The sky was cloudy as the day darkened. There was a distant hoot from an owl as the soft evening breeze rustled the leaves of the trees in the forest. Gentle ripples formed over the lake which laid at the opening of the forest. At that moment, everything was calm and mysteriously beautiful.
Then, the peace was broken.
"Please! Don't一 mmph!" a terrified girl screamed but her mouth was covered by a big calloused hand. As she struggled to break free, a hard, muscled arm wrapped around her body. The petite girl was no match to the man's strength. Tears streamed down her face as the group of men held her firmly immobile and dragged an unwilling lanky man towards the lake.
As the girl continued to struggle, the bald man leaned in and whispered into her ear, "Shush! You know it has to be done. Adam is already doomed. No one can save him now."
"Yeah, Clara. Hush now. Unless you want to doom us all!" another man growled lowly at the girl as he helped a tan-looking middle-aged man drag the boy into the water.
The boy knew that there was no hope for him but continued to struggle against his gag and restraints. He didn't want to die. At least, not like this. Like many others before him, the boy was afraid of the pain that is to come.
Frustrated, the middle-aged man groaned and coldly talked to the boy, "Would you rather turn and make your little sister see you like that? Look at her. She is terrified and in pain. But this way, it will only last for a few moments. If you turn, she will have to live in anguish for the rest of her life. You know Clara. Do you honestly think that she would just move on once you've turned?"
Adam glanced at Clara. Her similarly brown eyes were now filled with sorrow. Then as if resigning to his fate, Adam's body went limp and he stopped resisting. The middle-aged man nodded grimly and called out to the bald man who was holding on to Clara, "David, face her away. I don't want this to be her last memory of Adam."
"Yes," David said as he turned and walked slightly away from the lake.
Once the girl was unable to see the lake, the middle-aged man with the help of the other man, pushed Adam's head into the water. Loud splashes were heard as the boy thrashed violently in the water as his lunges ran out of air. After what felt like an eternity, the splashing stopped and a few bubbles surfaced. The water became calm again.
Adam was dead.
Not so far away from the men, a member of the group stood on the side and watched in silent horror as the events unfold. He was a lean boy in his 20s and looked like he was about to either faint or scream. In resignation and disgust, the boy thought to himself, 'No matter how much violence and killings I had already witnessed, I can never get used to it. I know this as I, Jared Deason, am not a killer. I don't belong here.'
Jared sighed.
'When had it all gone wrong?'
'Was it when Adam had mistakenly picked berries from a bush without checking to see if it was safe to do so?'
'Or was it when we had decided to leave the safety of our homes to travel across this land?'
'Or was it way before I had even arrived at this place?'
[305 days earlier一 10th June 2021...]
"Come on, Nic! Shoot!" Jared growled into his earpiece.
"Yes, I'm doing it!" Nic yelled back through the earpiece.
"Bro, we are getting slaughtered here! Pull your weight!" someone else yelled at Nic.
“Dude, I’m trying!” but as soon as Nic yelled back, the enemy in the game had successfully cornered them and killed off all of their characters.
“You see?! What did I say?! You are too slow and sloppy! Even my Grandma moves faster than you do!” an angry voice complained.
“Well, how about we play a different game? Maybe one where the game avatars have superpowers or something?” Nic asked.
“You can’t even play this game right and you want to play a game where superpowers are involved? That would be harder for you! It would have been nice if you had the same motivation when we were playing this game!”
“Come on, Omar. No use being upset over a lost game. This game is old and一” Jared began to reason.
“C.L.A.S.S.I.C! The word you are trying to say is CLASSIC! This game is a freaking classic!” Omar ranted.
Jared rolled his eyes. He knew that once Omar got started, there was almost no chance of stopping his ‘lecture’. Omar was one of the few people in the world who still played and enjoyed the simplicity of the game. Combative Shot had been around decades before the three of them were even born. The game commands and layouts were basic compared to many of the newer games. Moreover, there has been no updates or modified version of Combative Shot since the year it was made.
‘Well, to be fair, if there are no glitches and the game has been working well for decades, I guess that it could be deemed as a decent game to some.’ Jared thought to himself though he preferred games where the characters had superpowers and there were multiple levels or a sort of adventure kind of mode. Jared was the kind of guy who got easily bored over a game and having a change of pace every now and then was always welcomed.
“Dude, I get it. You’re right. Oh. My. God. Can you please stop? We have heard your ‘speech’ on so many occasions!” Nic was already whining over the earpiece.
Jared snickered. It was tiresome but always funny whenever Omar begins ranting and Nic is pushed to the verge of tears一 basically of boredom from hearing the same thing over and over again. Nic could have easily disconnected from the group call but he actually loved his friends a lot and would just stay on. There was an occasion when Nic had fallen asleep when this happened. At the memory, Jared actually had to mute the call before his friends could hear his outburst of laughter.
Suddenly feeling thirsty, Jared reached out for an already opened can of carbonated drink from a table that had stacks of books and notes behind him. As he grabbed the can, a brochure was nudged out from a pile of notes that was hazardously placed at the edge of the table and fell to the floor. Normally, Jared would have decided to not pick up a seemingly unimportant slip of paper. He was about to take a sip from his drink and return to his call when something caught his eye.
The colorful design and images on the brochure were one of a kind and stood out distinctively when the whole of his room was decorated in dark and dull colors. Somewhat intrigued, Jared bent down from his gaming chair and picked up the brochure.
The background of the brochure’s cover was of the galaxy一 with hues of white, pink, purple, blue, and black. At the bottom of the cover was a pair of glass-like goggles with intricate blue patterns that reminded him of binary code一 which was weird since it was not of numbers but circles and squares.
Printed out in the middle of the cover were big, bold words; ‘The Rift’. Jared then remembered receiving the brochure the other day when he was at the local mall, doing some grocery shopping for the household. As he was already carrying a lot of groceries that day and was running late to help his mother prepare for dinner, Jared had just grabbed the brochure that was handed out to him without a second thought. He can very vaguely remember the promoter’s appearance一 if it were even a guy or a girl一 though he was fairly certain that that person was dressed in some kind of shiny, futuristic costume.
Flipping open the brochure, there were an array of images that showed people wearing the goggles he had seen on the cover in various landscapes and garments. On the very first page, there was a short paragraph typed out in elegant white fonts as a contrast to a dark blue background.
[Gemini Enterprise proudly presents ‘The Rift’. After years of thorough research and perfecting its operations, Gemini Enterprise is opening ‘The Rift’ to the public this Thursday on 10th June, at Beryl Mall. There will never be a dull moment as ‘The Rift’ will一]
Jared squinted at the date and time on the bottom right of his laptop and smiled. It was indeed the 10th.
Then, he unmuted his mic and interrupted Omar who was still ranting about how certain games are unappreciated for lacking special graphics and game elements.
“Guys! There’s this new game that I think you both would like to check out! Let’s go to Beryl Mall.”
Beryl Mall was the only one within a hundred miles. Inside of its four floors一 not including the three basement car park floors一 Beryl Mall was filled with various clothing stores, restaurants, cafes, and many other businesses that any other mall would have. There was never a lack of choices and thus, the locals faced no problems shopping at the mall.
‘Ah, I missed the days,’ Jared thought as he reminisced.
“Then what are we waiting for? Let’s go!” Nic half-yelled in excitement.
‘Since I haven’t even said what kind of game it’d be, I’m pretty sure that Nic is acting like this mainly to escape Omar’s rant,’ Jared chuckled.
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Nation 27 CH 2: How would you like to customize your VR game?
“Dude, a twenty minutes drive feels like an eternity. Why are you driving so slowly?” Nic groaned.“What?! How fast do you expect me to drive? There is a speed limit, and look at the road! There are so many cars! If I drive any faster, we will crash into someone!” Omar growled.“Okay. Sheesh! You’re so一”Jared stopped listening halfway and looked out the window. It had been nearly a week since he had last gone out but the streets that he had passed the other day seemed somewhat different. It was a strange feeling, but Jared just could not put a finger on it.“Dude, I wonder what kind of games they have,” Nic said in excitement as he picked up the brochure from the car’s dashboard, though it was also an attempt to change the topic. He was already tired of hearing Omar’s grumbling about how people should learn to be patient and the need to adhere to the law when driving on the road.“Bro, you’re literally holding their brochure. Just r.e.a.d,” Omar spoke bluntly.“I’m not dumb. I did re
Nation 27 CH 3: The new world
The light was blinding and it felt like Jared’s body was floating, or rather, it felt as if his body had been swaying or moving. He felt drained, and his legs ached slightly as his body continued to sway.‘Am I in water? Why do I feel so weightless? How long have I been here?’ Jared thought.Then, after what seemed like an eternity, the bright, white light began to fade, and visuals set in. Fallen leaves crunched under his black sneakers as he sauntered along a pathway.Jared looked around and saw that he was in a park that was very close to the local shopping mall. It was about a thirty minutes walk from his house. Although it was fairly close, Jared had not been to the park in ages due to the pandemic that had started late in the year 2019. As Jared walked, he noticed that the terrain and the cherry-colored benches were exactly as he remembered.Just seeing the jogging pathways and man-made pond brought many fond memories of the fun times Jared had had with his friends and schoolmat
Nation 27 CH 4: After the storm
“We…” Omar trailed off.“We thought that you died. We honestly didn’t know what to think,” Nic said.“... Yeah. We are so glad that you weren’t harmed in any way. It is a miracle,” Omar agreed.‘So, the nightmarish experience of countless lightning strikes everywhere was all from the VR world? Whoa... What were the odds of entering such a VR world when there was a horrible lightning storm in reality as well?’“So, I was in this building the whole time?” Jared asked his friends who both gave him a strange look.“Yes, you were wired to the VR game the whole time,” Nic confirmed.“That’s why we were so worried about you,” Omar said.‘That means I was never in reality stuck outside in the nearby park… But it all felt so real... I could feel the wind blowing at my face, the cold rain that beat heavily at me… and all the pain that followed from that experience... Were the electromyography sensors that advanced?’ Jared thought to himself and placed a hand on his hand. ‘I could even feel the
Nation 27 CH 5: Something is not right
[A couple of days later一 12th June 2021, Saturday...]“Hello, everyone. It’s Jared and welcome back to World Crafter! Whoa! The super chat is already going like crazy here when I have not even entered the game. Thank you so much for the support and let’s get into it.”Jared adjusted his headphones and checked on the audio settings.“Can you guys hear me and the game sounds clearly?” Jared asked and read the upcoming messages. It was difficult for him to read a single sentence as the messages kept flooding in.“Okay, hold up. I can’t read any of the messages here. Let me activate the slow mode for the chat… Ah, there we go,” Jared said as he began to read the messages that were slowly popping in.“Ah, so you guys can hear me. Okay, say hello to Clara from… Nation 3…?” Jared tilted his head at that message in mild confusion and read on only to realize that many of the viewers were saying almost the same thing.-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Nation 27 CH 6: This Is For Your Own Good
The surrounding air was cold despite the feeling of being covered by something woolen. The pitter-patter of water can be heard although seemingly distant. ‘It has started raining again…’ *Drip* --- *Drip*--- *Drip* ‘Do rain droplets always fall in such a timely manner?’ *Beep* --- *Beep*--- *Beep* ‘Wait… What is that? Why does it sound so… mechanical?’ Jared thought as he forced his eyes to open. The golden rays of the late morning Sun that streamed into the room shone harshly as if he was directly facing the light source. ‘But it’s too white to be the Sun…’ Jared thought as awareness began to set in. Jared gasped as his eyes shot wide open before squinting due to the bright lighting. “W-Where am I?” he croaked as his eyes adjusted. He was in a room that was covered with mint green tiles. The heart monitor machine strapped to him beeped at an elevated pace as Jared began to grasp the situation he was in. He was strapped to what seemed to be a hospital bed. Alarmed, he began
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[A little more than three months later--- 19th September 2021, Sunday…]Despite the quiet early morning, the recreational area was fairly noisy. The few patients who did come were either suffering from insomnia or boredom. None of the nurses and doctors were up and about yet. There were only a couple of orderlies who bore the burden of monitoring the interactions amongst patients- in case there was ever a brawl though it was quite unlikely in most cases as everyone seem to be entirely in their own world.‘Then again, only the non-destructive patients are allowed to roam about the facility during most hours of the day,’ Jared thought to himself as he turned to face the barred windows that were about six feet away.‘When will I ever get out of here?’ Jared wondered and sighed as he saw a bird glide effortlessly across the clear blue sky.“Hey! Are you going to daydream over there? We’re in the middle of a game here, you know!” “Ah… Right… I’m sorry, Louis…” Jared answered sheepishly as
Nation 27 CH 8: This Is How The World Ends
*Beep… Beep… Beep…*‘I just need to focus on my heart rate...’*Scritch-scratch… Scritch-scratch… Scritch-scratch…*“Mr. Lee-” a man’s voice was heard.‘Block it all out.’“The rest of you can leave. I’ll-” the man commanded before there was a thud of a door closing.‘I need to get through this. I just need to-’“Ahem… Mr. Jared Lee, if you’d be so kind as to open your eyes.”Taking a deep breath, Jared hesitantly opened his eyes.“Hello, Doctor Heine…” Jared mumbled as calmly as possible as he stifled a sigh.Jared was back in a room that was covered with mint green tiles. Every couple of weeks, he was required to have a counseling session with Doctor Heine in his office- which happened to be the very same green-tiled room.“How have you been feeling the last couple of weeks?” Doctor Heine asked.Jared blinked rapidly and glanced at the polygraph machine that was linked to the heart monitor machine- both of which were then connected to him with electromyography sensors. ‘Okay, calm
Nation 27 CH 9: Stay Alert And Don't Be A Hero
Warning:This chapter contains slightly disturbing descriptions of violence and gore that might be uncomfortable for certain readers. Please read at your own discretion.------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"Is that man... I mean... Look at his injuries... He can't be alive, right?" Samatha asked. "This is not normal..." Jared mumbled in disbelief as he backed away from the window. "He is the undead," Louis replied solemnly. Feeling a wall behind him, Jared leaned against it and slide down onto the cold, tiled floor. "You mean a zombie? That's a joke, right?" Samatha asked. "Unfortunately, that's the reality of our situation. That's a zombie and the apocalypse is upon us."“I… Hah…” Samantha looked outside the window toward the zombie-- who was now joined by a couple of others that were of similar
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Warning: This chapter contains slightly disturbing descriptions of gore and violence that might be uncomfortable for certain readers. Please read at your own discretion.---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------[Doctor Heine’s personal perspective and monologue of his thoughts and memory]Ted Kaliosky's words hit me like a sudden punch to the gut, leaving me reeling with a mix of guilt and apprehension. My mind raced as I tried to comprehend the implications of his stern reprimand. What had I done to warrant such direct intervention from the CEO himself?“I... I understand,” I managed to choke out, my voice betraying a hint of unease. “But the situation with Jared... it's more complex than initially anticipated. I believed that swift action was necessary to uncover the
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Warning: This chapter contains disturbing descriptions of violence and gore that might be uncomfortable for certain readers. Please read at your own discretion.---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------In a once peaceful forest, where birds of varying species chirped cheerily high up in the trees and small, young animals growled playfully as they ran about in glee, there existed a hidden haven untouched by the human presence for decades. Deep within this forest, where sunlight filtered through the dense canopy to dapple the forest floor with shifting patterns of light and shadow, lay a serene and lively playground for wildlife.The ancient trees stood tall and proud, their branches reaching towards the sky like outstretched arms embracing the heavens. Moss clung to thei
CH 43: How Is That Possible?
[Jared][21 November 2021, Sunday--- Noon]As the group approached the center of the town, the atmosphere became increasingly eerie. The once lively streets now stood still, devoid of any signs of life. The abandoned buildings loomed over them, casting long shadows that seemed to whisper secrets of the town's mysterious past.Not even Brien, the leader of the former military personnel, could shake off the unsettling feeling that tightened his chest. "This doesn't make any sense," he muttered as he glanced at both Mike and David, who also seemed to be at a loss for words.Everyone in the group exchanged nervous glances but continued on their journey, their curiosity overcoming their apprehension. But as they neared the town square, a heavy silence hung in the air. Unlike earlier, the abandoned buildings and houses looked worn down and vegetation have long started to grow along the structures. In only the course of a few months of the zombie infestation, it contradictorily looked like
CH 42: I Can Make This Work
[21 November 2021, Sunday]The small group moved cautiously through the dense forest, their footsteps muffled by a carpet of fallen leaves. The dark canopy overhead swallowed the feeble light of the moon, casting an eerie glow on the uneven path beneath their feet. Hours of traveling in the oppressive silence and pitch-black darkness had left the group both physically exhausted and mentally drained. Every rustle of leaves or snap of a twig sent shivers down their spines, their senses heightened by the unknown lurking in the shadows.As they trudged on through the silent forest, a sense of isolation enveloped them. The air was thick with an unspoken tension, and each member of the group clutched their makeshift weapons a little tighter. The only sounds that accompanied them were the muted crunch of leaves and the occasional whisper of the wind through the trees.Many hours later, just as their weariness threatened to overwhelm them, the forest seemed to come alive. Birds chirped overhe
CH 41: A Dreaded Reply
[Jared][18 November 2021, Thursday--- that evening]The flames of the campfire flickered as its embers emitted warmth in the midst of the cool night air. The flames cast a soft glow in the clearing of the forest that was plunged into an almost pitch darkness. The small group was huddled together, their faces illuminated by the flames of the campfire as they awaited for the rabbit stew to cook over the fire. The quiet settled over the group like a heavy blanket. It was not unsettling nor unnerving in any sense, but rather a shared acknowledgment of the challenges that lay ahead. Earlier in the day, there had been scattered conversations as they foraged for supplies or tended to their makeshift shelter. But now, as the darkness enveloped the landscape, a somber mood descended upon the group.Jared glanced at the small group gathered around the fire.David was busy filing off the makeshift spear he had carved out of a long branch earlier that day, while Mike continued to watch over the
CH 40: Missing A Piece To The Puzzle
[Mike][18 November 2021, Thursday--- the following day]Even though it was the afternoon, the forest was dimly lit by the muted sunlight penetrating the thick canopy of trees. If one wasn't particularly attentive to the time, the day could easily be mistaken for evening. The occasional cool breeze of autumn that swept through the forest only added to the illusion, contributing to the atmospheric ambiguity of the surroundings.Scrape, Scrape, Scrape.Mike looked up towards the canopy of trees. The scant sunlight that managed to filter through the forest canopy resembled twinkling lights as the passing breeze playfully teased the leaves.‘Have I ever felt this calm during these recent weeks we’ve been traversing this dense forest?’“Hm…” David grumbled beside Mike.Scrape, Scrape.Adamant to not look at his grumpy comrade, Mike wiggled slightly away without ever getting up. It was the first time since leaving the facility that he had time to appreciate the intricate pattern that the ca