My ex-wife's Regret

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My ex-wife's Regret

By: Honey Drop OngoingUrban/Realistic

Language: English

Chapters: 9 views: 17

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When she cheats on him and treats him badly, Micheal's love turns to anger. After she asks for a divorce, he starts a careful plan to ruin her fame. With precision and patience, Micheal takes control, leaving Bianca vulnerable and helpless. The question is, how far will he go to get his revenge?

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9 chapters
Chapter 1
A smile tugged at Michael’s face as he cut the apple in his hand into pieces. He was in a particularly good mood this morning as he continued his task at hand while whistling a tune.A buzz came from his pocket, and he quickly picked up his phone and glanced at the screen to see who called. It was Claire, his assistant.“Why does she want now?” He muttered as he wiped his hands that were sticky with fruit juice. Grabbing the phone again, he swiped to answer.“Morning Claire.” He greeted me as he leaned on the island.*Good morning, Mr. Carter. I hope you had a wonderful night.” Clair's professional tone crackled through the phone’s receiver.*I did; why did you call? Is there some sort of issue going on?“Nothing much, Mr. Carter; I just called to congratulate you on your wife's nomination for the Best Actress award at the Fishford Prize. This is a huge achievement.”“Ohh.” Michael’s face lit up like a light bulb. “Thank you, Claire; I'm aware of the nomination. She's gone and made me
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Chapter 2
Michael’s spirit was through the roof as he finished cleaning and made his way to his room. He walked down the hallway with a spring on his steps, and his earlier frustrations were long forgotten. In his mind, he was the most important person in her life; this feeling was so unrivaled to him, and he felt a sense of peace, knowing that she was finally acknowledging his sacrifices.He entered his bedroom, and suddenly he had a brilliant idea. He had wanted to do something special for her, something that would show her just how much he valued and supported her. He thought about the entertainment company he owned—one of the largest in the industry and a key player in his vast business empire. What better way to demonstrate his love than to gift her a significant share in the company?With that thought, he reached for his phone and dialed his Claire's number once again. The phone rang once, and she picked it up.“Hello sir, what can I do for you?” Claire asked with her usual professionalis
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Chapter 3
Early the next morning, Bianca returned home with a face as red as an overripe tomato. She entered the house and walked straight to her room, where she found Michael sitting on the bed, looking haggard with dark circles under his eyes. His usual composed and servile demeanor was nowhere to be found; instead, a cold and unsettling calm replaced it.Bianca huffed and ignored him, walking past him and sitting on the couch. She removed her shoes and raised her legs, pointing them at Michael, who glared at her with furious eyes. “Give me a massage,” she ordered impatiently.Michael didn't move as his furious eyes quickly calmed down to become cold and indifferent. Bianca frowned as she was taken aback by his behavior; this wasn't the usual service Michael she knew. What the hell was happening?“What's with the attitude?” She barked at him in irritation. “Why are you acting like this? Don't you have enough trust in me? I was busy yesterday, and because of that, you gave me the cold shoulde
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Chapter 4
The door of our bedroom burst open with a loud bang, and both Michael and Bianca looked up in shock. A man rushed in and went straight towards Bianca on the floor.“Gerald.” Bianca whispered his name, and he enveloped her in a hug, whispering sweet nothings in her ears.Michael's studied the man's face, and then his heart dropped. This was the man that was kissing his wife in the photo. What on earth was he doing here? Why was he even here? Michael clenched his fists as his anger returned tenfold, but he forced himself to calm down and watch as another man was hugging his wife right in front of him.“Bianca, are you okay?” Gerald’s hands gently brushed the tears from her cheeks. “Did he hurt you?”Bianca still dazed from the resounding slap, nodded weakly, hugged Gerald tighter, and bawled in his arms.Gerald's brows furrowed, and then he rose to his full height and turned to Michael. “You’re nothing but a coward. Hiding behind your wife's success while you sit doing nothing.”“Oh?”
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Chapter 5
Michael wandered through the streets aimlessly. He felt lost, aimless, and hopeless, and his emotional state was a mess. After walking for a while, he paused as he remembered something.Wait a fucking minute. He realized with a jolt that the house he'd just left was his. The one who should have been leaving wasn't him. It was them.He grated his teeth in fury, and before he could turn back, his phone buzzed. He cursed under his breath and answered, It was his assistant Claire.“Hello.” He said it with an impatient tone.“Sir, the arrangements for the new movie are complete. Your wife is confirmed as the female lead, and everything's in place, just as you requested.”Claire's professional voice said through the receiver.“She's not my wife anymore.” Michael said with a voice so cold, Claire shivered on the other side. “We are divorced.”Silence settled on the other end. Claire was stunned by the news, and for a moment, her thought process refused to cooperate with her as it ceased compl
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Chapter 6
Michael took a deep breath and shook his head, trying to forget the unsettling sight of what had just happened. His balls tingled, but he calmed himself as he observed that the woman seemed more settled now, not looking to kick anymore balls.“No need to apologize; you did what you had to do,” he nodded, still keeping a safe distance from her.The woman looked at him like she was appraising an art piece, and it seemed like she liked what she saw as a sweet smile stretched on her lips. “Hi, I'm Olivia,” she introduced herself. “What's your name?”“It's Micheal.” Michael responded with a blank look, staring at her leg as if she would hit his balls at any moment.“Can I at least buy you a coffee as a thank you?”Olivia offered.Michael hesitated at first but agreed. He had nothing else to do, and it could serve as a good way to get Bianca off his mind.“Sure, I could use a coffee.” He nodded.Olivia smiled again, and they walked together to a nearby coffee shop.After ordering their drinks
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Chapter 7
“What are the both of you doing here?” Michael's temper flared for a second before he forced himself to calm down. The shock of seeing Bianca and Gerald in the elevator was written all over his face, but he managed to compose himself in time.“Look who we have here.” Bianca stepped out of the elevator, with Gerald following closely behind. “The world-famous loser, Michael.”“Didn't expect to see you here, buddy.” Gerald nickered at him. “Did you finally manage to scrape up enough cash to rent a place in a building like this?*Michael clenched his fists, and a vein popped on his forehead, but in the end, he said nothing.Bianca's gaze shifted to Olivia, and her eyes widened in recognition.“Wait a minute, Olivia?” Bianca said before a mocking cackle escaped her lips. “What a surprise! I didn't know you'd stoop so low to be seen with someone like him.”Olivia recognized Bianca too, and Bianca's clear attempt to insult her stung, but she quickly composed herself, unwilling to give Bianca
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Chapter 8
The evening air was cool,cool, and the luxurious mansion where the party was being held buzzed with vibrant energy. MichaelMichael stepped out of a taxi and looked up at the grand entrance with a sense of anticipation.With a deep breath, he approached the entrance.. Just as he was about to enter, two security guards stepped forward and blocked his path. “Name?” One of them asked with a rough voice as he assessed Michael's attire.“Micheal.” He replied simply, not bothering to elaborate.“Sorry buddy. This is a private event, guests only.” The guard shook his head.Michael's forehead creased with a frown. Before he could respond, a sleek black car pulled up at the entrance, drawing people's attention. The door opened, and out stepped Bianca and Gerald, both dressed to the nines.Bianca wore a figure-hugging red gown with a slight slit, while Gerald was decked out in a designer tuxedo. They looked like every bit the glamorous power couple, and boy, did they know it?“Micheal?” Bianca
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Chapter 9
Bianca had a look of triumph plastered on her face when she saw the director making his way to her. She prepared herself to tell her side of the story, flashing him a beautiful smile.“Director!”She called out, raising her hand to catch his attention. “I need to speak to you about...”The director walked past her, treating her like air, which shocked her to her core.“Olivia! There you are. “ He walked towards Olivia and greeted her warmly. “I’ve been looking forward to seeing you tonight. You're the most important guest here.”“What?” Bianca's confidence evaporated into smoke. She was dumbfounded, unable to comprehend what was happening. “But I thought...”“Shut up.” He silenced her with a glare, then his gaze landed on Michael. His expression brightened up when he saw his boss, but as he made a move to greet him, Michael subtly shook his head. The message was clear: Michael did not want to expose his true identity. He quickly composed himself, turning his attention back to Olivia as
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