Shadow Tricks

"You are to begin after the count of five," Kelvin said, sounding like an official referee. The two opponents nodded in understanding and Kelvin began his count.







After the count, Kelvin quickly gave them some space by moving closer to the wall of the duelling ground.

Max and Nat both took a fighting stance opposite each other, with their whole attention fixed on themselves. The noisy crowd became quiet as the time they all have been waiting for has finally arrived, their eyes and whole senses on the two boys on the duelling ground, no one wanted to miss any action.

"Hey, I won't take it easy on you so you better do the same," Nat said as a warning and clasped his hands together.

'It's not time for me to show them my demon powers or I'll be in danger, I'll have to follow Zheren's idea even though I would want to beat the crap out of him' Max thought inwardly as he braced himself for whatever Nat was about to do.

From Nat's clasped palms, particles of ligh
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