Of Solomon
Closing the system main command center, Jason fell into deep thoughts. Judging from the injuries he was suffering from his waist and back, it was already a miracle that he hadn't collapsed to the ground yet. As for returning back to that Haunt to engage in another round of battle, it was akin to him throwing his lives away. Jason knew better than to do something that stupid. 'Open the Shop' Jason wanted to test out a theory. Since he could now use the system In-built Shop Function, he was curious to see if there was any elixir that could heal him.. or play a part in accelerating the recovery process.—[SHOP]—Rey Coins: 0(Top Up? Current Conversion rate; 1 Mystique Coin ~ 3 Rey Coins)—BUY—SELL Clicking the *Buy* option, a new window got displayed on the system screen.—BUY Scrolls —Buy Equipments—Buy Buffs Clicking on the *Buff* window, a new column appeared on the system screen, depicting the image of several elixirs along with a brief intro of how they were used. Jason
Chapter 46 — Charm
"Tch" Jason held the right Klypt dagger in front of his face as he vigilantly observed the three Malevolents who now had him surrounded. There was specifically a female and two males in the line up. Just then, the large Malevolent made the first move as it raced towards him, bringing another hammer punch down on his head. "Tch. Not gonna happen!" Jason blocked the punch with the right Klypt dagger, the residue force caused his left knee to almost kiss the ground. The female Malevolent slapped her palms on the ground causing a ripple like effect as a pair of arms condensed from plasmic energy emerged from the ground, slamming down towards Jason. It was akin to a giant palm about to slap an annoying fly into mush. "Hngh!" Jason's wrist flexed intensely as he managed to break out from the deadlock, using the opportunity to leap towards his left Bang! The female Malevolent snorted when her attack failed. Initiating a double back flip, Jason made sure to create a reasonable distan
Chapter 45 — And So It Begins!
—[Host Has Entered A Silver Tier Haunt]—[Special Mission has begun!]—[Mission Requirement: Clear Haunt]—[Time Limit: 5 hrs]—[Good luck and don't die!] The first thing he did was don the Sprite Pupils. Although Kincies had the ability to see Malevolents, Dr. Damian warned him that he couldn't access that ability in his current level."No mission reward was included?" Jason pursed his lips in confusion after he finished reading the system notifications that had just popped up. He finally had the time to observe his surroundings and immediately sucked in a cold breath. The system said he was going to enter an Haunt.. not this! Scanning his eyes around, all what Jason could see was a wide expanse of grassland that stretched so far it didn't seem to have an end. The grass were as tall as humans and were completely blood red, almost like they just survived a downpour of blood. As if that wasn't enough, the atmosphere was bleak.. and like the cliche statement in books.. it smelt of