Chapter 44: The Capture

We pushed off from the shore, the sound of the waves crashing against the boat a stark contrast to the chaos we had just escaped. The island’s energy still hummed in the background, a reminder of the power we had just protected. But the victory felt hollow as I glanced around at my team.

"Mara?" I called out, my heart pounding as I realized she was missing. "Where’s Mara?"

Panic set in as I scanned the shoreline. Amid the confusion and battle, Mara had been taken. My mind raced with the implications. The cultists had her. They had our journalist, our documentarian, and our friend.

"We have to go back!" I said, turning to Drake and Lena. "We can't leave her behind."

Drake shook his head, his expression grim. "We barely made it out alive, Jack. If we go back now, we might not get another chance to escape. We need to regroup and come up with a plan."

"But Mara—" I started, my voice breaking.

Lena placed a hand on my shoulder. "We’ll get her back, Jack. But we need to be smart about this.
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