“Tell me about Mr. Tom, anything new?” Derek requested as he settled himself in the back of the car.

Mario turned to speak to him. “He's a business tycoon, an elder statesman who's had his finger in the political pie for years, so I intend to concentrate on showing him our products,” he explained. “However, the second guy, Don Carlos, is the one who is really interested. He has connections with the Feds and can help us when we have issues. He's also a politician but for the Southern province.

“His father was a kingpin in the game and was an ex policeman.” Raul provided, accelerating away.

“-- and my hope is that he'll give us a better deal than the Mexicans. Their monopoly is strong here in the south that's why they charge so high. Because they know there's no one else to buy from.”

“So you think working with Mr. Tom and Don will make us relevant again.” Derek asked curiously.

“Yeah, we promised to deliver one thousand bags in two weeks and it's very feasible because we have slashed t
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