Chapter 2

Michael’s spirit was through the roof as he finished cleaning and made his way to his room. He walked down the hallway with a spring on his steps, and his earlier frustrations were long forgotten. In his mind, he was the most important person in her life; this feeling was so unrivaled to him, and he felt a sense of peace, knowing that she was finally acknowledging his sacrifices.

He entered his bedroom, and suddenly he had a brilliant idea. He had wanted to do something special for her, something that would show her just how much he valued and supported her. He thought about the entertainment company he owned—one of the largest in the industry and a key player in his vast business empire. What better way to demonstrate his love than to gift her a significant share in the company?

With that thought, he reached for his phone and dialed his Claire's number once again. The phone rang once, and she picked it up.

“Hello sir, what can I do for you?” Claire asked with her usual professionalism.

“Claire, I need you to prepare a transfer agreement for a substantial share of the entertainment company.” Michael said, barely concealing his excitement. “I want it sent over to my wife as a surprise gift. Make sure it's done by tomorrow morning.”

There was a brief pause on the other end of the line as Claire considered her boss's decision.

“A transfer agreement? Are you sure about this? The company is one of the most valuable assets in your portfolio.”

Michael's smile widened. “That's why I want a part of the share transferred. Listen, it's a surprise gift for my wife, and I think she deserves it. She's worked so hard, and it's time I show her just how much I appreciate everything she's done.”

"Alright, sir, I understand.” Claire agreed, but there was a hint of skepticism in her tone. Nonetheless, her job was to follow the orders of her boss. Nothing more, nothing less.

“I'll have the documents drawn up and ready for your review first thing in the morning.”

“Thank you, Claire,” Michael said with a warm smile. “I trust you'll handle everything.”

“Of course, sir,” she responded, and Michael ended the call.

He made another quick call to a fancy hotel to make reservations for a candlelit dinner. He instructed the staff to prepare all his wife's favorite meals and deserts. He was going to make tonight extra special for her.

After the call, he hummed a soft tune, carefully selecting a suit he knew she loved on him. He dressed up on time and adjusted his tie as he stared in the mirror, already picturing the look of surprise and happiness on her face when she stepped in.

Hours ticked by, and he began to get very impatient.

“Where could she be?” He muttered to himself as he paced the room. The clock clearly showed that it was well past the time she usually returned home, and there was still no sign of her.

Finally, he couldn't wait any longer, and he grabbed his phone and dialed her number. Pressing the phone to his ear, he continued his pacing until the line finally connected.

“I won't be back until tomorrow.” She didn't even wait for him to talk, stating her piece coldly.

“Tomorrow? But... I made plans for us tonight. I thought we could celebrate together.” Michael's heart sank as he tried to persuade her.

There was a slight pause followed by a deep sigh. “I’m busy, Michael; we'll talk when I get home.”

He clenched his jaw and tightened his fists in frustration. “Busy? Bianca What are you busy with? Is someone there with you?”

Another pause. This time longer than the previous one.

“Answer me!” Michael said in desperation.

“That’s not your concern. Like I said, we'll talk tomorrow.” She finally spoke again, and it was clear that she wouldn't be telling him where she was.

He opened his mouth to respond but paused when he heard it—the unmistakable sound of a man’s muffled voice in the background. His grip tightened around the phone, and his panic turned to dread.

“Whose that? Is someone there with you?” He demanded.

“You're overthinking things.” She answered with a sneer. "Look, I'm busy; if you have nothing more to say, then goodnight.”

He wanted to respond, but she hung up on him, and he stood alone in the room, staring at his phone and his thoughts running wild.

He hadn't heard wrong; that was definitely a man's voice he heard on the receiver. Where could his wife be? Could she possibly be cheating on him?

“I'm probably overthinking it.” He sighed and moved, walking back to the table to arrange a few things. He also called the hotel management and told them to cancel the plans. Just when he was about to jump on his bed and doze off, his phone buzzed in his pocket again.

His heart jumped; maybe it was her calling back to explain.

He pulled off his phone and opened the message, but what he saw made his blood flow slow down significantly. He blinked again, silently praying that what he was seeing wasn't real, but when he opened his eyes again, the image was still there.

It was an image from an anonymous number. A picture of his wife wrapping her arms around a young man and kissing him deeply outside a bar. Suddenly, his phone buzzed again, and more pictures were sent to him from the same anonymous number. Every single picture suggested one thing. His wife was cheating on him.

“No, no, no, no!” He tried to call her again, but the call didn't go through; her phone was switched off.

“Damn it!” He yelled in fury and tried her number again and again, but he received the same cold response; her phone was switched off and unreachable.

He dropped the phone on the table and stared at the screen; the image of her with another man had been burned into his mind, and he felt helpless, not knowing what to do or how to react.


Meanwhile, in a luxurious presidential suit, Michael’s wife was clothed in a soft robe, straddling the young man from the photos and kissing him in a dimly lit room.

After a few minutes of savoring each other's lips, the man pulled apart and stared into her eyes. 

“So when are you going to end things with him?” He demanded with a low yet sexy voice.

“It's complicated.” She sighed, clearly hesitating to fulfill the man's request. “Micheal’s been good to me, but...” She trailed off, trying to find the right words to say.

“But what? I don't want to keep sneaking around like this. I want you with me, fully and completely.” The man said as he cupped her cheeks.

She sighed deeply and rested her head against his chest, closing her eyes and listening to the beat of his heart.

“The divorce papers are already out. I just need a few more days to finalize everything. It's not easy, you know? But...” she lifted her head and stared deeply into the man's eyes. “You're the one I've always wanted. Since I was a teenager, I dreamed about being with you. And now, I have the chance, and I won't let it slip.” She confessed to him as she played with a strand of his hair.

“I've waited a long time for this too.” He smiled. “Just make sure you don't keep me waiting for too long.” She nodded, and their lips met again in a more heated kiss.

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