Chapter 54: The Guardian of the Portal

The shock of our return to our own dimension was still fresh. The familiar sights and sounds were a stark contrast to the chaotic energy of the parallel world we had just left behind. As we gathered our bearings, it was clear our mission was not over—the shape-shifter was still out there, clutching the most powerful artifact, and we had to stop it.

"We need to find a way to track it," Lena said, scanning the area. "That thing won’t stop until it’s succeeded."

Mara, ever the quick thinker, pulled out her notebook. "There might be a way," she said. "If the artifacts are connected, we might be able to trace the energy signature of the one it has."

Drake nodded, looking around warily. "We need to move fast. That thing is still out there, and it’s not going to wait for us to regroup."

As we prepared to track the shape-shifter, a sudden shimmer in the air caught our attention. It was faint at first, but then it grew more pronounced, forming an ethereal gateway pulsating with energy.

"A port
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