10| Searching

Lindy recoiled in fright as she raised her hands. "No, that's not what I meant. I think it's just a misunderstanding."

Malvinn looked at her coldly and left the office without another word. Malvinn closed the door tightly.

Lindy was still standing on the other side of the door, clutching her pounding chest. "Jeez, he's so scary."

The girl had turned and was about to return to her desk, but someone knocked on the door. Lindy froze and turned around quickly. She headed to the door and opened it nervously.

"Malvinn… did you forget something?" she asked. Then she gaped.

"It's me, not Malvinn!"

"Kay? How soon are you back? Why are you knocking on your own door?"

"To make sure there are no intruders here." Kay immediately pushed Lindy away from the door as he drew his revolver.

"What is it?"

"Tell me, who are you exactly?"

Click! Kay pulled the trigger.

"And what is your purpose in coming here?"

Kay pointed the gun squarely at Lindy's chin. The girl had to look up in fright.

"W-what do you mean? I have delivered the task for you, and no questions as the main requirement! You have to guard and protect me until I decide I feel safe."

Kay kept pushing Lindy until the back of her knees hit the couch. She fell to her knees, and Kay was even more eager to attack the girl. Lindy sank and raised her hands, but Kay did not intend to put the gun down.

Kay bent over Lindy. The girl could only stare at Kay with a resigned look.

"Who do you want to protect and run away from?" Kay kept asking questions and needed to remember Lindy's terms. It was as if the man threatened Lindy with his good looks.




Kay turned toward the window. He left Lindy sprawled on the sofa and crept over to the window ledge with weapon drawn. Kay glanced at the scenery below.

He saw Malvinn alone with his sword. He slashed at the gang members lurking in the alley and surrounded the Rogue brothers' office. Kay aimed the gun towards the alley to give Malvinm assistance.

Lindy was curious as to what was going on. She heard the sound of a sharp weapon slashing. The girl exited the sofa and silently walked towards the open window.

Kay let down. A sniper fired bullets at Lindy.

Kay pulled the girl away from the window though it was a bit late. The bullet shattered the window and penetrated Lindy's shoulder. The girl falls.

Bang! Bang! Kay responded with a gunshot to the roof of a building across from the Rogue brothers' office. He saw a sniper hiding there.

"Fuck!" Kay cursed as he jumped to the floor and grabbed Lindy.

The girl's shoulder was covered in blood. She just kept silent while biting her lip in pain.

"Hold on!" whispered Kay, leading Lindy away from the windows and doors. "Keep ducking and hiding."

Kay returned to the window ledge. He looked for the sniper and was not there.

The gunshot from Kay's gun jolted Malvinn, who had just finished killing the gang members below. He looked up at the office window and asked Kay silently.

"The sniper is gone!" answered Kay with a hand signal to Malvinn.

On the roof of the opposite building and also in the alleys around their office, there were no visible enemies or anyone suspicious.

A few minutes later, Kay was holding Lindy in his arms. The girl's shoulder was torn from the bullet. Kay ran down the apartment stairs.

On the ground floor, he met Malvinn, who was still on guard and watching at the door.

"Is she hurt?" asked Malvinn.

"You can protect us? I'm taking her to Emma's house. She must get treatment immediately. This girl lost a lot of blood."

"Go first. I'll clear the streets for you."

Kay trotted through the seedy and dirty alleys and streets, holding Lindy in his muscular arms. Lindy was still conscious of what was happening, though her vision was starting to blur. She lost a lot of blood.

Lindy felt a jolt. She also felt Kay's chest muscles' strength and comfort when Lindy was in his arms. Only now did Lindy really feel comfortable and safe.


Kay pushed open the door of a modest clinic tucked between a row of mostly closed shops. The clinic is one with a rooftop house on the second floor. Then he ran and led Lindy up to the clinic's second floor.

Lindy struggled to maintain her senses even though her eyes felt sleepy and heavy. Kay kept talking to the girl and asking Lindy not to fall asleep.

When the clinic's second-floor door opened, Lindy could clearly see a beautiful woman who looked extremely hot in only sheer underwear and a nightgown greet them. The girl's face looked somber and disturbed. Her long brown hair fell perfectly, even though some parts were a little messy. All of that does not reduce her beauty at all.

"Who did you bring here, Kay?" The girl asked with a probing look and folded her arms. She didn't like the sight of Kay holding Lindy in his arms.

Before he could answer, Kay had barged past the beautiful girl. He immediately laid Lindy down on Emma's messy bed and examined her arm, which kept bleeding.

"Emma, please save this girl. She lost a lot of blood. We were just attacked."

Emma was alert and immediately understood the situation they were in. She quickly locked the door and promptly took her robe. She tied the rope around her waist and examined Lindy, lying on the sofa helplessly.

Emma checked Lindy's pupils. Then she took the medicine box and tore off Lindy's clothes.

"How are things?"

Kay asked frantically without turning his head. He was busy checking the bullets in his gun. He kept glancing toward the window and staring at the dark alley behind the clinic.

Emma took a deep breath. "You always come to me with problems. I would prefer you to come here to make love to me."

"Sorry, Emma. I had to, and I didn't have much choice. You're the only one I can go to and ask for help right now."

"Who is this girl exactly?" Emma asked, picking up her surgical kit.

"She…." Kay's words hung. "Just a client."

"That's how it's supposed to be," Emma muttered as she cleaned the wound on Lindy's arm. "If it's your lover, I will definitely kill her!"

After removing the bullet from Lindy's shoulder, Emma sighed in relief. "Because there's no way girls like this are to your taste, Kay."

Malvinn, who walked out of the apartment and continued to clear the way, had now come to the end of the alley. When he was about to turn, he accidentally collided with someone. The big, bald-headed man was offended and angry when his shoulder touched Malvinn's.

"Fuck! You're blind, huh?" shouted the man, pulling Malvinn's collar.

Malvinn just stared at him coldly and didn't show any reaction. The bald man was getting more and more annoyed. The man suddenly paled when he tugged at Malvinn's collar and revealed a small tattoo on his left shoulder. He just released his grip on Malvinn.

"You…," the man hissed, recoiling in fear. He ran away from Malvinn as fast as he could.

Malvinn looked around. "The bald man had nothing to do with the apartment attack."

There was a loud knock on Emma's clinic door. Kay, who was ready with his weapon, immediately became alert.

Emma stood up from the side of the bed after bandaging the wound on Lindy's shoulder. She held up a hand, signaling Kay to remain calm.

"Just let me go out and face them. I don't want my clinic and house to be destroyed by a shootout."

Emma smoothed her clothes and ruffled her long hair. She walked gracefully down to the ground floor where the clinic operated and opened the door slightly. The door chain is still linked.

"Yes? Who are you?"

"Doctor Emma Watson?" asked a man dressed all in black and a bushy beard. A cigarette caught between his lips.

"What do you need? I'm Emma Watson."

The man pulled out a photo and showed it to Emma. "We're looking for this girl. We got information from people around us that this clinic is the only one still operating here. Have you handled this girl?"

Emma pretended to squint to take a closer look at the photo. However, she still held on to the door to link the chain. Behind the door, Emma was holding a gun that had been prepared beforehand.

"I don't know," Emma muttered, tilting her head. "Recently, my clinic has been a bit quiet. So, I haven't had a single patient since last week. Maybe you can find her at another clinic?"

The man blew smoke from his mouth into Emma's face and grinned. He dropped his cigarette butt and stomped on it with the toe of his shoe. Then the man hissed.

"Well, maybe she really isn't here!"

It was as if they were about to leave, but instead turned around and kicked open the door Emma had been trying to hold on to.


The door retaining chain broke. Emma swung her gun at the three men.

"You guys… damaged my property!"

Before Emma fired a gun at the man standing at the door of her clinic, someone greeted them first.

"It seems you guys got the wrong address? The cemetery is in a different district!"

The three grim-faced mafia members looked back while spitting. They feel disturbed by the presence of someone who is not wanted.

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