Chapter 6

Michael took a deep breath and shook his head, trying to forget the unsettling sight of what had just happened. His balls tingled, but he calmed himself as he observed that the woman seemed more settled now, not looking to kick anymore balls.

“No need to apologize; you did what you had to do,” he nodded, still keeping a safe distance from her.

The woman looked at him like she was appraising an art piece, and it seemed like she liked what she saw as a sweet smile stretched on her lips. “Hi, I'm Olivia,” she introduced herself. “What's your name?”

“It's Micheal.” Michael responded with a blank look, staring at her leg as if she would hit his balls at any moment.

“Can I at least buy you a coffee as a thank you?”Olivia offered.

Michael hesitated at first but agreed. He had nothing else to do, and it could serve as a good way to get Bianca off his mind.

“Sure, I could use a coffee.” He nodded.

Olivia smiled again, and they walked together to a nearby coffee shop.After ordering their drinks,they found a quiet corner and settled down. After talking for a while, Olivia’s face morphed into an expression of pain and frustration, which Michael quickly captured.

“You know,” she began, stirring her coffee absentmindedly. “I was supposed to have a big break recently. I was up for the lead role in a major movie—something that could have really launched my career. But at the last minute, they gave the role to someone else.”

Michael nearly choked on his tea as he remembered doing the exact same thing to a rival of his wife. He focused on the woman more as she continued to vent.

“And the worse part is,” Olivia continued, “the actress they chose instead of me isn't even that good. It's all politics, you know? She got the role because of her connections, not because of any real talent! That blasted Bianca.”

This time he choked properly. The woman, Olivia was talking about Bianca. The same Bianca who just walked out of his life with nothing but disdain for the man she didn't realize had been her biggest supporter.Now, Olivia was unknowingly opening up to the very person who had orchestrated the situation that cost her the role. What an irony!

“I'm so sorry to hear that.” Michael said quietly. “Sometimes, things don't work out the way they should.”

Their conversation was interrupted by the simultaneous ringing of their phones. Michael glanced at his phone and saw that it was the director. With an annoyed sigh, he answered the call.


“Mr. Greene, I hope you're doing well.”The director's voice boomed from the other line. “I wanted to invite you to a little gathering we’re having tonight for the selection of the new lead actress. It would be great to have you there.”

“I appreciate the invitation, but I'm going to have to decline.” Michael declined without hesitation. He wasn't exactly in the right frame of mind for a party; he just wanted to be left alone for a while.

The director hesitated for a moment before relenting. “Understood. If you change your mind, you know where to find us.”

Michael thanked him and ended the call. As he looked up, he noticed Olivia’s expression had darkened considerably, and she was fuming mad.

“Everything okay?” Micheal asked.

“No, not really.” Olivia exhaled sharply as she set down her phone. “That was my landlord; he's telling me to move out if I can't pay rent by the end of the week. I don't know what to do anymore.

Michael arched an eyebrow in disbelief. Nothing about this woman suggested financial struggle. She was impeccably dressed with stylish clothes and elegant jewelry; she didn't look like someone who would worry about rent.

"Well, this is a surprise,” he said cautiously. “You don't exactly look like someone who's having money problems.”

“Don't believe everything you see, Michael." She spat out more forcefully than she had originally intended. “Just because I dress well doesn't mean I'm not struggling. I can't be looking like my problems. I've been doing my best to keep up appearances, but things have been tough lately.”

Michael felt extremely guilty, as he knew that he had played a part in her struggles, even if indirectly. Without thinking much, he made a decision.

“Let me help,” he offered. “I can get you an apartment, somewhere nice where you don't have to worry about rent.”

Olivia blinked, clearly not expecting this stranger to table such a generous offer.

“Why would you want to do that? You hardly know me.”

“I don't know; I just feel like it.” Micheal shrugged. “I've got the means to help, so why not?”

Olivia looked at him, searching for any sign of a joke, but she saw none; he was serious.

“Are you serious?” She asked again.

“Come with me, and I'll show you.” Michael nodded, already getting up from his seat and walking towards the door.

Without further hesitation, she paid for the coffee and followed him to the door. They hailed a taxi and headed towards a high-end part of the city. As the taxi pulled up in front of a massive building, Olivia's jaws dropped.

“Holy shit.” She exclaimed in awe. “This...this is where you're taking me?” she asked in astonishment. The building was one of the finest in the area, with luxury flats that most people dream of.

“It is. And there's a room here that's perfect for you.” Michael smiled and got down from the taxi.

They walked through the lobby, where the doorman recognized who Michael was and gave him a respectful nod, which made Olivia even more amazed. They took the elevator up to one of the top floors, and when Michael opened the door to a spacious, elegantly furnished apartment, Olivia was completely floored. 

“This...this is insane.” She took a deep breath and took in the high ceilings, the expensive furnishing, and the breathtaking view of the city line. 

“It's yours if you want it. No strings attached.” Michael shrugged as if he were giving away candy.

“I...” Olivia's eye's misted over with tears. “I don't know what to say. Thank you, Michael. Really, thank you.”

“You're welcome." Michael nodded with a wide smile on his face. 

Olivia admired the apartment for a while, and Michael waited patiently for her. When she was satisfied, they both left the place together and headed towards the elevator. The lift came down, and the door slid open. Michael's eyes widened in shock when he saw who the people inside the lift were. 

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