My girlfriend is a Devil
My girlfriend is a Devil
Author: fcc.quangvu
Chapter 1: Ann Reed

“This place again?”

A young man said to himself, he was standing on a dark street, a street light with only one above his head was flickering on and off.

On the road alone, he was surrounded by only a black night with his hands and fingers invisible. The only source of light was only from the street lamp flashing above his head, but it only illuminated about a meter around.

Out of that one meter is the endless darkness forming two extremes in stark contrast to the small lighted space the young man is standing in.

The young man suddenly put his hand over his nose because he smelled a fishy, ​​foul-smelling taste.

At his feet, a dark red liquid slowly spread from the darkness outside into the light.


The young man whispered in surprise.

Suddenly, his heart was pounding, in this quiet space, he could even hear his heart pounding like a battle drum. His breathing quickened.

The crimson blood that carried a sharp fishy smell gradually flowed to his feet, but somehow he himself couldn't move no matter how hard he tried.


A sound rang out, the young man was startled to see a woman's arm as if someone had thrown it into a pool of blood right at his feet, splashing blood on the ground.


There was another low-pitched sound, this time a foot still carrying a pretty shoe, but in this situation accentuated the horror.


The viscera with a little bit of flesh on it looked like someone had put it in a bag and then spilled it out, spilling into the pool of blood beneath his feet.

The young man's limbs trembled, his breathing getting faster and faster. He struggled to take a breath of air, his chest felt like it was about to explode.

The young man suddenly felt the temperature around him drop, his whole body seemed to fall into an ice cellar, but the sweat was still pouring out like a bath.

Suddenly, he felt something touch his shoulder from behind bringing with it a cold temperature.

At this moment, only his eyes could be moved, glanced at him... he panicked when he saw that on his left shoulder was a hand with five elongated fingers of a woman as white as a corpse pointing. up to the elbow.

His pupils constricted, he wanted to scream but his mouth couldn't open so he just let out a single sound.

His legs were soft, but there was a certain force that seemed to fix his body, making him unable to move.

Pack bag!

A sound like the sound of something being thrown to the ground rang out repeatedly. He feared that another body part might be thrown.

The sound caught his eye, in the darkness in front of him there was nothing but darkness as if something was approaching.



The sound became clearer and clearer.

The young man's nerves were tense like a string, he wanted to close his eyes but couldn't.

Lucky fortune!

The sound of the impact disappeared and was replaced by the sound of something rolling on the road.


He wanted to scream, really wanted to scream, but his mouth couldn't open.

Before his eyes was a human head with long hair that was as messy as a pile of wool, and a little bit of neck bone protruded from the blood-stained area below the neck.


The head suddenly turned to face the young man, bloodshot eyes were flowing with two streams of blood, suddenly, the head smiled fiercely at him.



Startled, opening his eyes, the young man woke up, he found himself lying on the bed at this time.

“Ho ho ho…”

The young man was breathing heavily, his chest heaving as if it was about to explode. Even though I was in an air-conditioned room, I was still sweating profusely.

He tried to sit up, his hands rubbing his face to wake up a little more.

This young man's name is Peter Kent, a third year university student, twenty-two years old this year. His appearance is...a little normal, nothing outstanding, his face is a bit delicate, showing a scholarly look.

But overall, he was also very ordinary, so normal that even if he was thrown into a crowd, no one would recognize him.

“Ann Reed, why me?” Peter Kent wiped his sweat as he whispered, "This is the sixth time in a row, why is that?"

Yes, it was all just a dream, but this dream he dreamed over and over again, this was the sixth time in a row.

Ann Reed is his girlfriend. The ferocious grin he saw in his dream was his girlfriend, Ann Reed.

At first this dream was just a black space, the second day he dreamed of an extra street light, the third day there was a little more noise...

Until Friday was today he officially saw so many horrible things that scared him.

“Is it because of that that I am haunted?” Peter Kent wondered.

That story he was talking about was the story where Ann Reed was brutally murdered.

That's right, his girlfriend - Ann Reed was killed, not only that, she was also dismembered by the killer, all her organs were taken out, the death state was just like what he dreamed.

Ann Reed is very beautiful, even her beauty compared to movie stars is slightly better.

But unlike some other girls, if there is a bit of personality that hates to show off her pride, Ann Reed is the complete opposite. She lives a very closed life, even intentionally letting her hair cover part of her face, wearing big glasses to cover up her beauty.

Because of his closed lifestyle, he didn't want to communicate with anyone, so he couldn't understand who could be so cruel to her.

Ever since he heard of Ann Reed's murder, although he couldn't see her body because the forensics team was investigating, he had nightmares every night.

By now, it was Friday night, and his spirit was about to bear this torture.

The first day was still better, he thought it was only because he was so surprised and sad when he heard that Ann Reed was brutally murdered that he had such a nightmare.

But each day the nightmare grew worse, especially when the feeling was so real that it made him forget that he was dreaming.

Day rubbed his forehead, Peter Kent got out of bed, but as soon as his feet got out of the blanket, he touched the ground.

"Tch, forgot I wasn't in my old room anymore."

Peter Kent was not on a bed, but on a Japanese-style mattress. The room he lived in was also empty except for a desk and a few books.

The door to the room was full of charms, there was even a Buddha statue, there was even a love mirror hanging above, and the window was also full of those things.

He lifted his pillow, and under the pillow there were also amulets of peace, charms to chase demons, five thunderbolts...

All kinds of charms, Buddha statues, even saints, images of God, it seems that there are many kinds of Buddha spells he has stuck in the room.

Because of these nightmares, two days ago he went around asking for these things. He wasn't the superstitious type, or the kind of person who would believe in such spiritual matters.

It was just that those nightmares were so monstrous that he couldn't help but think about the issue of demonic spirituality.

“Still useless?”

Peter Kent looked at the things he bought, which cost him almost a month of living, and was secretly bored. No matter what he used, no matter how many charms he applied, the monster-like nightmare would not spare him.

Sighing, put on flat sandals. Peter Kent had just stepped out of the room, and the first thing he saw was a closed room at the end of the hallway.

This place was the apartment he and Ann Reed shared.

After knowing each other for two years, Ann Reed offered to live with him even though the two were only in college. Actually, this story of cohabitation for students has nothing to say, but it is worth mentioning that a girl who lives aloof like Ann Reed actively mentions living together.

Of course, being a boyfriend is a matter of heaven and earth, so he agrees with Ann Reed to live together.

Peter Kent's parents had died in an accident, but the money they left behind was enough for him to live comfortably for twenty years without doing anything, so he rented a room in a mid-range apartment.

The room has a living room, a kitchen, two bedrooms, a toilet, a total of more than one hundred square meters.

The rooms are connected by a corridor to the living room, the main door is at the end of the living room. At the end of the hallway was the master bedroom he and Ann Reed had used.

But since Ann Reed's death, after the first night of nightmares, Peter Kent has moved into an extra bedroom to stay. It's not that he's afraid, it's that he can't stand the feeling of losing someone he loves again.

His parents were already dead, thinking that Ann Reed would be the girl to fill the emotional void in his heart, but now Ann Reed is no more, he hasn't been able to overcome this pain, he has had a thick nightmare. for six days now.

Since the day he moved into the spare bedroom, he has not returned to the master bedroom, not even for six days now he has not opened the other door.

Seeing the scene of that bedroom door, like there was magic power, a subconscious voice told him that he had to open that door.

Peter Kent approached the door, he raised his hand to grab the doorknob, just needed a normal action like he used to do before, which was to grab the handle and turn it, but this time it was extremely difficult.

His arm stopped in midair less than five inches from the doorknob but he hesitated, sweat starting to break out, a shiver of fear running down his spine.

The familiar room suddenly became so scary, he was afraid that if he opened the door, Ann Reed's head would be in the room looking at him like in a dream.

He suddenly saw blood flowing out from under the door, sticking to his leg. From the gap in the door, a little hair like snakes gradually drifted out with the blood...

Cup Cup!


Startled Peter Kent, he looked back down at his feet, where there was nothing, still the normal floor.

Cup Cup!!

Peter Kent heard a knock on the door outside and silently thanked the knocker for saving him. Turning to look at the bedroom door, trying to calm her complicated mood, she headed for the main door.

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