
The explosion shattered the night, sending a shockwave that rippled through the surrounding landscape. A plume of fire and smoke billowed into the sky, briefly illuminating the darkness as debris rained down.

Ryan’s ears rang from the blast, his vision blurred by tears and smoke. He tried to process what had just happened, but his mind refused to accept it. Jake, the man who had been like a father to him, was gone—ripped apart by the juggernaut and consumed in the explosion.

Maria’s scream pierced through the noise, dragging Ryan back to reality. She struggled against Alex’s grip, desperate to run back toward the burning wreckage that had once been their friend and leader.

“Jake!” she cried, her voice raw and broken. “Jake!”

Alex felt like he was moving through molasses as he reached out to her. He had to stop her, had to make her see that it was too late, but the words caught in his throat. Instead, he could only watch as she crumpled to the ground, sobbing uncontrollably. Liam
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