Chapter 46: Guardians of the Island

We ran through the dense jungle, our breaths ragged and hearts pounding. The ground beneath us trembled with the island’s growing unrest, each step a reminder of the danger we faced. Mara stayed close, her determination undimmed despite her ordeal.

"We need to head towards the island’s center," I said, trying to orient myself using the landmarks I had memorized from the diary. "That’s where the final artifact and the source of the island’s power are."

"The heart of the island," Harlan echoed. "That’s where it all began, and it’s where it will end."

As we pushed deeper into the jungle, the vegetation grew thicker, the air more oppressive. It felt as if the island itself was trying to hinder our progress, throwing obstacles in our path.

Suddenly, the atmosphere shifted. The air grew colder, and a dense mist began to rise from the ground. The island’s energy seemed to coalesce around us, forming spectral shapes that flickered in and out of existence.

"Ghostly guardians," Lena whispered,
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