Chapter Three: Dark Memories

The memory struck a sad chord in Mason's heart. He remembered that day, ten years ago, when the first Anomaly Storm struck.

He was only eight years old. The evening had suddenly turned dark. He heard screams outside, but his mother held him back from going to the window. She and his father rushed him to his room.

His father handed over his silver necklace to him and hugged him.

“Stay here and don't make any noise, Mason. Do you hear me?” his mother said before she rushed out again and locked the door.

The next thing he heard was the wall of their house crashing, followed by his mother's scream, and then a loud roar. He peeped through a slit by the door frame.

He gasped as he watched his father trying to defend his mother from three vicious human-like creatures, while a shadowed manly figure with a hood stood around the corner watching. His father fought strong, but couldn't protect his mother from an attack from the man in hood.

He strained to see who it must've been, but a devilish grin was all that was entirely visible on the figure's face. He approached his father and they engaged in a duel that was very short-lived. His father was overpowered. The man placed a palm over his father's face and he could see his life being slowly sucked out of him.

That was how he lost his parents to the Anomaly Storm, and no one really cared. The house was later destroyed by the shadow man, probably to keep his crimes in the dark. Mason was only lucky to live and was close to his own death on the streets, until the Allens saw him.

Tears clouded Mason's eyes.

“But dad, it just happened. I have no hand in any of these,” Mason tried to explain in tears as he looked at Mr Allen's angry face.

“I'm not your father, you freak. Leave my family alone,” Mr Allen said furiously.

“Oh no,” a girl cried as she walked into their midst. She stared at Mason, her eyes flared with so much rage.

“How could you let this happen, Mason? I hate you, I hate you with every breath in me,” she wept and ran to Mr. Allen's side.

“You claim you were both attacked, but look at you. No wounds, no scratch, nothing to show you were involved,” she cried.

“I got slashed. See,” Mason turned around to show them the spot the monster slashed.

“Liar! You used my brother as a cover. You are very heartless.”


“Mason,” Mrs Lucia cut in. She held out a bottle of water and five slices of bread.

“Take these and leave. I never want to see your face again,” she said with tears rolling down her cheeks.

Mason stood with his mouth hanging open, his lips twitched, but no words escaped. A line of tears rolled from his eyes as he stretched to collect his parting token.

“I'm sorry,” he said before he backed away from her. He took a last look at Simon before he walked out of the door.

Outside the house of the Allens, no soul could be found around the street. It was still raining heavily, the skies were still dark, he could spot some of the portals and a few winged creatures which littered the sky. He felt his heart beat faster, but he had no choice at this point, he had to go through that same alley and find some solace somewhere.

As he cut in to the alley, a roar welcomed him. Up ahead at the other end of the alley was a huge leopard, three times the height of a man. It lurched at him, not giving him split chance to react.

It was in front of him before he could make a step and pounced on him as he turned to run, pinning him to the ground.

“Help me! Help,” Mason yelled while he punched at the face of the leopard.

The beast sank its teeth and tore at his chest while he screamed his lungs out. All his efforts were useless, as it ripped his flesh from his bones till he could struggle no more. His fisted hands dropped to the ground and his body ceased all movement. The leopard licked up some blood and walked graciously past its half eaten prey.

[Host has been respawned]

Mason jerked up with a gasp.

“What the heck is going on?” He cried as he examined his body again.

No wounds, no scratches, no blood, it was as if he had not been attacked by a vicious monster a moment ago.

“What's happening to me?”

[Accessing host’s data]

[Processing host’s profile]


A green screen immediately popped up in front of him after the automated voice finished speaking.

It displayed:


/Name: Mason Xander

/Age: 18

/Gender: Male

/Level: Base Human Level


-Strength: Weak

-Stamina: Below average

-Speed: —

-Intelligence: Average

Host stats are at his initial human level, and can be upgraded.

/Abilities: [New Ability Unlocked]

/Skills: None.

-Level: N/A

-Skill Points: 0/100

-Mana Points: 0/100

[One Mission is available for bonus level up]


Mason stared at the screen, not sure of what to do. He was trying to assimilate the whole thing, and trying hard to make sense out of the whole situation.

“Accept,” he said after a moment of thought.

The screen dropped down another tab which carried the information:

*Mission: Go through the nearest portal. Find the emerald eye of the serpent of Lochness.*

*Rewards: Skill Unlock/ 20 Skill Points*

“No, I can't go in there. It's too dangerous,” he said with a wave of his hands. The screen disappeared, but a ding echoed in his ears.

[New Ability Unlocked]

“Does host want to reveal ability?” The automated voice asked.

“Yes,” Mason said with a sigh.

Another screen appeared.

[Infinite Respawning Unlocked]

[Level: 1]

[Host has the ability to respawn infinitely at any point where the host's physical body is too weak, near death or in any case, dead]

[Limits: Respawning takes 5 minutes. Host will be respawned 5 minutes after death at approximately 5 kilometres from the initial death spot]

[Ability can be upgraded using Skill Points. Skill Points required to upgrade to Level 2: 100.]

[Host can level up by accepting and completing missions offered by the system. Host can also level up by gaining Stat and skill points.]

“What are you?”

“A system activated by the infinity loop, which the host holds in possession. The host that activates me is granted abilities that are limitless.”

“What is the infinity loop?”

“The sign of infinity,” the system said.

“I don't get it, I don't have this infinity loop you speak of. There must be some mistake,”

“The system makes no mistakes.”

His necklace glowed with a silver hue after the system replied. Mason stared at it as the glow faded. He remained speechless for a while.

“To infinity," Mason whispered the words the system said again.

"That would make me so strong... my powers would be limitless and finally I won't be belittled or trampled on again. Those bastards… I will finally get to make them pay for what they did.” His grip tightened on the bottle of water he held as he went through his thoughts.

Mason exhaled, “Where is the nearest portal? I'm taking that mission. I'll level up till I'm strong enough and I'll find them. I'll make them pay.”

He felt different, a feeling of hope and determination.

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