Chapter 2

Elena peacefully slept in their bedroom while Alexander stood at the balcony, making important calls regarding the ongoing humiliation Elena faced at work. Determined to take charge of the company, Alexander had set his mind on assuming full control the next day.

"Mr. Cain, please arrange an emergency meeting across all our companies. I intend to take charge tomorrow," Alexander confidently instructed his butler over the phone.

"Of course, Young Master. I will handle it immediately. You can count on me," Cain responded from the other end of the line.

"Thank you very much," Alexander expressed his gratitude before ending the call.

"He will pay for everything he did. How dare he make advances towards her? He may have escaped my retaliation once, but he won't get away with it a second time," Alexander vowed silently, his determination burning in his thoughts.


The following morning, Alexander left before Elena woke up. He called her to let her know he had a business interview, reassuring her not to worry.

Arriving by cab, Alexander stepped out and approached the entrance of the Swiss Empire, the headquarters of all subsidiary companies. Despite Cain's suggestion to arrange a convoy for his safety, Alexander declined. He wanted to personally root out any corrupt individuals, starting from the lowest levels.

As he attempted to enter the open hallway leading to the company, he was stopped by the security guards who questioned his presence.

"What are you doing here? Do you have an appointment?" one of the guards asked, placing his hand on Alexander's chest, preventing him from entering.

Alexander was taken aback by their skepticism. Other individuals arriving in luxurious cars had been allowed entry without any hindrance, but his casual attire consisting of a simple white shirt, bow tie, jeans, and sneakers seemed to have raised doubts.

"I'm here for the interview," Alexander quickly improvised, concealing his true intentions with those words.

"A pauper like you isn't worthy of an interview. Turn back and go where you came from," one of the guards sneered, dismissing him.

"Besides, our CEO is arriving today, and we wouldn't want someone like you tarnishing the company's reputation," another guard added, disdain clear in his voice.

"But I'm perfectly clean," Alexander retorted, scanning himself from head to toe.

"Move, or we'll move you," the first guard threatened, while Alexander stood his ground, undeterred by their words.

"Guys, perhaps we should let him through. It's up to the higher authority to decide if he's suitable for a job or not," a thin security guard interjected, attempting to reason on Alexander's behalf.

"Trash, we didn't call for your opinion. We're just doing our job here," the guards persisted, refusing to budge.

Just as the confrontation escalated, a Chevrolet luxury car pulled up and parked in front of the entrance. One of the guards hurriedly opened the door as a distinguished figure stepped out, dressed in an impeccable tuxedo. It was Tom Parker, the managing director of the Swiss Empire. However, his attention was caught by Alexander, who stood aside, still awaiting entry.

"Who is that guy standing there like a piece of trash?" Tom sneered, his eyes locked on Alexander. "Sir, we've been trying to get him to move, but he refuses to listen," one of the guards complained.

"Actually, sir, he claims he's here for an interview, but Lane doesn't want to believe him," the other bodyguard chimed in, trying to defend Alexander.

"Well, if he said he came for an interview, why are you both still standing here staring at him? Is that what the company pays you for? Do they pay you to ogle at garbage? Or do they pay you to take out the trash?" Tom scoffed, gesturing for them to remove Alexander.

The guards, who harboured disdain for Alexander, approached him with the intention of throwing him out.

"Is it really right to throw someone out who isn't even inside your building? After all, this land doesn't belong to you," Alexander confronted the guards, specifically targeting Tom.

The burly guard advanced toward Alexander, attempting to grab his shirt, but Alexander swiftly deflected his hand with two fingers. With the tips of his fingers, he struck the guard's chest, sending him hurtling backward at an astonishing speed.

As the second guard approached, Alexander briefly held his shoulders, effortlessly lifting him and tossing him backward.

"I expected a company like this to have more competent individuals who could put up a fight. Instead, it seems you guys are the real trash," Alexander taunted, a smile playing on his lips as he locked eyes with Tom.

"Who do you think you are, fighting against our security? I'll have you arrested!" Tom exclaimed, astonished at how Alexander managed to outshine the hulking men.

A convoy of luxurious cars, ranging from Mercedes-Benz to Rolls-Royce, lined up in front of the building. Men dressed in black emerged from the vehicles, opening the doors one by one. The first car revealed a man in his early fifties stepping out. It was Cain.

Tom, spotting Cain, felt a surge of delight and hurried over, saying, "Good morning, sir. We've been expecting you. I'm at your service."

Cain paid little attention to Tom and instead walked directly toward Alexander, bowing his head as he greeted, "Welcome, Young Master."

"Young master?" Tom stammered in disbelief, realizing the grave mistake he had made by insulting the CEO.

The guards were equally shocked, never anticipating the CEO's arrival in such humble attire, without any cars or bodyguards.

"Hmm... it appears that the company is in dire need of purging some trash," Alexander pronounced, his gaze piercing through each of them.

Alexander singled out everyone except the guard who had stood up for him.

"All of you, except for him, will be removed. I want him promoted immediately," Alexander asserted his authority, ready to reward loyalty and weed out disloyalty.

Cain nodded, understanding that it was not his place to question Alexander's decisions.

"Sir, I sincerely apologize. I had no idea it was you," Tom approached Alexander, humbly kneeling on the ground, desperately begging for forgiveness. The other guards followed suit, joining in the plea.

Tom rose to his feet and kicked the guards, fully aware that their actions had caused the entire situation.

"You caused all this"

Alexander didn't bother looking at them as he made his way towards the inner building.

The promoted guard felt a surge of gratitude, relieved that he had shown respect towards Alexander.

How did Alexander Rise To Power? let's find out…

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