She was actually confused on what to do, he may have been very crude with his words but he meant well. Staying at home and missing the party wasn't exactly a great choice but the best idea to stay safe if she wanted to be. She dabbed her eyes with her handkerchief and stood up to leave. She dropped the bill and walked out. She walked into her car with her shades on, her eyes were already red. She entered and drove off. She passed by Jetly Fashion Store and felt awkward.

She took a U-turn and parked in the garage of the store. She stepped out and walked towards the entrance of the store with elegance. She greeted a few people and got in. She stood in a fixed, she threw her eyes around in amazement. There were so many beautiful gowns and she wanted to try all of them. While she was still bewildered, a young woman walked to her in a nice green polo, Jetly Fashion Store boldly written in front of it.

“Welcome to Jetly Fashion Store, how many I be of help ma'am.” She asked politely

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