
Everyone was shocked to see Tahir lying flat on the ground.

Moving from her current position, Cassy was heading towards Tahir.

"I just want the sword, if I don't take it they will kill me and everyone close to you. I'm sorry but I need it to save myself". Cassy kept seeing out loud while heading to Tahir.

She was half way there when Jude created an earth wall blocking her. Immediately Zahra Freezes her legs. Kris hit her with a lightning bolt and stunned her.

Right before Tahir passed out, he let out a surge of invisible Qi. The Qi was heading fast as he reached the end of the portal. John felt it, it was a call for help. Telling the junior officer to take the others to the school. He moved fast as he enhanced his legs with Qi making him almost invisible. Moving through the woods and dodging the beast. He arrived at a sealed out cave.

"I'm very sure this is where I felt the Qi wave from. Qi is still all over this place". John said to himself.

Taking his sword, John let out his own Qi
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