Now, The Loser Turned The Table

Leonidas pulled up to the campus in his new sports car, the sleek vehicle turning heads as it glided to a stop. The morning sun glinted off the polished exterior.

"Shit. Is that true? Leo-ser?"

"That is my fucking dream car! How could he afford that?"

They were already in shock only to seeing his new looks and the car he drove, but the real shock came when someone stepped out from his car, hand-in-hand romantically.

"No way... no way...! Is that Claire?"

Claire Adwell was a name that commanded attention on campus. Wherever she went, people noticed. Known as the “Noble Lady” by her peers, Claire had a certain untouchable quality about her—an aura of elegance and grace that made her seem like she belonged to another world entirely. She was stunning, of course, with her flawless skin, piercing green eyes, and raven-black hair that cascaded over her shoulders like silk. But it wasn’t just her looks that made her stand out. It was her demeanor—calm, quiet, and always composed.

In a school where popularity often came with loud parties and a constant need for attention, Claire was the opposite. She rarely spoke unless necessary, and her words were never wasted. People were drawn to her mystery, to the way she kept everyone at arm’s length, like she didn’t need them—like she didn’t need anyone.

"No... Claire, I'm the one who wants you so bad. Why would you end up with that loser...?"

"I can't believe this. Are they dating?"

Leonidas could feel their stares, their disbelief. It was exactly what he wanted. With Claire on his arm, everything about him seemed different—richer, sharper, and more powerful.

A few meters away, Derek, his friends, and Emma stood watching, their faces twisting with annoyance. Derek’s jaw clenched as he saw Claire’s hand resting comfortably in Leonidas’. His mind spun, trying to process how someone like Leonidas could have possibly won over the woman he had been chasing for so long.

Every guy on campus dreamed of dating her, but few ever got close. She was picky—excruciatingly so—and had a reputation for shutting down suitors before they even had a chance to approach. But now, the legendary Noble Lady was hand in hand with the man who used to know as a loser; loser of the losers in the school.

“Claire…” Derek muttered under his breath, fists tightening at his sides.

Emma, standing next to Derek, felt her stomach churn. She couldn’t accept what she was seeing. Just weeks ago, she had crushed Leonidas, leaving him heartbroken and humiliated. And now… here he was, walking beside a woman who outshone her in every way. It was as if her betrayal had propelled him forward, rather than destroyed him.

She turned to Derek, expecting him to say something, but what she saw made her heart drop. His eyes were locked on Claire, his face a mask of hatred and jealousy. Emma suddenly remembered the rumors, the whispers that Derek had always wanted Claire, even while dating her. The realization hit her hard, and she swallowed her growing bitterness.

“Derek,” Emma whispered, trying to get his attention, but he didn’t even look at her. His eyes were glued to Leonidas and Claire.

As Leonidas and Claire walked past, Leonidas caught sight of them, but he didn’t stop. He was content to simply enjoy their expressions—especially Emma’s. That flicker of jealousy, that flash of insecurity in her eyes was all the revenge he needed.

But then, Emma made her move. As Leonidas and Claire were just about to pass them, Emma stepped forward and deliberately nudged Claire’s shoulder, hard enough to make her stumble. Claire, caught off guard, nearly fell, but Leonidas was quick to catch her, his arm steady around her waist.

“Watch where you’re going, Noble Lady,” Emma sneered, her voice dripping with venom. “Oh wait, I forgot—you’re too focus pretending to be with him,” she added, looking Leonidas up and down with mock disdain.

Claire straightened herself up, then took Leonidas' hand again without hesitation. "Why should I pretend? I'm with someone I should be with." Claire said just like what Emma said when she announced her engage and mocked Leonidas with that words. Now the words thrown back to her like a boomerang. "And, isn't that you the one who love pretending? Pretending to love someone only to fooled and humiliating him. That's not ethical, girl."

Emma immediately silenced Claire because she was embarrassed and upset. "Shut up, you ugly bitch!"

"I already have a famous title here, ya know. Take that yours, I give it to you honorably, ugly bitch."

Leonidas straightened up, his expression cool and calm, but he just held his laugh, making Emma offended.

"Are you laugh at me?" she asked, annoyed.

“Is there something you want, Emma? Or are you just trying to stir up drama like usual?”

Emma rolled her eyes, a smug smile playing on her lips. “Oh, please, Leo. We all know this little charade won’t last. You’re just trying to make us feel bad with your fake wealth and that borrowed car.”

Tobby, one of Derek’s lackeys, laughed, pointing at the car. “Yeah, that’s not even his! Probably rented for the day.”

“Must be nice to pretend for a little while,” Emma added with a smirk. “But don’t think we’re fooled. And one more thing, pretending to date this bitch won't make me jealous and begging to come back to you!”

Leonidas remained unfazed, his calm demeanor unnerving Emma. Claire stood tall beside him, her icy gaze fixed on Emma but saying nothing.

"Glad to hear that, I never planned to show Claire off to get your jealousy, Emma." Leonidas moved closer a little bit to Emma, his voice was steady and calm when he said, "I showed Claire off to show everyone that I can even get a far better woman than you."

Without breaking eye contact, Leonidas reached into his pocket, pulled out the car key, and give it toward Emma, her face twisting in confusion.

“You talk too much,” Leonidas said coolly. “If you really want to sit in the newest car, just ask me. There’s no need for all this nonsense. And, for your information, my Claire doesn’t like hearing nonsense.”

The smug expression on Emma’s face disappeared instantly. She flushed with embarrassment, holding the car key awkwardly. Her mouth opened, but no words came out. She glanced over at Derek, hoping for some support, but Derek wasn’t even looking at her. His eyes were still locked on Claire, his fists trembling with barely-contained rage.

“Derek…” Emma whispered, but he didn’t respond. His jealousy had consumed him.

Emma, humiliated and furious, shoved the car key back at Leonidas and stormed off, her face red with embarrassment. Derek and his friends hesitated for a moment, but eventually followed, leaving Leonidas and Claire standing victorious.

Leonidas felt a rush of satisfaction wash over him. He had turned the tables. No longer the victim, no longer the loser. The people who had bullied him, mocked him—they were all wary now, watching his every move with fear and uncertainty.

Claire glanced up at Leonidas, her usual cold demeanor softening slightly. “Well,” she said dryly, “I have to admit, that was satisfying.”

Leonidas chuckled, pocketing his keys. “It was, wasn’t it? You handled it well, especially with that 'ugly bitch'!”

Claire laughed a little. “It wasn’t hard. Emma’s always been all talk.” She paused, looking at him curiously. “So… do you have any more plans for your little revenge tour? Or was that the grand finale?”

Leonidas shrugged, his eyes glinting with mischief. “Let’s just say, my journey isn’t over yet.”

Claire raised an eyebrow, impressed. “Hmm. Good to know.”

They headed to the campus café, and after ordering some food, Claire decided to do him a favor and went to pick it up. Leonidas waited at their table, enjoying the moment. He thought about his system and contemplating about what he could get more than this little revenge. But as he sat there, someone approached from the side, casting a shadow over him.

Leonidas looked up and he was a slight shock, recognizing the man standing before him. His eyes narrowed slightly.


The tall man cut before Leonidas finished his words.

“Yeah, it's me. Claire Adwell’s one and only ex.”

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