visit of pain

The walk back to the enclave was slow and silent, the weight of what they had just experienced hanging heavily over them. Every step felt like a struggle, as if the very earth beneath them was trying to pull them down, to drag them into the same abyss that had claimed Jake.

Mason was the only one who wasn’t dragged by what had happened. He had just met Jake, so he wasn’t emotionally attached, though he felt for Jake’s team. His two drones went ahead of them, scanning the perimeter ahead to scout out routes that were ragers free. It was a long and silent walk back to the enclave but after some hours, they were at its gate.

Mario, as the enclave called him, was the gate keeper. He was in-charge of watching over the base surroundings for incoming ragers. He had a shift partner, Marcus but Marcus usually slacks off. Mar io could easily read the room as the team approached him. At first, he wondered why they held long faces as their number were complete and they even had one more.

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