Chapter 8

Alexander made his way to the parking lot, his eyes scanning the surroundings until they settled upon Elena, who stood anxiously by her car, tightly clutching Charlie. She was worried, clearly fearing the worst had happened to Alexander.

As soon as Elena spotted Alexander approaching, she felt relieved, and she hurriedly closed the distance between them, wrapping her arms around him in a tight embrace. Charliefollowed too and joined the hug.

Feeling Elena's grip tighten, she suddenly became aware of herself and quickly released him, her cheeks becoming completely red. 

Her eyes searched Alexander's face, filled with concern and a million questions.

"Uncle! Are you okay?" Charlie chimed in, his voice laced with curiosity and genuine worry.

Alexander scooped up Charlie in his arms, tousling his hair playfully, 

"I'm fine, buddy," he reassured the young boy.

Elena's gaze remained fixed on Alexander,

"What happened back there? I've been so worried."

With a subtle shake of his head, Alexander momentarily said, "Don't worry, Elena," he replied, his voice steady and reassuring. "Everything has been taken care of. It's in the past now."

But Elena's rise her brows 

"Those people looked dangerous. Are you sure you're alright?"

"I'm fine, Elena. Really," Alexander stated firmly,

 "You don't need to worry about that."

She searched his face, likely picking up on the hints that he truly had sorted it out. She saw him crush the man's fist previously and she knew that Alexander was  not an ordinary person. Maybe the challenges he faced in prison had hardened him.

"Alexander. There's someone who has been waiting for you." She gestured towards a nearby car, and although Alexander had seen her countless times before, her manner of calling him now seemed as if she had been expecting his arrival all along.

Alexander was curious who the person might be, but he didn't bother to ask.

"Okay," he agreed as he entered her car.

They drove through the familiar streets of Starlight City, Alexander's mind wandered back to the events that had led him to this point. The accusations, the trial, the prison sentence – it all felt like a blur now. 

But one thing remained clear: his gratitude towards Elena, who had stood by him even when everyone else had turned their backs.

After a few minutes of silence, Elena broke the quiet, saying, "We're almost there." Alexander snapped back to the present, surprised to find that they had arrived at the front of his mother's hospital.

Alexander turned to Elena with a wild gaze, searching for answers. 

"I understand what you might be thinking, but your mother is fine. I have been taking care of her all this while," Elena finally explained.

"Mommy! Who are we going to see?" Charlie curiously asked from the passenger seat, peering at the hospital.

"Don't worry, my dear. You will see," Elena replied. She got out of the car and went around to the passenger seat, opening the door for Charles.

Alexander had always wanted to see his mother. It had been a while, but he still tried to comprehend the reason behind Elena's kind gesture towards him. After all, he hadn't done anything for her. 

Thoughts of Elena having feelings for him crossed his mind, but he quickly dismissed them.

As Alexander opened the door, he met his mom lying inside. "Mom!" he wept, rushing to her side, tears streaming down his face.

"My boy!" his mother wept in return, having not seen him for a while. She had thought something terrible had happened to him when Elena told her he had traveled.

"I missed you, Mom," Alexander sobbed.

"I missed you too, darling," his mother responded, her voice filled with love and relief. Elena joined them, recognized by Mrs. Starius.

"Elena! My beautiful son's wife," she called out, instantly recognizing Elena and referring to her as Alexander's wife. Elena hadn't explained much about herself to Mrs. Starius, but the moment she mentioned knowing Alexander, his mother assumed she was his wife.

A warm blush crept across Elena's cheeks as she smiled shyly, now accustomed to being mistaken for Alexander's wife.

"You made the right choice, my dear Elena, in marrying my son," Alexander's mom said, gesturing for her to come closer. The pulse oximeter clipped on her hand fluctuated slightly as Elena approached Charles.

Seeing the young boy, Alexander's mom's face lit up. "And who is this handsome little man we have here? Isn't this Charles?" she smiled at Charles.

Elena nodded in response.

"Well aren't you just the cutest!" Alexander's mom cooed at Charles. "Come give grandma a hug!"

Charles smiled shyly but went over and gave her a gentle hug. 

"My, you've grown so much since Elena last brought you to see me at the hospital," she remarked, patting his head affectionately.

Elena couldn't help but feel touched when Alexander's mom reached out and gently touched her face.

"Look how beautiful my grandchild is," Alexander's mom remarked, her gaze fixed on Elena.

Elena laughed lightly, her smile glowing in response to Alexander's mom's words. Alexander saw that his mom genuinely liked Elena, and he was overjoyed to see his mother so happy. 

I can already envision the gorgeous grandchildren you'll give us," Alexander's mom remarked, her gaze fixed on Elena.

Elena laughed lightly, her smile glowing in response to Alexander's mom's words. It was evident to Alexander that his mom genuinely liked Elena, and he was overjoyed to see his mother so happy.

"Alexander, if you ever hurt Elena, I swear I'll smash that handsome face of yours into pieces...!!" Alexander's mom interjected, her voice interrupted by a fit of coughing.

"I'm sorry, Mom," Alexander and Elena both chimed in, attempting to provide comfort.

"Don't you worry about this old lady. I'm not leaving this world just yet," Mrs. Starius assured them with a smile.

"You didn't disappoint me on your birthday, at least," Mrs. Starius added, surprising Elena, who realised it was indeed Alexander's twenty-sixth birthday.

"Alexander, promise me that you'll never hurt her, not in this life or the next," Mrs. Starius requested. Alexander raised his hands and solemnly declared, "I promise, Mom. I will never do anything to hurt her."

"That's good," Mrs. Starius replied, a sense of contentment in her voice.

"Elena, I implore you, please promise me that you won't leave my son, even though his attitude can be overbearing at times. I want both of you to be together forever.

 I know it may be too much to ask, but I hope you two will love each other until the end, and I don't want you to experience the pain of divorce," Alexander's mother pleaded with Elena, gently holding her hands.

Caught off guard, Elena was at a loss for words, while Alexander was slightly taken aback by his mother's unexpected plea. After all, they were not husband and wife, all that was just happening was nothing more than acting, and Alexander had no desire to make false promises.

Without hesitation, Elena responded to Alexander's mother, with sincerity, "Yes, Mrs. Starius, I will love Alexander until the very end. I assure you that we won't consider divorce, and I will remain committed to him." Placing her hand over her heart, she gestured as if taking a solemn oath.

Alexander was deeply moved by Elena's acceptance of his mother's request. Her genuine act of commitment touched him profoundly.

Meeting Elena's eyes with a piercing gaze, Alexander returned her smile. 

"Thank you, my daughter. Your words mean a great deal to me. Rest assured, Elena, I promise that Alexander will never break your heart." Mrs. Starius appreciated Elena's evident love for Alexander.

"Alexander, come closer. I have a birthday gift for you," Alexander's mom said, beckoning him with a gesture.

Alexander approached, and she inquired, "Alexander, I didn't see you wearing a ring. What happened?" Her question caught both Alexander and Elena off guard.

Quickly interjecting, Alexander explained, "Mom, we were in a hurry to come and see you, so we forgot the rings at home." Elena nodded in agreement with Alexander's explanation.

An expression of anger crossed his mother's face as she retorted, "How could you two forget such an important symbol?"

Realizing their mistake, she swiftly reassured them, "Alright, that's not a problem," gesturing for Alexander to look inside the nearby drawer.

Alexander opened the drawer, revealing a green case that appeared to be a ring holder. He carefully picked it up and opened it, finding two rings with brilliant green gemstones.

"Alexander, these are your father's and my wedding rings. I want you to put one on your wife," she pointed towards them, surprising Alexander with the unexpected gift.

"Please, go ahead and put it on your wife," she insisted.

Elena's cheeks flushed a bright red upon hearing Alexander's mom's words, and even Alexander himself felt a touch of nervousness. To his surprise, Elena extended her right hand towards him.

With trembling hands, Alexander selected one of the rings and carefully slid it into Elena's middle finger. A radiant smile adorned Elena's face as the ring found its place.

Elena, summoning her courage, then took the other ring, gesturing for Alexander to present his hand. As he extended his hand to her, Alexander felt a mix of excitement and nervousness.

 Elena gently placed the ring on his middle finger, completing the symbolic act.

Observing the exchange, Alexander's mom felt immense joy. Though she was aware that Alexander and Elena's weren't married, their actions and the way they pretended not to know each other made it clear that their relationship was evolving. 

She knew deep down that their love would eventually blossom, and Elena's admirable character perfectly complemented her son. Thus, she wanted to seal their unity with a promise and the exchange of rings.

Remembering her husband's last words about the rings, she believed that this was the perfect time to fulfill his wish.

"I bless your marriage, wishing it to bear abundant fruits and bless you with many children. Now, I can rest in peace," she smiled at them, as she closed her eyes and slept.

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