
There was an atmosphere since our last outside exercise period. The guards were rougher and shouted more. You know like someone higher up has come down on the underlings. Now they were coming down on us. It’s true what they say shit rolls down hill.

The guards were making more patrols than the days or weeks before. They seemed to be walking up and down the hall constantly. There was no distinction between them. So I had no idea if the softer one was ever near.

On one of the guards passes a note was tossed into my cell. I was up off my bed in a flash and palmed it. When I was a sure as I could be that there was no guard near I read the note.

“The boss is suspicious of you. We have been punished for not paying attention. She thinks your trouble. We have been ordered to keep a close eye on you. Keep a low profile. You are one step away from death. Don’t make any more moves until things calm down.”

For some reason, I could not fathom this guard was on our side.

Because of the new guard router exercise had to stop. Again I don’t know how long this is going to have to be like this but it made me feel stressed. Until they changed or I was able to find a new way to step things up. We are here for even longer.

The walls of my cell have very small cracks in them. While I have been here I have counted them. I have counted them on many occasions. Not one of those times have I counted the same number. Now if the number went up then nothing too out of the ordinary. The thing is the number goes down on one day there were just three cracks in my whole cell. On another day there was seventy-eight. If I wasn’t already be living in magic I was now.

I noticed that my meals came on metal dishes. Now I’m not sure on how things work around here but I have an idea I want to try. Nigel says he can manipulate metal. If this is true I want to see if he can do something with my dish.

“Hey Nigel. I’ve got an idea I want to try. Are you up for it?”

He scrutinised me for a moment. Looking at me like I was up to something. Which I was.

“Depends what is it?”

“I want to see if magic will work outside of our cells. The guards don’t use keys on them so there must be magic outside our cages.”

“Humm ok go on. I never tried this what are you thinking?”

“Yeah what are you thinking?”

Susan called excitedly from her cell.

“Shhh, Susan. I’m trying something out and don’t want everyone knowing yet.”

I paused for a second feeling annoyed over the interruption and lack of privacy.

“Nigel if I slide you my dish will you try and take a small part off it and turn it into something simple? Something like a needle?”

“Err yeah I will try but it won’t work.”

“Try doing it on this side of your bars.”

I slid the dish across the hall and it changed on his bars. His tiny hands reached out and took the dish. He held it up in both hands and closed his eyes in concentration.

I watched holding my breath. If this didn’t work then it was back to the drawing board. A long moment passed. Nothing seemed to be happening apart from Nigel's face turning red. His hands were shaking with the effort he was putting in. Then a small spark flicked from the dish and Nigel fell back.

The dish dropped from his grasp and Nigel laded on the floor of his cell gasping for air. I called to him concerned for him.

“Nigel are you ok?”

Sounding exhausted he answered.

“Yeah, that was hard. I could feel me. Power. It was there but only weak. I was separated. From it. The cell. Is stopping me.”

He had to stop every few words to get his breath. This was a glimmer of hope though. Out of the cells, the other magic users might have some power back as well.

“Don't worry Nigel. Do you think you could get stronger with practice?”

His breathing had eased when I asked him.

“Maybe. It won’t hurt to keep trying.”

Susan spoke now.

“Edd what are you up to. First the exercise now this. Oh and what was that spark Nigel?”

Nigel made a sound of a man who has just heard a dumb question.

“Is she serious?”

“Well she does have a good question. What was that spark?”

Nigel lost his shit for a second. He ran to the back of his cell and head-butted the wall. The sound of his head bouncing off the wall echoed down the hall. He turned around now with blood running down his face. Shouting in a strange language that I didn’t understand and from the tone, I think that was for the best. Eventually he came to a stop at the bars. Gasping and drooling with anger he spoke.

“That tiny spark was all I could get from the dish. Somewhere on the floor is a tiny needle.”

I was shocked. He had managed to do anything at all. So if what he is saying is correct I need to find a way to suppress the magic barrier. The guard needs to find a way to open up a two way conversation.

It was feeling like I was moving forward one step and taking two back. At this rate I will be worse off than when I started. Like everyone had said escape was near impossible. That still gave me hope near isn’t completely impossible. I need to play this game sensibly and take my time. You don’t rush a  game of chess and I can’t rush this.

I call over to Nigel to send my dish back I want to see if there is a mark from where he did his magic. Also, I need it back before the guards come back to collect them.

“Hey, Nigel can you send me the dish back? Please.”

He didn’t answer and just tossed it back to me. I picked it up and inspected every millimetre. There was no sign of any damage. If anything it looked newer than before.

In the back of my head a familiar voice came to me. Sandy.

“Can I speak to you yet. I think you are getting used to life now?”

“Yes thank you for holding back. What is it?”

Talking in my head was not easy to get used to but like everything, I guess I will.

“I’m sorry but I have been watching you. In here. Your head. I know what you’re up to. I want to help. My cell has less resistance than the others as this is the only way I can communicate. They don’t know everything I can do.”

My heart skipped a beat. It was racing now pumped with adrenaline. Sandy came into my thoughts again.

“Calm down you’re going to have a heart attack if you don’t.”

“Ok sorry I just got excited. Can you tell me more?”

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