CHAPTER 2 : The Masked Assassin

Quarantined, that's what they called it.

Locked up in my own house, which I call a prison, unable to leave until the gunman is caught. It's been seven days, and they still haven't found any leads.

I couldn't even attend my own father's funeral. I could have sent him to his grave myself, watched a flower fall above his coffin, and witnessed him being buried six feet underneath.

Hugh told me the situation, how the whole 400 was placed on lockdown, assuring me that sooner or later, the person who killed my father would be caught.

From my window, I could see everything turn black and white upon the news of my father's death, and how all his wealth was passed on to me. Despite Hugh's efforts to keep the money transfer secret, some things are meant to slip out from the dark.

Just a week had passed, and everyone had forgotten about my father's assassination.

The whole city became bright and loud again as if a very important person hadn't died. Everything was back to normal. But not for me.

I know I hated my father for not seeing me as his son, but at his last breath...

"Fuck," I mumbled, turning my back to the window, dragging myself to bed to reflect, just like I spent my days isolating from the world.

My eyes landed on my bracelet. It contains more than what I needed. It has everything my parents had given me, and bearing this amount puts me at risk.

Many people are starving for wealth. What they do not know is that in this world, there's only danger.

A knock on the door woke me from my endless thoughts, revealing Dolores wearing a sympathetic face.

"I made you breakfast," she said, forcing a small smile on her wrinkled face. "You've been starving yourself, Nickel. You need all the strength to keep up."

Lowering my head, I know I'm entertaining grief. I am that weak. Denying the facts that were witnessed by my own eyes.


Giving her a curt nod, I pushed myself up from bed and headed downstairs, where I could smell Dolores' dish mixing in the air.

"I have made your favorite: roasted chicken with buttered corn and sour soup." She's trying to cheer me up, at least I'm not suffering through this alone like I thought I was. "Thought it might help lifting your spirits up. Come and eat some."

Dolores had been in the family since I was born, and I have no right to disrespect her as she has taken care of me very well.

Pulling out a chair, I sat there, trying to swallow the food that my stomach had been refusing.

"It's good," I commented, lighting up her face.

She patted my back, showing me her motherly smile. "You have always been the saddest boy I have ever met in my life. But I promise you this, until you grow older, I will stay with you no matter what."

A doorbell interrupted our moment. Dolores excused herself to check who was behind the door.

I picked up the knife and fork to start eating, but the silence that followed made me question what was happening.

"Dolores?" I called, but heard no answer. "Who is it?"

Something heavy made a thudding sound on the tiled floor.

All the hairs on my body stood on end, giving me reason to feel alarmed. Standing up from the chair, I headed to the living room to check for myself, but a horrifying sight froze me in place.

"Dolores!" I exclaimed, but my words were caught in my throat.

Her lifeless eyes stared back at me, her throat slit!

Blood began running on the white marbled floor, reaching for my feet.

The door was wide open. Who did this to her?

"Knock, knock." A menacing guttural yet muffled voice sounded from behind me.

From the reflection in the glass wall, I could see a tall, brawny man wearing a brown peacoat. He wore a metallic mask, causing his heavy breath to echo. His face had black veins popping from his skin. But nothing on his face was as menacing as half of his body.

"Time to run, boy," he said, waking me from shock.

Wasting no time, I sprinted to the door and immediately headed for the elevators.

I could hear heavy footsteps approaching.

"Come on, come on, come on!" I chanted as I repeatedly pushed the down button.

As soon as it opened, I stepped inside. Every push I made on the close button sent shivers down my spine.

Then a figure of the brawny man appeared just as the elevator dinged.

A nightmare while I am awake.

I could see death in his eyes. The instrument to end someone's life was in his hands.

"You're asking for a race? I'll give it you." That was what I heard him say before the elevator door closed.

Who was that? Was that the same man who killed my father?

My mind started asking myself questions, but all the answers were unavailable, blank. I'm no feeling.

Knees wobbled, hands cold and sweaty, I felt dizzy.

Where am I going to run to?

When I stepped out of the elevator, I looked around and found nothing amiss. Everything's normal.

"Nickel? Are you okay?" A woman who once worked for my father showed up, flaunting her unusual fashion sense. "Hey, I never got to say, I'm sorry for your loss. We all do--"

"Hugh," I muttered, cutting her off. "Where is he?"

"Major Goldman? I heard that he was in his office since this morning at Nabe Levy. Is something wrong? You look really pale," she asked, but I couldn't converse. I had no time to waste; that thing is chasing my ass.

Hurriedly, my feet began taking me to the nearest facility where I could find my godfather. He could help me, I know. He's the only one I can trust, and the only person I have left and no one else.

By the entrance, I could already see him commanding a small group of recruits being trained.

"State your business here, sir. And can I see some ID, please?" A deputy stopped me from entering the gates.

"I'm here to see Hugh Goldman, he's my godfather. I need to talk to him; this is an emergency," I replied, panting from the distance I ran.

"What's your name, kid?"

Glancing at him with a frown, I checked his tag and remembered it in my head. Lt. Fisher, I will remember that name. "Don't you know who I am? I'm Nickel fucking Coin!"

He blinked his eyes a few times before holding me off from the gates and headed to the guard house, making a call.

"Are you kidding me?" I mumbled, walking in pace. I couldn't stay still, not until whoever that thing is gone. He killed Dolores. Wandering my eyes everywhere, I should make sure that I'm not followed.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Coin, but Major Goldman is--"

"He's just right over there!" Gesturing at the direction, he followed it with his eyes, but I see no consideration on his face.

"Sir, I am very sorry, but if you would like to talk to Major Goldman. You must make an appointment, but not while he's commanding the trainees."

Cursing, I washed my face with my hands and found that the gates were slightly opened. Fuck these stupid motherfuckers.

Dashed through them, I shouted for Hugh. Creating a commotion, securities held me by my arms and tried to push me out of the gates of the Nabe.

The noise caught everyone's attention, and I succeeded in making Hugh look at my direction.

"Men!" Hugh shouted, jogging his way to me. "Let him go," he commanded, and I snatched my arms free from their grips.

"Uncle, I need to talk to you."

Voice trembling, just as my hands shook.

I saw confusion on his face. "We're not safe in the open."

"Nickel, aren't you supposed to be in your house? Do you know how dangerous it is for you to be on sight?" He questioned, leading me to the middle of the Nabe and entered his office. "If ever you forgot, you've got so much wealth wrapped around your wrist," he pointed out, offering me a chair and poured me a glass of water.

Mumbling a curse, I walked to the window and peeped through the blinds. "He killed Dolores," I spilled.

"What?" He paused, demanding me for an elaboration.

Walking up to him, I held the hem of my shirt. "There was this man; he just came through the door and killed Dolores. And now, he's after me. He's going to kill me, Uncle."

"He? Who's he?" He watched how I was attacked by panic. "Nickel, you're gonna have to calm down."

"I can't-- I can't fucking calm down." Clutching my head, I dragged myself down on the chair. My foot tapping on the carpeted floor, causing a muffled thud with the sole of my shoes. My legs shake, unable to keep still.

Placing his cup down, he sat in front of me. "Tell me, Nickel. Did you see him up close? What does he look like? Have you met him before?"

Shaking my head negatively, I closed my eyes and recalled what had just happened a few minutes ago. I could feel my sweat trickling down on my skin; I could hear the beating of my heart deafening my ears.

"Nickel, what did you see? Anything you could tell will help me help you."


"Tell me."

"He's got a--" Using my hand, I motioned the things I saw on that man's hand. "His left hand was made out of metal, and the right had a-- a blade. Something that glows in orange. He's got a mask on, and he's got-- he's got-- oh, fuck. Am I gonna die?"

Panic rushes through my whole body. I feel like I touched a live wire, and only seconds will pass until I fry and die.

The way that man looked at me, it meant only one thing: he came to kill me. But why? For money? For power? For what?

"No, Nickel. You are not going to die. Listen to me, listen to me," he snapped his fingers in front of my face. "That man you saw... it cannot be outside, let alone on a mission."

"What-- what? You know what that thing is?" My voice raised. Hugh showed me his palm, asking me to give him time to explain.

"The Palace has agreed to enhance the force of the three Nabes: 400, Median, and Maven. They figured out that the Omission is planning an attack sooner or later. The Levies..." He pointed outside the window where we could see the troops training. "Those kids? They can carry those guns, take fire, light all enemies up, but in the end, we will still lose."

What more to wish for when there's enough?

"Five years ago, the head of Nabe Maven suggested building a lab for experimental development. To use humanoid beings, take scraps and parts from collateral damages, and turn them into... something else. And all officials from the Palace agreed, including your father."

If my dad agreed with it, if that thing was owned by us, why is it after me?

"But what I don't get is, why was it released? There was no written permit for the humanoids to be in the open. And there were only limited personnel to upload a memory chip to activate one." He looked at me with a deep frown.

"Are you saying that one of those people who control whatever those things are, they want me dead?" I concluded.

I didn't have to hear him answer; his face says it all.

"Fuck me," I stood up and wiped the sweat from my forehead. "That thing, he knew where I was living. And he said something to me..." My spine chilled just by letting that thing's voice in my head. "He said he's going to give me a race. He had the chance to kill me, why didn't he take it?"

"Perhaps it has a catch," Hugh guessed. "You're not safe here, Nickel."

"And where am I supposed to be safe? In Omission?" I scoffed. "My mom gave me all that she had in her bracelet, and so did my Dad. Do you think I would last an hour stepping my feet in that land of bad?"

A ding from his laptop caught our attention. Hugh took a deep breath before turning his gadget to himself. It's a notice... with my face in it. Wanted for Murder.

"What's that?"

Slowly, he turned to me. There's this suspecting look on his face. "Were you still taking drugs, Nickel?"

I stopped and denied it. "Are you thinking that I killed Dolores? Are you seriously for real? I already told you everything that happened. There was that man who came into my house, and killed her, and he's coming after me. What reason do I have to kill a person I'm close with?"

"Nickel, calm down. You're in shock, and I get that." He stood up from his chair, showing both of his palms to me.

"Just-- just stay there, Uncle. Please, I'm telling you the truth," I begged, my eyes blurry. "I would never kill anyone. I don't know why they're pointing their fingers at me."

Silence went through for a few seconds.

The whole Nabe Levy was alarmed when the sirens rang. The search is on. I know what's going to happen next when they find me; they'll pull me in jail, take my money, and after proven guilty, the Palace will take votes on whether they will let me stay here in 400 or throw me at Omission.

"I've known you since you were little, Nickel. I've dealt with different craps you did," he sighed. "I believe you."

Three words, and it gave me enough relief.

"But you can't stay here. You know what's going to happen when they catch you," he said, rubbing the bottom of his nose. "This is not just happening," he mumbled under his breath.

"What am I going to do, Uncle?"

"I know that you're worried, and everything ahead will be new to you." He headed to the corner of his office and pushed a tile, revealing a secret door underground. "Didn't I say that if you're in trouble, just tell me what you need?"

He offered me a smile as I walked close to the stairs leading to a dark tunnel.

"Go take the Silent Road past Maven, head down to the outskirts of Junkyard, find the smallest town in Median, and find a man named Jurgen. He will lead you to a place called Poison Ivy," he recited the plan to me. "Wait for me, I'll meet you there."

"How sure am I that you'll be there?"

"Do you trust your old man?"

"More than myself," I answered, and I saw a strange satisfaction on his face.

"Good, now go before the Majors come rushing in here." He handed me a neon light. "Walk straight, turn left when you reach the end. There's a door lock with a combination of 414345. It's a secret door to Silent Road, but a piece of advice, Nickel, take care of yourself out there."

"I owe you, Uncle."

"You can still send me boxes of tobacco, right?" Successfully making me chuckle, he nodded his head for me to go. "Don't trust anyone. I think it's best not to talk to anyone at all."

Marching troops approached the office. I hurriedly took the stairs down the dark tunnel. I gave Hugh one last glance before he shut the door closed.

What's waiting for me on the other side? I know nothing outside 400. How am I supposed to survive this?

"You got this, Nickel," I encouraged myself. Glancing at my bracelet, revealing the seemingly endless digits of what I own. "Yeah, you can do this."

Taking a deep breath, I get myself to take a step forward. Keep going and going and going... just until I open the door to the world I am unknown.

The deserted part between the 400 and the world I'm unknown welcomed me. The scorching heat brushed my skin, burning me.

I'm doing the right thing, am I?

My father once told me that a true man faces his fears. This is me slapping my fears on my face. What's left for me to deal with is the problem of how to survive this with so much richness on my wrist and self-encouragement.

I don't even have a map.

Whatever, just as long as that masked killer won't find my footprints, I would keep going until I find the end of this.

I will survive this.

And so I stepped my feet in the land I swore to never visit.

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