"I'm not trying to take your boyfriend or anything so God will you please chill" Myra scoffed, April gasped feigning annoyance, Myra ignored the gesture using the remains of her shirt to clean of blood residue on her face, Pulling the jacket, she couldn't miss the Cologne, It was mixed with the smell of sweat but yet the minty essence couldn't be missed, she had no idea why it was intoxicating.
"Moving on, Is he" Audrey paused gesturing to the patch in the wall, "Dead or you know just knocked out?" The internal cringe as she never imagined that would be a logical question she would ever need to ask."He is as good as dead, Even a zombie cannot survive a continuous stab wound and I check his pulse it was static" Myra chuckled warily, Noticing the disgust and judgment in Audrey's eyes it was covered soon enough."You don't feel guilty or an iota of remorse over the fact that you just murdered someone? " Dylan uttered in disbelief, she was different he could see it, this wasn't a new thing to her, all her senses were still in place usually after a murder especially your first you lose at least on of your senses in recognition to the fact that you too a soul.Myra looked up at him her stare matching his, hands on hips as she broke into a tooth grin, "not even in the slightly, actually for all I know I'm not the only person he has actually tried to kill, or worse has killed taking a few scum out off the earth wouldn't hurt anyone "Wiping a strand of her red hair from her face, which was accompanied by a bead of sweat, she was met with an eerie and the incoherent wave of silence, she so despites,"Just lovely, life isn't a movie and your not Harley Quinn, drop the psycho act it's old and not as hot as you think it looks" Leigh remarked angry, She scoffed.Myra turned towards Leigh, her smile twice as wide evidently fake, the anger seeping of her in waves, "Honey, haven't you heard? You don't tell a psychopath... that they are psychopaths, do you care to know why I don't give you fuck if you care I'm telling you anyways" Myra Took a step closer dangerously slow as Leigh took one farther, feeling her blood rush to her vein,Looking up at her, through an infamous rubix's stare###, "It upsets them" Leigh's legs betrayed her as she tripped, struggling to stand as she tried keeping up with her bold front.Helping her up to her feet, " I really like you though" Pulling her shirt to smoothing out the creases, "Oh and one more thing and upset dangerous so lets leave the sleeping dog lie"Giving a curt nod Leigh step out if the intense stare, sudden feeling aware of her environment,. The beads of sweat coupled with the goosebumps were all signs that she had been terrified."I can't be the only one that found that hot" Dylan made a dog whistle getting groans and sighs,"What, no judgement I mean the chills, the dead look the fact that we might all die and they the out fit damn" He was met with another wave of disgust and disapproval but he didn't miss the smirk on Keaton face as he watched Myra's every move like an hawk."Can wee keep testosterone levels in the room to a bare minimum I mean we have a lot to focus on We are in the middle of a whole state situation" Audrey reminded because to her it seems the had forgotten, and she was already getting irritated by their irrational behaviors."I hate to add meets with her, cause' the drama right now is all I live for but, She is right" Tristan commented earning a glare from Audrey, He sent a shrug her direction,"So far so good The geniuses we have are the two cute couples, our lovely Myra, What do you suggest we do because I do not plan on dying here" He continued as more eyes fixated on him as he spoke.He always had the effect to gain attention, he didn't say much but when he does he tries to make sure it's useful, that was his doctrine" Well personally, I already told you I never watched the beginnings of the show, mostly I just join halfway when the tournaments begin on more over it looked to real and just because you watch a John wick movie doesn't mean you can fight like him" April deadpanned, feel the soft fingers of Ben wrap around her hand.She was currently regretting speaking to soon about having any idea on what was going on She wished she had just pretended to be clueless, because even after watching so many episodes she is still as close as everyone of them there, only difference is she is scared of the mind."Guys, she's kind of right too I mean I actually need shit ton action romcoms and I can't even kill someone I can't even hold a gun right not to talk less of pulling the trigger" Leigh lessened the blow from April's outburst."I'm kind of getting sick of this so yes, this is going popular because first addressing the annoying fact that you all have been taking up the talking space and leaving the introverts to die without opinions" Angel stood up walking towards the crowd in a cluster."I am angel by the way, I am currently in my third year in the university studying crime and forensics, and a criminology major, I love my course and I plan on being a part of the CIA in the future so I cannot stay here, now that we have gotten the introductions out of the way"She patiently waited hoping no one would cut in thankfully no one did, stepping into the lights a few others face star ready to listen to what she wants about to say, fighting the fighting the urge to crawl back into the darkness,Her green eyes were dilated, she stood with her arms crossed her short crimson bob curls falling on the her ears covering how pink it had turn form the anxiety, Her bangs and broken glasses hit the tears pooling in her eyes, taking in one more inhale for confidence."Are you going to talk or just stand and make us beg you, you've got guts but then what do you suggest we do" Looking up at Dylan as he took a step further she mimicked his move trying to mock his attempt at intimidating her." Well, personally what I'm suggesting, well technically I don't really care if you guys are down or not, What I suggest is that we all get the fuck out of here, I mean act like Myra, oh and girl I don't know what to say but I respect how fast you act, Let's just go rather than wait in here for what ever is out there". Angel threw her hands up in the air exasperated." I mean you have a point, but it's dangerous just going out there " Josh Shuffled his feet, looking towards angel,"You've got a better opinion we are all ears , but what makes you think waiting her is smarter than facing out fears head on?" Angel Retorted getting a little frustrated she has had to stay in the spotlight for too long.Dylan pushed himself off the wall still keeping his eyes locked on Angel " Guys she actually makes a decent point, let's escape this shit hole, I mean there's an exit what's left, we don't really need a plan all week need to do is leave this room" Tristan added getting a better response as a few of then nodded in affirmation." Well I hate you half as much now " Angel sent towards him earning a scoff from Dylan which she turned a blind eye too,"Let's make this easy, Show of hands up for getting the hell out of this place and keep it down if you want to stay which is dumb" Angel raised her hands above her head exposing the ragged cuts and ugly bruises she had they all looked great and recent.Smiling as the numbers of hand she got was enough to escape, " Me, Keaton right?" He nodded " That makes two, Myra, and you must be Leigh". She also sent her a curt nod" Okay that's four, Your name?"" I'm Ben" The boy with the ginger #### , Nodding she carried on counting ignoring the pain the pressure was applying to her already bruised hands." that should be Five, we have Oh wow Dylan, and Audrey Uhmm April and Ben and finally Tristan" She sighed dropping her hands to her sides, " That's 10, okay the.. " She stopped talking as two more hands interrupted her." I'm chase and I'm Veronica " They both said simultaneously getting up, " Okay that makes twelve of us, well good luck to the rest of you all and we hope you find peace in life" Angel deadpanned,. Impressed with herself at her show if confidence, near death really brings out a side of you"Wait it wasn't a vote?" Peter asked getting irritated, he was completely ignored as twelve of them formed a circle while Myra pushed the door open exposing them into pure darkness, She noticed how they all hod from the door on cue, Shaking her head she stepped out one step at a time."Hell, if I die it makes life easier" Dylan whisper to himself following suit till they all formed a cluster shitty the rest of the hostages behind them, "Shouldn't you pick the gun?" A voice that belongs to Leigh asked in the cluster as they began to give each other space."I don't like guns, I kept the knife" Myra answers squinting to see in the dark, Immediately, the light just like it always did came on dimly lit almost darkness but you could see the floor."Myra if you murdered someone,. Shouldn't there be a body" Dylan's voice was barely above a whisper as he pointed to the empty pool of black substance on the floor,Myra froze snapping her head back as they all left her to stand alone, looking at the floors where the body she started had no pulse was "He was dead and I'm sure of it" She whispered shaking her head, it was impossible she didn't feel a pulse.Chase scoffed stepping further into the darkness shaking his head as he eyed Myra, "You are just a big fat liar and I was banking on you to survive, I should just die now lo..."The next sound be heard, after the squishing of human's flesh was an ear piercing scream from Audrey as Chase's head rolled of his blood slashed, and staining anything in a 6feet radar getting in her mouth, as his head stoped inches from her feet, feeling faint and falling next to it, they all froze up in anticipation of the reveal of the axed murder, ....To be continued.Related Chapters
Natural selection Two deaths in one night
Chase scoffed stepping further into the darkness shaking his head as he eyed Myra, "You are just a big fat liar and I was banking on you to survive, I should just die now lo..." The next sound to be heard was an ear piercing scream from Audrey as Chase head rolled of his blood, the got everything spraying, and staining anything in a 6feet radar, as his head stoped inches from her feet, feeling faint and falling next to it, they all froze up in anticipation of the reveal of the axed murder,...Chase's body toppled over, falling knee first Into the ground, they the rest of his body joined till he was reunited with his head, the gore of the scene sent half of them into a physical shock. The masked murder stepped into the flickering light as Myra and few others Including Keaton stepped back a few inches back into the shadows, where the lights were not so focused, It was a bloody bunny mask, it had bright colored eyes and a pick irregular tooth, it had dark eyes for one and the other w
Natural selection Chapter one; Myra and Keaton
"" Where the hell are we? " Dylan yelled as he tugged on his cuffs harder, the chains didn't break they just pulled more blood to his already busted wrists, " Get me out of here?!, Do you know who my dad is? "He yells his voice echoed a prove that there was nothing but silence all around them, the hollowed shape walls of the room plain with no furnitures around and barely no lights "Do you ever give up, or rather shut the fuck up, you've been doing that since you woke up I kinda wish you stayed sedated or worse dead" A voice hissed from the dark it was a girls voice, she sounded pretty frustrated a little raspy too like she had be thirsty for a while. Myra sat in silence as she watched the boy who was now Turing red not like she could see all she hear was his ragged breathing as e clutched his fist harder, "He's right you know you should just shut up I mean I'm sure they don't give a damn about who you are" Another voice was heard from the shadows. This was from Myra closing her ey
Natural selection Chapter two; Dylan
Keaton blinked a few times as he regained consciousness the sedatives he was put on wore off as he spaced back to reality, he coughed feeling the blood rush right to his head his memory from the previous night was blurry faded to almost nothing, as he snapped his head looking for Myra.He moved up a bit trying to sit a bit more comfortable stretching his legs out, he could feel a sharp and stinging pain at the side of his rib, "Shit" He yelped trying to run his to grab on to the side of his waist that hurt like he was punched three hundred times by a world class heavyweight champion, but he felt the cuffs pulling him down. "What the fuck?" He tugged a bit harder regretting immediately as it applied pressure on his ribs,, the chains dangled at the feet of the pole he was cuffed to, you could here the shackles jiggle ring in your ears echoing through the unfamiliar room."Welcome to life pretty boy stop tugging we have tried it doesn't bulge just leaves annoying cuts
Natural selection Chapter three; Leigh
Audrey felt the temperature in the room rise against her skin, her head were clouded with though as the fear increase the effects of the sedatives wore of completely she was wide awake her sense heightened she could hear them all, the tiny taps at the water drops leaked from the poor ventilation system.Shutting her eyes as the room brightness was increase drastically, The sudden brightness of the room pulled tears to her eyes, she groaned grabbing her head the pain shoot daggers. Her reaction to the sudden brightness of the room was mimicked by the few others who were awake, the stench of the room wasn't missed it was blood she could tell it was an all to familiar smell to her, blinking rigorously as she took in her surroundings squirming in her seat to sit upright the chains restricting the simple motion.Pushing down the fresh wave of tears building up she was tired of crying, the bile building in her throat restricting her breathing was more than enough reading
Natural selection Natural selection
Walking up to small voice, April stirred awake sitting up a groan escaped her lips at the sting she felt on her neck, cracked them both sides to make a relaxing pop she sits back in an upright position blinking at the foreign environment. Her thoughts were interrupted by a voice from a particular corner in the unknown room "You are up too" Leigh remarked softly as April stared wide doe eyes at her, she forced the urge to stifle a laughter. April snapped awake panic rang in her eyes as she didn't recognize the voice, Leigh watched her straighten up the rest of the girls looked towards April, who starred back eyes wide open as she began to her buts of memory back, she had a blur room and in her room at the University she was tired to a bed.Even if Josh got.. well she stopped that thought as the she remembered the spent the previous night over at Josh's house, "What the hell? who are you? what am i doing? Josh!" Snapped her head towards her boyfriend's numb bo
Natural selection Chapter five
"We are all fucked!" The silence after the last statement she made was Eeie enough to rise chills in the room as all snapped their head at her direction, Keaton watched cocking an eyebrow at the reaction she had, April had tears building up threatening to rain down a river. "What do you mean we are fucked?" Tristan snapped stretched his legs wide out to expose a scared thigh, He winced at the motion looking back at the April, she looked up at him like he asked an unbelievable question."How are we not fucked no just freaking tell me, if it's anything like I've seen, Murders with masks on cutting your guts open, The floor is lava only this time the floor is actually lava!, riddles with twisted endings, land mines" April went off ranting in anger which was met with a fit of silence as everyone took in the information, " I'm my fucking God we are gonna die aren't we?" Dylan murmured looking down, his eyes met with Audrey who had tears weld up, Myra get a st
Natural selection Chapter 6; Seer
Audrey slipped out of her cuffs falling to the floor, she took in a wary breath coughing as tears flowed freely to her chin, she looked up to Myra "Thank you" She managed to weasel out ad she tried to contain the spiralling emotions, Myra looked round the room of anxious faces, making an eye roll she walked towards Keaton, "You look like you can protect yourself if anything happens" She mouthed to her self falling to her knees, she was face to face with Keaton.She avoided he's prying eyes as she twisted and turned the locks under the cuffs mimickin the same pattern she had when she freed Audrey. He waited patiently has he stared intensively at the redhead who had a head squinted as she tried to focus, the shaky breathes she had showed she was nervous. Mrya try so hard to be careful gripping hid wrist tentatively whilst Keaton was trying as much as possible to keep his wincing to a bare minimum whenever she tugged too hard or the cuff grazed his bruised wrist or what she touched his
Natural selection Chapter seven; I'm doing something
"You know what we will deal with the seer siblings later, we still have a lot of shits to deal with, so please we die one still at a time all this talk about the future is creeping me out this isn't a movie so let's keep visions to our selves" Dylan huffed getting up to his feet the dizziness made him lean against the wall." I'm starving, how do we get out of this shit holl!" Leigh yelled growling as she realized a sigh which came as a shaky breath, looking around her eyes landed on the couples in the room holding hands as one of them slept. Josh notice he was being stared at, looking directly towards Leigh add he held on to April, "You both seem to talk a lot about no mission You got any clues on how we would escape the first round of this shit hole? " Leigh's voice trailed off a bit into a mixture of a British accent and something else."Formerly British" Tristan asked.Leigh looked at the obnoxious looking boy before not any reply not in a nodding a reply towards his direction, "
Latest Chapter
Two deaths in one night
Chase scoffed stepping further into the darkness shaking his head as he eyed Myra, "You are just a big fat liar and I was banking on you to survive, I should just die now lo..." The next sound to be heard was an ear piercing scream from Audrey as Chase head rolled of his blood, the got everything spraying, and staining anything in a 6feet radar, as his head stoped inches from her feet, feeling faint and falling next to it, they all froze up in anticipation of the reveal of the axed murder,...Chase's body toppled over, falling knee first Into the ground, they the rest of his body joined till he was reunited with his head, the gore of the scene sent half of them into a physical shock. The masked murder stepped into the flickering light as Myra and few others Including Keaton stepped back a few inches back into the shadows, where the lights were not so focused, It was a bloody bunny mask, it had bright colored eyes and a pick irregular tooth, it had dark eyes for one and the other w
Axed Murder
"I'm not trying to take your boyfriend or anything so God will you please chill" Myra scoffed, April gasped feigning annoyance, Myra ignored the gesture using the remains of her shirt to clean of blood residue on her face, Pulling the jacket, she couldn't miss the Cologne, It was mixed with the smell of sweat but yet the minty essence couldn't be missed, she had no idea why it was intoxicating. "Moving on, Is he" Audrey paused gesturing to the patch in the wall, "Dead or you know just knocked out?" The internal cringe as she never imagined that would be a logical question she would ever need to ask."He is as good as dead, Even a zombie cannot survive a continuous stab wound and I check his pulse it was static" Myra chuckled warily, Noticing the disgust and judgment in Audrey's eyes it was covered soon enough."You don't feel guilty or an iota of remorse over the fact that you just murdered someone? " Dylan uttered in disbelief, she was different he could see it, this wasn't a new thi
"A hero or a villain ?" pt 1
"You honestly don't need to play hero" Keaton warned as he watched myra who was pulling her hair up into a bun it was hard to miss the shaky fingers as she made a mess out of her silky red hair.Myra paused the disgust in a voice was evident in her countenance, looking up at him a glare replaced the slight fear she had, that was all it took to get the adrenaline burning she had never been the one to like being belittled by a guy if all genders"At least I'm doing something, and you should worry about yourself and love I'm not a child" she snapped back, without sparing one las glance she kept her eyes glue on the door, He ended up taking a voluntary step backwards it was obvious he already tripped a spark." If you can't stand the sight of blood I advise you do not watch this!" Myra adviced as she wrapped her hand around the little escuse for a door knob, Hearing the squeak of the door shut close behind he she scoffed she didn't expect any less from humans anyways, Myra felt the nosta
Chapter seven; I'm doing something
"You know what we will deal with the seer siblings later, we still have a lot of shits to deal with, so please we die one still at a time all this talk about the future is creeping me out this isn't a movie so let's keep visions to our selves" Dylan huffed getting up to his feet the dizziness made him lean against the wall." I'm starving, how do we get out of this shit holl!" Leigh yelled growling as she realized a sigh which came as a shaky breath, looking around her eyes landed on the couples in the room holding hands as one of them slept. Josh notice he was being stared at, looking directly towards Leigh add he held on to April, "You both seem to talk a lot about no mission You got any clues on how we would escape the first round of this shit hole? " Leigh's voice trailed off a bit into a mixture of a British accent and something else."Formerly British" Tristan asked.Leigh looked at the obnoxious looking boy before not any reply not in a nodding a reply towards his direction, "
Chapter 6; Seer
Audrey slipped out of her cuffs falling to the floor, she took in a wary breath coughing as tears flowed freely to her chin, she looked up to Myra "Thank you" She managed to weasel out ad she tried to contain the spiralling emotions, Myra looked round the room of anxious faces, making an eye roll she walked towards Keaton, "You look like you can protect yourself if anything happens" She mouthed to her self falling to her knees, she was face to face with Keaton.She avoided he's prying eyes as she twisted and turned the locks under the cuffs mimickin the same pattern she had when she freed Audrey. He waited patiently has he stared intensively at the redhead who had a head squinted as she tried to focus, the shaky breathes she had showed she was nervous. Mrya try so hard to be careful gripping hid wrist tentatively whilst Keaton was trying as much as possible to keep his wincing to a bare minimum whenever she tugged too hard or the cuff grazed his bruised wrist or what she touched his
Chapter five
"We are all fucked!" The silence after the last statement she made was Eeie enough to rise chills in the room as all snapped their head at her direction, Keaton watched cocking an eyebrow at the reaction she had, April had tears building up threatening to rain down a river. "What do you mean we are fucked?" Tristan snapped stretched his legs wide out to expose a scared thigh, He winced at the motion looking back at the April, she looked up at him like he asked an unbelievable question."How are we not fucked no just freaking tell me, if it's anything like I've seen, Murders with masks on cutting your guts open, The floor is lava only this time the floor is actually lava!, riddles with twisted endings, land mines" April went off ranting in anger which was met with a fit of silence as everyone took in the information, " I'm my fucking God we are gonna die aren't we?" Dylan murmured looking down, his eyes met with Audrey who had tears weld up, Myra get a st
Natural selection
Walking up to small voice, April stirred awake sitting up a groan escaped her lips at the sting she felt on her neck, cracked them both sides to make a relaxing pop she sits back in an upright position blinking at the foreign environment. Her thoughts were interrupted by a voice from a particular corner in the unknown room "You are up too" Leigh remarked softly as April stared wide doe eyes at her, she forced the urge to stifle a laughter. April snapped awake panic rang in her eyes as she didn't recognize the voice, Leigh watched her straighten up the rest of the girls looked towards April, who starred back eyes wide open as she began to her buts of memory back, she had a blur room and in her room at the University she was tired to a bed.Even if Josh got.. well she stopped that thought as the she remembered the spent the previous night over at Josh's house, "What the hell? who are you? what am i doing? Josh!" Snapped her head towards her boyfriend's numb bo
Chapter three; Leigh
Audrey felt the temperature in the room rise against her skin, her head were clouded with though as the fear increase the effects of the sedatives wore of completely she was wide awake her sense heightened she could hear them all, the tiny taps at the water drops leaked from the poor ventilation system.Shutting her eyes as the room brightness was increase drastically, The sudden brightness of the room pulled tears to her eyes, she groaned grabbing her head the pain shoot daggers. Her reaction to the sudden brightness of the room was mimicked by the few others who were awake, the stench of the room wasn't missed it was blood she could tell it was an all to familiar smell to her, blinking rigorously as she took in her surroundings squirming in her seat to sit upright the chains restricting the simple motion.Pushing down the fresh wave of tears building up she was tired of crying, the bile building in her throat restricting her breathing was more than enough reading
Chapter two; Dylan
Keaton blinked a few times as he regained consciousness the sedatives he was put on wore off as he spaced back to reality, he coughed feeling the blood rush right to his head his memory from the previous night was blurry faded to almost nothing, as he snapped his head looking for Myra.He moved up a bit trying to sit a bit more comfortable stretching his legs out, he could feel a sharp and stinging pain at the side of his rib, "Shit" He yelped trying to run his to grab on to the side of his waist that hurt like he was punched three hundred times by a world class heavyweight champion, but he felt the cuffs pulling him down. "What the fuck?" He tugged a bit harder regretting immediately as it applied pressure on his ribs,, the chains dangled at the feet of the pole he was cuffed to, you could here the shackles jiggle ring in your ears echoing through the unfamiliar room."Welcome to life pretty boy stop tugging we have tried it doesn't bulge just leaves annoying cuts