"Good afternoon, what can I get you both?" the female shop assistant smiled at two Siblings from behind a booth.
Aletta silently fished out a strange azure colored card. When the female shop assistant saw this card, a mixture of surprise and shock flashed in her face as she bowed her head respectfully. "I had no idea. My boss had been expecting you" she said while standing up. "Don't bother. We know our way around" Stephen coldly said as he began to walk deeper into the convinence store. Moments later, the siblings arrived at a wall; a dead end. However, Stephen suddenly slit his thumb with a pocket knife, rubbing his bleeding finger across the surface of the wall. Click. Clack. The sound of mechanical gears whirling, echoed like a groaning nagging old hag as the wall split open, revealing the elevator door behind it. "Tch. I don't get why she has to go through all this security protocol. She's just a pawn shop runner" Stephen rolled his eyes as he slid the azure card into a small slit. With a mechanical beep, the elevator door part open. "Brother, what are your thoughts about Jason's earlier words?" Aletta turned towards Jason after they boarded the elevator. "You mean how he wants to be a Hunter like us? don't tell me you took those words serious?" Stephen snorted. "He was just raving because he was mourning the death of his dear daddy. Once he encounters a ghost or two, he would have no choice but to piss off his pants. I have spent time with Jason and I know what he's capable of. He's a selfish and narcissistic rich brat who plays naughty tricks and hides behind his dear daddy for protecting. He don't have the stomach to face what we face.. the world of the paranormal " Aletta fell silent for a bit as she gave her brother a deep look. "Wow. I wonder how Jason would feel hearing just how low his friend thinks of him " "It's because I am his friend that's why I don't want his life to be as messed up as ours " Stephen retorted. "If it isn't messed up already " Aletta shook her head. "Don't forget brother.. Jason's current situation reminds me of what --" Aletta's words was cut short when the elevator door parted open, revealing a spacious hall. The hall was strangely a mixture of a bar, restaurant and pawn shop. Lining the walls were strange talisman, weapons, rosaries and other items each encased in a see through glass. There was also a bar section, filled with shelves of exotic kind of drinks. There was also a large booth where various delicacies and junk food were served. The whole hall appeared to be in a bustling mood, with several people either checking out the show glasses, chatting amongst themselves while they drink or eating their food calmly. The siblings arrival instantly made them the center of attention. "Wassup kiddos. You both aren't dead yet?" a fattie with worn out sun glasses hanging across his forehead guaffed as he chugged down on a large bottle of bear. "Hmpfh. If an old bastard like you isn't dead yet, what monster would be blind to strike the killing blow?" Stephen grinned, causing the Hunters gathered in the hall to burst into a fit of amused laughter. "We heard you siblings took out a Siren last two weeks.. did you manage to steal some mermaid tears of riches before you sent her to hell?" a middle aged Hunter whose bushy beard was stained with alcohol, chuckled as he wrapped his thick arms around Stephen's shoulder, appearing merry. "Sly bastard. Keep your hands off my pocket!" Stephen snarled as he pushed the other party away, drawing another fit of laughter from the Hunters in the hall. "It's rare to see you kids drop by, come, I'll buy you lunch" a female Hunter who was dining on three cheeseburgers and coke, patted at the empty chair besides her. "Thanks. But we'll take a rain check. We are currently on an assignment and we came here to refill our supply" Aletta declined with a small smile as she led her brother deeper into the hall. Passing through a dimly lit hallway , they arrived before a door. Pushing it open, they walked into an office. The office was well arranged and a slender lady in black office suit and a pair of specs hanging lazily atop her nose seemed to be reading an old looking book from behind her well arranged desk. "Aletta.. Stephen.. you kids made it" the office lady smiled in relief when she saw the Siblings. Amy Wormwood.. she was the owner of the AW Pawn Shop and also the Siblings paternal aunt. "Why does everyone think we should be dead?!" Stephen groaned in frustration. "Why you said? you went against against a Red Witch. You should be lucky you came out alive.. have a seat" Amy pointed at the two seats facing her desk. "So, how is the boy?" she asked after the siblings had made themselves comfortable. "He's with us.. safe" "And.. Simone?" Amy's voice shook a bit. "Dead.. we are really sorry but the Red Witch acted ahead of schedule.." Aletta apologized when she saw a hint of pain flash past her Aunt face before disappearing. "Did she bring her entire coven along?" Amy asked. "We're not sure" Stephen shook his head. "She didn't?" Amy appeared puzzled. "Although the Red Witch is powerful, Simone was one of the most powerful hunters in the Hunters database.. although he was forced to retire, I don't think he would go so rusty that a single Red Witch would be able to take him down" "Well..." Stephen trailed off as he seemed to be hesitating. "Spit it out!" Amy scowled at him. "The Red Witch didn't make a move. When we arrived, it was Ben who made the move.." Aletta confessed. "He must've held back. We all know just what kind of relationship he shares with his younger brother. I mean he chose to abandon you because of.." "You brat! nobody abandoned me!" Amy angrily cut her niece up with a frustrated expression. Gradually calming down, she bit her lower lips as she seemed to be suppressing her rage. "That b*tch! how did she know Ben was an Hell spawn? only a few Hunters know about that! damnit! that crafty bi*ch. To think she would pit both brothers against each other.. that's a new low even for her " Sucking in a deep breath, Amy managed to calm down her raging emotions. "Can I see him?" she suddenly asked meekly. "Are..Are you sure? I mean he's that WOMAN'S son.. " Aletta asked with a complicated expression, emphasizing heavily on the 'Woman' part. "What? you think I am going to kill him? although he's the son of that b*tch, he's still Simone's son " Amy huffed, sounding offended. "Alright. I'll go get him " Stephen stood up, exiting the office. . . Arck!! Jason vomited a mouthful of blood as an invisible force raised him high up in the air before viciously slamming him against the wall. Although his back bones didn't break, Jason knew it was only matter of time before it did. Whisk! The Malevolent appeared besides Jason, stomping heavily towards his belly. Fortunately, Jason quickly rolled away. "I have to use it or I'm going to die" Jason bit his lower lips anxiously. Due to the headache the Sprite Pupils brought him, Jason had been forced to put them away. Without them, his ordinary eyes couldn't track the invisible movement of the Malevolent. However now that his life was in critical danger, he figured whatever headache came along, was far better than suffering death at the hands of a ghost. Hurriedly putting the Pupils on, Jason's vision instantly changed.Related Chapters
My Mystique Hunting System Chapter 6 — First Kill!
After putting on the Sprite Pupils, Jason's vision experienced a change. His view of the whole world went red and the X-ray vision effect kicked in. However apart from that, Jason was now able to see the Malevolent's invisible body clearly. "My left" stomping heavily on the ground, he lurched to his right, dodging an incoming bike that smashed against the wall behind him. Leveraging on the Sprite Pupils, Jason discovered that the crimson halo encasing the Malevolent suddenly transform into multiple tentacle like serpents that lunged towards him. Their movement was so fast that before Jason could have any thoughts of escaping, they had already arrived before him. Smack! However to Jason's puzzlement, he didn't feel any sharp stinging pain. Instead he felt an invisible but heavy force smash against his chest, throwing him against the wall. "Koff. Koff" wiping off the blood trickling out from his mouth, he side rolled just in time to escape another crimson tentacle from the Malevol
My Mystique Hunting System Chapter 7 — Let's Go To Sallyville
"Is it just me? or is the car awfully quiet?" Jason forced out a chuckle. Since the trio hit the road after making that stop at AW Pawn Shop, the ride had been heavily ladden with stifling silence. At first Jason didn't mind the silence as he busied himself with observing the azure colored card he was given after submitting the Ghost Ash of the Malevolent he had killed. However after training his eyes on the card for a whole hour and counting, Jason's eyes were already starting to water and the immensity of boredom crashed heavily on him. "I don't see how that's a problem.. we didn't speak much on the car ride earlier today" Aletta clicked her tongue.. This time it was Stephen behind the wheels while she scrolled through her phone in a relaxed manner. Jason snickered inwardly. How couldn't he tell the reason for the silence. "Somehow I have a feeling that you both are not ready to acknowledge the fact that I can take care of myself. I mean, I killed a Malevolent. And according t
My Mystique Hunting System Chapter 8 — Voices From The Dead
—[TITLE CARD: A NIGHT AGO] "Double Kill!" "Headshot! Bravo!" The sound of an electronic announcement followed by loud gunshots rang out as two male teenagers sat before a plasma TV, their fingers clenched tightly around the game pad they were holding. The room they were currently occupying was dimly lit and littered with snack wraps and dirty clothes. It was the total definition of a messy hygiene. "Dude. What's up with you huh? your Kill rate is less than normal" one of the teens sneaked a glance at his companion. He sported a head full of copper colored hair and appeared chubby. As for his companion, he had a slender build with a wavy cut sleek black hair. Ignoring the question, the black haired teen sneaked a glance at his phone resting on the nearby stool. His jaws clenched nervously. "Dude" his companion caught his body movement. "Don't tell me you are seriously waiting for that phone call from your mum?" he chuckled, his tone laced with mockery and amusement. "I mean,
My Mystique Hunting System Chapter 9 — Cannibalistic Goat?
"So, what's our game plan right now?' Aletta stared at Stephen deeply as she munched on her sauce coated fries. The trio were currently having breakfast together at the dining table. "I just finished reading the testimonial of a victim who according to him survived the strange incident" Stephen replied as he patted the newspaper on the table. "According to him, what ever happened, it happened so fast. One second he was looking behind him and the next, his room mate was a cold corpse with a half eaten heart besides him " "Blergh!" Jason suddenly covered his mouth as he seemed to be on the verge of puking.. "Sorry Princess, is something wrong?" Stephen smirked. "If you want to be a Mystique Hunter like us, forget gory talks, you'll see much worse" he added as he sipped from his glasses of milk. "So, what do you think we are dealing with here? a Malevolent?" Aletta pursed her lips. "There's only one way to find out".. "Sorry kiddos, but this is a crime scene. Only authorize
My Mystique Hunting System Chapter 10 — The Reverse Flash Killed My Friend!
"Are teenage boys always this lazy?" Aletta held her nose as she stood in front of an old looking bungalow, whose lawn had already transformed into a thick bush of green that was threatening to swallow it up A few distance away, a large swat of flies happily danced around ten filled up garbage sacks oozing with nauseating goo. Forget Aletta, even Jason and Stephen were scrunching up their noses as well. "Do we really have to come here?" Jason rubbed his stomach with an ashen expression. He was starting to regret eating breakfast. First it was that corpse at the cemetery, now this garbage dump of a house! "Sorry Princess, but this is in the job description. You want to be a Mystique Hunter like I and my sister? get used to it!" Patting Jason on the shoulder, Stephen arrived at the porch of the bungalow, landing two successive knocks on the slowly rotting wooden door. Creeerak! Like the slow whining of an old lady, the door slowly slid open leaving just a small gap that allowe
My Mystique Hunting System Chapter 11 — Punishing Jason
"A Cro..Crocotta?" Jason intently stared at the image of a strange beast on a large old looking tome that Aletta had taken out from her red backpack. The beast had the body of a muscular deer with golden stripes, a neck covered with silver colored lion like mane. Its face resembled that of a wolf, with terrifying looking fangs protruding out from its mouth. However unlike regular wolves, there was a purple colored horn protruding out from the middle of its forehead like a pony. As if that was not enough, it possessed two pair of golden colored hooves and a bunny like tail. Jason's lips twitched when he saw the strange appearance of the beast named the Crocotta. "What kind of sick scientist did this crazy cross breeding?" "You mean mother nature right?" Stephen smirked when he heard his words. "Huh?" "The Crocotta is part of a race of beings known as the Yokais. Nobody knows where they came from except from the fact that they have been existence since the dawn of time. We Myst
My Mystique Hunting System Chapter 12 — Hunting The Crocotta
—[TITLE CARD: A Copule Hours Ago]."Did you really have to knock him unconscious?" Aletta mused to her brother as they slowly exited the hotel building."You saw how adamant Jason was back there and you know that right from a small age he has always gotten what he wanted. Did you seriously expect me to try talking reason with someone like that?" Stephen scoffed."If I didn't know any better I'll say you still haven't gotten over that silly crush. As much as I don't like being a pessimist, Jason isn't worthy of your affections. He is a narcissistic bastard who won't mind using you to achieve his aims " Stephen spat coldly."Look at who is talking? who is it that always winces at the mere mention of Jason becoming a Mystique Hunter huh? no matter how many times you badmouth him, you cannot stop caring about his well-being. You don't want him to go down this wretched path we took " Aletta smiled."You think of him as a little brother.. don't you?" "Shut up " Stephen rolled his eyes."I
My Mystique Hunting System Chapter 13 — Exposing True Face
"Hello, what are your orders please?" a female blonde waitress stopped before a particular table as she flashed its occupants one of her sweetest smiles. "Uhmm.. you must be Stephanie correct?" Stephen scanned his eyes around the restaurant before they fell on the waitress. "As you can see on my badge" the waitress lightly tapped the name badge on her chest. "Yeah. You are right. Would you mind sparing a few minutes of your time? we would like to discuss something with you" Aletta nodded with a smile, exposing her cute set of dimples. "We are record label scouts.. we happened to have come across your cover songs on YouTube.." Stephen hurriedly lied when he noticed the other party was about to decline. "R--Really?!" the waitress named Stephanie instantly showed interest as she glanced at the watch around her wrist. "My shift ends in five minutes.." she informed them, the pace of her breathing suddenly accelerating. "Alright. Meet us outside then " Stephen nodded as he and Alet
Latest Chapter
Chapter 50 — Fatigue
Bang! Bang! Bang! Jason's arms moved in rapid succession as he blocked the karate chops from the skinny Malevolent with both Klypt daggers, while continuously being forced on the defensive. "I still don't get why you told me your origin story.. I see no connection between that and the current situation.." Jason tried to attack the other party from the left, only for his sneaky attack to be blocked as he was forced stumbling back. "Considering I'm in a good mood, I won't mind spelling it out for you. I'm currently on a crucial brink of a breakthrough and I'm just lacking a crucial key.. you are that key young Kincie.. once I devour your soul, I will be able to reach that level!" The skinny Malevolent suddenly opened his mouth wide, however Jason seemed to have been anticipating this same attack. Hurling the left dagger towards the Malevolent, the dagger missed his cheeks by a large margin as it sank straight through the ground. Ignoring this, Jason waved the right dagger in f
Chapter 49 — Mummie From The Planetoid; Shalom
—[Host has vanquished the level 2 Malevolent]—[Host has received +250 Mystique Coins] Panting lightly, Jason stared at the pile of ghost ash around him before heaving softly. He had already forgotten how many Malevolents he had killed. "Lesser level two Malevolents are easy as pie, same as greater level 2 ones.." he wiped off the sweat trapped underneath his nose as he stared at the monoliths in the distance. He had yet to encounter a Malevolent stronger than a greater level 2 Malevolent. Honestly, Jason was beginning to get bored. It was no fun if he could just kill the opponent in one shot. Six more Monoliths glowed briefly as their residents lurched towards Jason. Exchanging a couple blows with them, Jason analyzed them to be greater level 2 Malevolents. Just when he decided to get serious and finish them off, an awfully large Monolith unexpectedly released a glow from his left. Bang! Its resident had just made an appearance when he charged towards Jason, knocking away the
Chapter 48 — Kenneth Christel
Spreading her arms apart, the head Witch seemed to be fully basked in the rays of the moon as she began a chant in unfiltered Empryeanochian. "Ni Sirbenet muitselesc murallets te allets naretea eanul" "Ni Sirbenet muitselesc murallets te allets naretea eanul" the group of Witches around her chorused in perfect unision.. "Seledif Seroros Egrevnoc Supmet" "Seledif Seroros Egrevnoc Supmet" "Són eralleppa dá sugam mummus!""Són eralleppa dá sugam mummus!" "Tīs aitarg sitagrusnoc!""Tīs aitarg sitagrusnoc!" The twelve tomes that appeared to be mystically linked together suddenly flipped to a particular page as series of mystical characters emerged from within the pages of this tome. Bathed under the brilliant rays of the moonlight, the previously silver colored mystical characters slowly transformed to resemble the light of the moon as they all converged into each other to form a sophisticated formation before descending back on the ground. Dust carelessly swirled as the sigil
Chapter 47 — Dance Of Solomon
Closing the system main command center, Jason fell into deep thoughts. Judging from the injuries he was suffering from his waist and back, it was already a miracle that he hadn't collapsed to the ground yet. As for returning back to that Haunt to engage in another round of battle, it was akin to him throwing his lives away. Jason knew better than to do something that stupid. 'Open the Shop' Jason wanted to test out a theory. Since he could now use the system In-built Shop Function, he was curious to see if there was any elixir that could heal him.. or play a part in accelerating the recovery process.—[SHOP]—Rey Coins: 0(Top Up? Current Conversion rate; 1 Mystique Coin ~ 3 Rey Coins)—BUY—SELL Clicking the *Buy* option, a new window got displayed on the system screen.—BUY Scrolls —Buy Equipments—Buy Buffs Clicking on the *Buff* window, a new column appeared on the system screen, depicting the image of several elixirs along with a brief intro of how they were used. Jason
Chapter 46 — Charm
"Tch" Jason held the right Klypt dagger in front of his face as he vigilantly observed the three Malevolents who now had him surrounded. There was specifically a female and two males in the line up. Just then, the large Malevolent made the first move as it raced towards him, bringing another hammer punch down on his head. "Tch. Not gonna happen!" Jason blocked the punch with the right Klypt dagger, the residue force caused his left knee to almost kiss the ground. The female Malevolent slapped her palms on the ground causing a ripple like effect as a pair of arms condensed from plasmic energy emerged from the ground, slamming down towards Jason. It was akin to a giant palm about to slap an annoying fly into mush. "Hngh!" Jason's wrist flexed intensely as he managed to break out from the deadlock, using the opportunity to leap towards his left Bang! The female Malevolent snorted when her attack failed. Initiating a double back flip, Jason made sure to create a reasonable distan
Chapter 45 — And So It Begins!
—[Host Has Entered A Silver Tier Haunt]—[Special Mission has begun!]—[Mission Requirement: Clear Haunt]—[Time Limit: 5 hrs]—[Good luck and don't die!] The first thing he did was don the Sprite Pupils. Although Kincies had the ability to see Malevolents, Dr. Damian warned him that he couldn't access that ability in his current level."No mission reward was included?" Jason pursed his lips in confusion after he finished reading the system notifications that had just popped up. He finally had the time to observe his surroundings and immediately sucked in a cold breath. The system said he was going to enter an Haunt.. not this! Scanning his eyes around, all what Jason could see was a wide expanse of grassland that stretched so far it didn't seem to have an end. The grass were as tall as humans and were completely blood red, almost like they just survived a downpour of blood. As if that wasn't enough, the atmosphere was bleak.. and like the cliche statement in books.. it smelt of
Chapter 44 — Haunt Gate
—[To access the content of the Tensei Genkai scroll, it's physical form has to be crushed] "Oh? it was that easy?" Jason mouthed in realization after reading the system's prompt instructions. Crushing the rock, it shattered into a mini explosion of light that bathed Jason in its rays. A new notification soon popped up. —[Error! Tensei Genkai cannot be utilized] "Are you kidding me?!" Jason's lips twitched. That's it, this system thingy was broken! Just as he was about to close the system screen in anger, a new set of information appeared. —[Requirement to use particular Tensei Genkai; 1/1]—[Requirement 1: A fully materialized sjælehøster]—[A sjælehøster is the unique weapon of Kincies and the the art of using a sjælehøster is called Kifoon]—[Host can either materialize his sjælehøster naturally or speed up the process by completing a SPECIAL MISSION] —[I choose Special Mission]—[I choose Natural Awakening] —[Choose] Jason fell silent as he blankly stared at the two opt
Chapter 43 — All In Due Time
"I thought I was given a one week break? why are we still training when it's barely been twenty four hours?" Jason groaned as he walked into the gym room within the mansion. However currently, all that gym equipment were carefully arranged at a corner of the spacious gym room. Standing at the middle was Dr. Damian, still clad in his pjs and a candy cane sticking out from his lips. "Don't worry. When your real training begins, you'll know. Right now, just think of this as prep class.. surely you attended prep class right?" Dr. Damian grinned when he saw Jason clad in a karate robe. "Plus.. you don't seem to mind? you didn't even hesitate when I informed you about your abrupt training session." his brows squinted. "Tch. Let's just get this over with" Jason went into a stance. "Hit me with your best shot!" he added provocatively. "Heh. Unfortunately I am not going to be your sparring partner today. He is.." Dr. Damian tilted his head. Looking over his shoulder, Jason noticed Maxw
Chapter 42 — System Reboot
"Start talking. What seal were you referring to?' they had barely returned back from the Old Harvest festival when Jason shot Dr. Damian the foremost question that had been at the back of his mind throughout the drive home."Show me your aura.." Dr. Damian requested, shirking away from the question."Hmm.." giving the other party a look, Jason closed his eyes.At that moment, a new panel system screen appeared in front of him.—[Ping!]—[Plasmic Aura activated]—[Output: 20/200]Boom!A small wind exploded from within Jason, causing some strands of his hair to ripple.. albeit lightly.. "That's it?" Dr. Damian didn't bother concealing the disappointment in his tone."I had high ho--"He was suddenly interrupted by another wave of explosive wind. This time, cracks appeared on the tiles below Jason.—[Output: 40/200]Boom!—[80/200]By now, the invisible burst of wind around Jason had increased in intensity to the point where some small home appliances were forcefully smashed to smit