Chapter 7

“What are the both of you doing here?” Michael's temper flared for a second before he forced himself to calm down. The shock of seeing Bianca and Gerald in the elevator was written all over his face, but he managed to compose himself in time.

“Look who we have here.” Bianca stepped out of the elevator, with Gerald following closely behind. “The world-famous loser, Michael.”

“Didn't expect to see you here, buddy.” Gerald nickered at him. “Did you finally manage to scrape up enough cash to rent a place in a building like this?*

Michael clenched his fists, and a vein popped on his forehead, but in the end, he said nothing.

Bianca's gaze shifted to Olivia, and her eyes widened in recognition.

“Wait a minute, Olivia?” Bianca said before a mocking cackle escaped her lips. “What a surprise! I didn't know you'd stoop so low to be seen with someone like him.”

Olivia recognized Bianca too, and Bianca's clear attempt to insult her stung, but she quickly composed herself, unwilling to give Bianca the satisfaction of seeing her upset.

“And what do you mean by that?” Olivia asked with a cold tone.

“Oh, I just mean it's surprising to see someone with your reputation keeping company with a loser like this piece of trash next to you,"  Bianca sneered, enjoying the ugly expression forming on Olivia's face.

Michael's hands balled into fists, but before he could retort, Olivia spoke up instead.

“You're pathetic.” Olivia began with a cold tone. “You’ve always been so threatened by me, haven't you? My looks and my talents have always been a tad higher than yours, and now you're jealous that I've found someone even better than the creepy macho standing beside you.”

Bianca almost doubled over; Michael was finding it hard to keep a straight face, and Gerald's face was red with embarrassment.

“Jealous? Of you? Don't flatter yourself. If anything, I'm shocked that you'd settle for someone as pitiful as him.” Bianca sneered out a response.

“Settle? Hardly. Michael is more of a man than Gerald or any other man you’ve ever been with. He’s kind, generous, and doesn’t need to use anyone to get ahead. I can't say the same for you, or this ugly ass you call a man.” Olivia ruthlessly spat out.

Bianca opened her mouth to retort, but Olivia wasn’t finished. “And you know what?” she said, stepping closer to Michael and slipping her hand into his, which shocked him to his very core. “I’m proud to be with him. So you can take your worthless opinion and shove it in your asshole.”

With that, Olivia turned to Michael and cupped his face with her hands. 

“What are you doing?” Micheal whispered.

“Follow my lead.” Olivia said, and without hesitation, she pressed her lips to his in a passionate kiss.Michael was caught off guard, but soon enough, he responded with equal favor, wrapping his hands around her and claiming her lips like a starved beast.

Bianca's expression turned frightening as she continued to watch Olivia and Michael locked in a passionate kiss.

“You think you've won?” She yelled, “Well, let me enlighten you. Gerald and I were just invited by the director to the biggest party of the year, where they are going to announce the new female lead for the movie. And guess what? The new female lead is going to be me, not you!”

“You’ve always been so desperate for attention, haven’t you, Bianca?” Olivia pulled back from Michael. “But newsflash—being cast because you’re sleeping with the right people isn’t the same as earning it.”

“Holy shit!” Michael couldn't control himself at this one, and he broke out in a wild laughter that echoed through the halls. 

“You bastard!” Bianca's face twisted with burning rage, and just when she was about to retort, Michael touched Olivia's arm, signaling her to hold off. “Give me a minute,”he said and walked back inside to make a phone call.

Bianca and Olivia continued their banter while Gerald stood watching the unfolding drama.

Meanwhile, Michael connected with the director on the other line. 

“It’s Michael,” he said, keeping his voice low. “I’ve got a request. I need you to invite Olivia to that party tonight. She deserves to be there.”

“Consider it done.” The director agreed without hesitation. “We’ll make sure she's on the list.”

Michael hung up and walked back to Olivia's side. To his relief, Bianca and Gerald already left, but Olivia looked troubled and dejected.

“Hey, don't let her get to you. She's just trying to mess with your head.” Michael said softly.

“I know, but it's hard. I've worked so hard for this role, and the thought of her getting it because of her connections makes me super mad.” Olivia let out a deep cry.

Before Michael could say anything, Olivia's phone buzzed in her hand. She stared at her screen, and her eyes widened in shock.

“It's the director,” she murmured. 

“Pick it then,“ Michael nudged her, and with a deep breath, she picked up the call.

After a few moments, Olivia’s expression transformed to one of pure joy. “Really? Thank you so much! I’ll be there.”

“My work is done.” Michael whispered to himself in satisfaction as he watched her literally scream for joy.

“Michel, you won’t believe it—they just invited me to the party tonight! I… I don’t know what to say. You must be my lucky star.” She ended the call and enveloped Michael in a tight hug.

“That's great; I'm glad things are finally going your way.” Micheal laughed.

“I’m going to go get ready. I have to make sure I look amazing for tonight.” Olivia beamed happily before pausing for a second. A blush crept up her face as she stared at her shoes. Michael wondered what was wrong with her.

“Uh, would you mind coming to the party with me? As a date?” Olivia asked sheepishly.

Michael was stunned for a moment before a chuckle escaped his lips.

“Go to your party; I'm not sure I can make it, but if I can, you'll see me there.” Micheal replied.

“Alright then,” Olivia was a little disappointed that Michael didn't give her a straight answer, but she covered it up with another huge grin. “Thank you…for everything.”

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