Chapter 8

The evening air was cool,cool, and the luxurious mansion where the party was being held buzzed with vibrant energy. MichaelMichael stepped out of a taxi and looked up at the grand entrance with a sense of anticipation.

With a deep breath, he approached the entrance.. Just as he was about to enter, two security guards stepped forward and blocked his path. 

“Name?” One of them asked with a rough voice as he assessed Michael's attire.

“Micheal.” He replied simply, not bothering to elaborate.

“Sorry buddy. This is a private event, guests only.” The guard shook his head.

Michael's forehead creased with a frown. Before he could respond, a sleek black car pulled up at the entrance, drawing people's attention. The door opened, and out stepped Bianca and Gerald, both dressed to the nines.

Bianca wore a figure-hugging red gown with a slight slit, while Gerald was decked out in a designer tuxedo. They looked like every bit the glamorous power couple, and boy, did they know it?

“Micheal?” Bianca raised her brows in surprise, but soon after, a mocking smirk graced her lips. “What do you think you're doing here? Clearly you weren't invited, so why are you here, you commoner?”

“For real, man, why would you stoop so low to crash a party you clearly weren't invited to?" Gerald smirked, adding fuel to the fire. “Come on, you know your place.”

Michael blankly stared at them. He knew that he could easily put them in their place with just a few words and reveal his status, but that wasn't his style. He would make them regret their taunts in time.

“Do yourself a favor, Michael, and leave before you embarrass yourself even more. You don't belong here.” Bianca continued her relentless taunts.

They taunted him some more, but seeing that they couldn't get a reaction from him, they turned their backs to him and laughed as they made their way inside the mansion. The guards shook their heads in pity, and we're about to shoo him away when a familiar voice called out from behind.


He turned to see Olivia hurrying towards him with her face lighting up in joy. Michael's thought process slowed down a bit as he stared at her exquisite appearance. She looked breathtaking in a deep emerald gown that accentuated her curves. Michael gulped and managed to compose himself in time.

“What are you doing out here?” Olivia asked as she reached his side. “You should be inside!”

The guards looked at each other in confusion. They knew who Olivia was, but they didn't realize that the man before them had connections with her.

“I wasn't exactly on the guest list. I know, funny situation.” Michael tried to downplay the situation with a slight chuckle.

“Nonsense!” Olivia declared and turned to face the guards. “He's with me; you guys have a problem with that?”

The guards froze when they heard this. Michael was indeed an important person, and they had just nearly kicked him out.

*No…no no, miss. We're so sorry for the misunderstanding.” The guards apologized and stepped aside, allowing them to pass. Olivia grabbed his hand and led him in. 

As they walked towards the main hall, Michael couldn't help but glance at Olivia's beautiful face; she looked almost ethereal, and Michael found himself staring a little bit…too intently.

“Are you done staring?” Olivia caught his gaze with a cheeky smile on her face.

“Uh…” Michael cleared his throat and fixed his gaze up ahead.

“Silly.” Olivia giggled. “I'm really glad you came,” she said softly.

“I didn't want to miss it; I've been bored lately. Thank you for bringing me in though.” Michael replied, allowing himself to smile for the first time tonight.

“No, thank you for everything.” Olivia beamed a bright smile at him, and it took all his willpower for him to resist blushing.

They entered the grand banquet hall, and the room was just as you would expect. Filled with the crème de la crème of society, eating the finest foods, tasting the finest drinks, and networking amongst themselves.

Olivia excused herself to mingle, leaving him to fine a seat at one of the tables near the buffet.

Michael found a quiet spot and settled down, helping himself to a small plate of appetizers. He wasn't a'mingling with people’ type of person; he preferred to sit quietly and observe from a distance.

He savored a bite of smoked salmon, and just when he was about to devour it,his peace was disrupted by a very annoying voice.

“Look who decided to sneak in after all.” Bianca’s voice cut through the air, directed at Michael. Michael looked up to see her standing in front of him. As usual, her gigolo, Gerald, tagged along by her side and Michael massaged his temples. This was going to be a long night.

Michael continued to eat, saying nothing and maintaining absolute steeze and composure, but Bianca didn't grab the hint as she continued to berate him.

“How desperate can you be to sneak into where you don't belong, Michael? Wearing that cheap shirt to boot. You're an embarrassment.” She lashed out.

Michael set down his fork elegantly and met her gaze. “I didn't sneak in, Bianca.”

“Oh really? Then how did you get in?” she sneered.  “Did you bribe the guards? Or did you convince some poor soul to let you tag along out of pity?”

Michael sighed, but before he could counter, Bianca turned to the nearest guard, screaming at him like she owned the place. “Get this man out of here; he doesn't belong.”

The guards froze and hesitated, glancing at both Bianca and Michael, unsure of what to do.

“Now!” Bianca insisted.

The guard was about to make a move before Olivia appeared by Michael's side.

“What's going on here?” She asked with a furious tone.

“Ah, I should have known. You're the one that sneaked him into this party.” Bianca let out a coldchuckle.

“Michael is my guest, and he has every right to be here.” Olivia asserted.

“Your guest? You brought this beggar to a party like this? Are you out of your mind? Look at him, Olivia! He’s the only one here dressed like he’s going to a dive bar, not a high-class event. You’re embarrassing yourself.” Bianca didn't hold back as she blasted Olivia.

“I don’t care what he’s wearing. Michael is ten times the man anyone else in this room is, and I’m proud to have him here with me.” Olivia defended Michael stubbornly.

“You’re both pathetic. I can’t believe you’d sink so low as to date a loser like him. But then again, maybe you two are perfect for each other—both desperate nobodies trying to fit in where you don’t belong.” Bianca shook her head in pity. “I’ll just report you both to the director.” Bianca added with a smirk. “It’s obvious both of you sneaked in together, and I happen to have a very good relationship with him, so he'll do what I say.”

At that exact moment, the crowd near the entrance parted, and the director entered the hall.

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