Chapter 4

The door of our bedroom burst open with a loud bang, and both Michael and Bianca looked up in shock. A man rushed in and went straight towards Bianca on the floor.

“Gerald.” Bianca whispered his name, and he enveloped her in a hug, whispering sweet nothings in her ears.

Michael's studied the man's face, and then his heart dropped. This was the man that was kissing his wife in the photo. What on earth was he doing here? Why was he even here? 

Michael clenched his fists as his anger returned tenfold, but he forced himself to calm down and watch as another man was hugging his wife right in front of him.

“Bianca, are you okay?” Gerald’s hands gently brushed the tears from her cheeks. “Did he hurt you?”

Bianca still dazed from the resounding slap, nodded weakly, hugged Gerald tighter, and bawled in his arms.

Gerald's brows furrowed, and then he rose to his full height and turned to Michael. “You’re nothing but a coward. Hiding behind your wife's success while you sit doing nothing.”

“Oh?” Michael's lips stretched into a bitter smile. “And what kind of man sleeps with another man's wife? You talk about being a real man, but all I can be is a pathetic homewrecker who can't find a woman of his own.”

Gerald's eyes met his teeth in anger, but Michael wasn't done yet. He took a step closer, and his tone dropped dangerously low.

“You think you're better than me? You're nothing but a leech, feeding off the fantasy of being with someone else's wife. You're no better than the dirt in my shoe.”

Gerald's fist tightened as he glared intently at Michael, contemplating whether he should throw the first punch.

“At least, I'm giving Bianca what she deserves. Something you could never do; I'm treating her like a queen.” Gerald snorted back.

“A queen, you say?” Michael scoffed, glancing at Bianca, who was clutching Gerald's arm like a drowning swimmer, and then back at Gerald. “You're nothing more than a replacement for the spotlight she craves. You think she's with you because of love? She's with you because you're the lastest shiny object that caught her eye.”

Gerald was about to retort when something clicked in Michael's mind. He looked closely at Gerald's again. The way he stood, the pride on his face—everything felt familiar. The gears in his mind whirred as he searched for where he had seen this man before. And then it hit him like a ton of bricks.

A memory surfaced—aan old photo album of Bianca’s, one she had shown him before they got married. There was a picture of a young Bianca standing next to a man she admired.Michael clearly remembered how she had mentioned that the man was her first crush, her “Moonlight,” as she had called him.

“It's him.” Michael's eyes widened in realization. He wasn't some random man; he had been his wife's obsession for a while and a highly successful actor in his own right. Who knew his wife would still pin on him even after she had married?

“Moonlight.” The word slipped out of his mouth before he could even stop it, and he immediately regretted it as the expression on Bianca's face shifted.

Bianca's sobs quieted, and she slowly lifted her head from Gerald's chest.

“Yes, Gerald was my moonlight.” She glared at Michael. “He always has been, and you... you were nothing in my eyes. Nothing but a stand-in until I could finally be with him.”

If the words she said previously didn't hurt, then this one would have. It sliced through Michael's heart like a hot knife through butter, and he could only watch helplessly and endure the pain.

“I want a divorce.” Bianca announed as she stepped away from Gerald. “We’re done. This charade of a marriage is over.”

Michael sighed as he knew that it would come to this; still, he couldn't help but feel a bit of disappointment at what could have been.

“So that's it?” he asked. “You’re throwing everything away just like that?”

“Everything?” Bianca scoffed, “What everything? You mean this life you’ve created for yourself, pretending to be my equal? We’re not even in the same class anymore, Michael. I’m a shining megastar, and you—you’re just a house husband. You don’t deserve me. You never did.”

Bianca walked over to her desk and picked up her designer bag, pulling out a thick envelope and tosing it onto the table in front of him with the papers spilling out. “Here,” she said coldly. “The divorce agreement. I had it drafted weeks ago. All you have to do is sign it, and we can both move on with our lives.”

Michael stared at the envelope with different emotions swirling through him. He wanted to vent out his emotions, but all he could manage was a single, painful question. “Is this really what you want, Bianca?”

“Yes,” she replied firmly. “It’s what I’ve wanted for a long time. I just didn’t have the courage to do it until now.” 

Michael stared at the divorce papers, his mind racing with different thoughts, thoughts of how he sacrificed his freedom to become a house husband so he could care for and love her.How he managed to help her land her roles and get her fame and recognition from behind the scenes. Everything seemed meaningless now.

With a sigh, he picked up the papers and signed. Without another word, he turned and left the house, leaving everything behind.

The door closed, and almost immediately, Bianca felt a heavy wave of anxiety grip her. Did she just make the right choice? Or had she just made the biggest mistake in her life? She slowly glanced at the divorce papers, and for the first time, she began to question her decision.

“Hey,” Gerald sensed her unease and tried to console her. “You did the right thing. Michael was holding you back, and now you’re free to be with someone who truly understands you. We’re going to make this work, Bianca. We’ll film that blockbuster movie together, just the two of us as the lead actors. It’s going to be huge, and when we announce our relationship, we’ll be the power couple everyone talks about.”

Bianca nodded and forced a smile. He was right. This was what she wanted—a career that soared even higher, a relationship with someone who matched her current class.But the nagging feeling wouldn’t go away—the sense that she had just lost something precious that she would regret for the rest of her life.

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