Chapter 37: The Battle of the Archipelago

We had barely caught our breath when the horizon darkened with the ominous shapes of more cultist boats. They were relentless, determined to avenge their fallen leader and reclaim the power we had taken from them.

"Brace yourselves!" Drake shouted as the first volley of cannon fire whizzed past us, narrowly missing the hull of our submarine.

I grabbed the controls, pushing the engines to their limit. "We’re sitting ducks out here. We need to find cover and fight back."

Mara, camera still in hand, began documenting the chaos. "They’re not giving up easily, are they?"

"Looks like we’re in for a fight," Lena said, her voice steely. She and Lucas manned the guns, ready to return fire.

Drake expertly navigated the submarine through the maze of islands, trying to use the rocky terrain to our advantage. But the cultists were skilled sailors, and they quickly closed the gap, their cannons thundering in the early morning light.

Our boat shuddered as a direct hit rocked the deck, sending splint
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