Maya found Isabella and her boyfriend kissing in her room, the door was a little open. It wasn't a chaste kiss. It was a deep and passionate kiss. Maya knew such shouldn't interest her but she couldn't help but stare at the light skinned young man who got her sister enthralled in his web of magic. She blatantly gawked at her sister's naked passion for him and his for her.

It was at this point she knew her sister was deeply in love with him. The saying that men were manipulated by love was totally truth. Isabella couldn't endure even a fly hurting her but freely allowed her boyfriend chastise her. She called it a couple's fight and insinuated that she knew nothing about it. Imagine her baby sister! What did she know about love? Knows nothing of a couple's fight? She was once a couple with Davin and she fought everyday with him, or is that not included as fight?

It was the first time she had witnessed her boyfriend being completely different from her first impression. He was sweetly ena
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