CHAPTER 7 : The Wild Ride

My sleep got shaken awake when I felt something get thrown on my face, and the sound of Poppy's giggle followed.

Through my red and blurry eyes, I saw her grinning at me widely with her hands on her hips, standing before me like a pirate captain.

"Get dressed and let's eat, I've got some soup and a new bowl from the store nearby. Hate to see that little crunch on your nose if I offer you something coming from my old collections of dishes," she said before pivoting and headed for the broken table where the map was used as the cloth of the table.

There are four cans on the table, a new plate and spoon waiting for me, and a couple of soda cans.

She sat there with her feet up, scooping beans from the can as she ate.

"You know, that's not how you properly eat," I groaned, pushing myself up from the chair. My bones cracked from sleeping with an uncomfortable position for so long.

"Who's here to judge me? Just you," she snorted and pointed at the opened cans. "This one's pudding or jelly and this one is a fruit salad, I think?"

I paused from taking a chair, arching my eyebrows at her. "You're not sure of what you took?"

"How am I supposed to? I just pick some and then run." Shrugging her shoulders, she wiggled her feet that are on the table beside my plate. "Maybe that's a cat food, who knows?"

I stared at the cans without any label stuck on it and examined it.

"Stop staring at it and eat it, we both need all the strength. No one could think straight with an empty stomach," she stated.

Fortunately, she picked a human food. A can of corn and peas and jell-o. It wasn't the best taste, but my hunger passed.

She even brought me a new pair of clothes that she said she thought would look good on me.

"It's itchy," I complained, scratching my skin through the hoodie that she tossed on my face to wake me up earlier.

Behind the curtains, I could hear her chuckle.

I can feel a lot of tickle on my skin, like rash crawling all over my skin. How old is this clothe?

"Stop whining," she chided. "I got us a pass to the next village, and don't worry, the guy knows me and is willing to help us. But I promised him that I would pay him."

Wearing the jacket over, I sniffed it and immediately wrinkled my nose. "Pay him? And where will you get money to pay him?" I questioned, peeping above the curtain and found her pouting over my hand. "Smart," I sarcastically uttered when I realized she was referring to my bracelet.

"It's just five grand of coins, you paid more than that to save my life and that wasn't even important to you. How about this situation? We couldn't pass the village and get to the right direction if you don't use anything you own," she explained.

"Stop talking to me like I'm a kid," I complained while still scratching my skin. "Where did you even find these clothes? You could've just told me. Maybe I'd think about letting you use my money."

"I didn't have to," she replied.

Throwing her a look, I guessed, "Because you have magic hands, right?"

"Uh-huh?" She answered mischievously. "What makes you think your money's less hundreds of coins by now?"

What did she mean by that?

"Relax, bozo, I didn't touch your bracelet. I took these clothes from some cheap shops, they almost offer me a discount but I refused," she tried to josh while checking the map.

Seeing the places written on that piece of paper, I was reckoned of what's the purpose of waking up today. "Did you hear anything about Jurgen?"

"Not much, but from some guys I talked to, they said that Jurgen never leaves Low Mountain because he's getting a lot of money in there," she replied, tapping the heel of her shoe as she waits for me to get ready.

"Then we pay him a visit."

Before I slept last night, I had a lot of thoughts gushing through my head, and they were all about doubts and theories towards my godfather.

But I've made a decision, I wouldn't know what the truth is, unless I make a move, and it will start by finding Jurgen.

"Are you sure we're still going to him?"

"He's the guy my godfather told me to look for." And the only person who would unconsciously testify whether my doubts were worth entertaining or not.

"But he's a criminal."

"It sounds crazy, I know. But I have to try, I have to find out who wanted my family dead and who's hunting me down for something I didn't do. Someone's setting me up," I said, causing her expression to change. "I want to know more," I added.

Sighing, she crossed her arms and leaned her back on the wall. "How's that going to happen if you're taking risky steps towards a criminal?"

"I don't know," I honestly answered, stepping out of the curtains and pulling the jacket down.

She looked at me from head to toe and nodded. "So, you're taking actions without thinking it through. What's wrong with making a concrete plan?"

"It's a little hard to think when you're blind, I need to know more. Maybe we could get some information while we're headed there," I hoped.

Humming, she stared, weighing the situation even when I didn't need her doing so. "Whatever your decision is," she uttered before standing straight and gestured her hand through the door. "Make sure your face is covered, or you're going to be in deep trouble," she reminded.

Using the scarf, I wrapped it around my head where half of my face is cannot be seen. This way, I won't be identified easily.

I cannot take any risk, I can't trust myself too much, I know I'd be lost if something goes out of my plan.

"How long does it take us before we reach the next village?" I asked as soon as we stepped out.

At daylight, the whole place is an old concrete jungle.

Down on the ground was a place where all houses were gray under dusty lights. There are barely a crowd formed near the gates of Median, it was just the bricked grounds and the jammer buildings without any paint.

Up above, the structures for cable vehicles looked like it's going to fall off anytime. I think it's closed and left unused for a long time.

"Welcome to Median," I heard Poppy utter from behind me. "Come on, you haven't seen what it's really like."

Leading the way, the people became thicker and thicker as we reached the middle of the hamlet. Most of them gathered by the market where they sell less than average quality goods for a petty price.

There are a lot of different people, too packed, too loud. But not like 400's noise, this is more like human's bluster. A lot of kids scattered around, they have smiles on their grubby faces, some were being called for snatching fruits from vendors, some were just fooling around.

"You were like them when you were young?" I asked her and she followed my gaze.

"At some point, yes. But if you're asking about the skills of robbing, there will never be like me," she proudly told me before holding my wrist as she guides me deeper into the crowd.

It's getting harder to breathe. I can already smell their breath and sweat in the breezy morning.

While I was distracted by the sudden change of atmosphere from Sickle Road to the endless sea of people here in Median, Poppy whistled and lifted her hand to wave at someone.

"Who's that?" Finding the possible guy she's signaling to, I kept myself close to her.

"Just some guy I negotiated with. I stole a box of canned goods from the market earlier as payment for him, he will give us a 'smooth ride' to the tavern."

A smooth ride? That was a huge lie.

Will, that was his name, he's nice and funny. I would've liked him if it weren't for his punky music coming from his radio that stops and goes every time his old car shakes.

The moment Poppy and I were introduced to his 'baby', an old car that was born from different parts of hundreds of different cars, I thought it was the end of my life. The tires weren't even fixed properly, and the hood bounces at every hump we pass.

Holding tightly on the side of my seat, I wished there was a seatbelt for this thing.

"I really knew you were a blessing in disguise, Poppy. Whenever I see you, I get lucky, baby!" Will laughed loudly, throwing his head back, causing his long, unbrushed hair to fall behind him. "Do you know how much those loaves are worth? More than what my poor bracelet could afford."

"I know," she replied, surprisingly calm and sitting there like she's riding a chariot and having a sightseeing. "When I get back, I'll try lending you some wine."

"Really?" He turned to look at us, catching me off guard.

"There's a car!" I yelled when he almost hit one, but Will wanted to prove his professionalism and swerved the vehicle, avoiding a crash even without eyeing on the road.

"Relax, baby, I'm the baddest driver you'll ever meet here in Median. I know everything the road has all over this place, baby!" he laughed.

I gave Poppy a nervous look, and she only patted my chest using the back of her hand to comfort me.

"You're paying me too much, baby. Whatever you need, Will will do. Whatever you ask, Will will do. Whenever you want me to go, Will will go, baby," he recited, sounding almost like a song. "As long as Will got his wheels, Will will ne'er stop wheeling, baby!"

"Don't thank me, thank him." She nodded her head in my direction. "I wouldn't need you if it weren't for him. So if there's anything he needs, he's who you have to serve. Not me."

"Oh," he grinned, showing off his teeth that were badly stained in both black and yellow.

Taking this chance, I cleared my throat. "Do you know someone named Jurgen from the smallest town here in Median?"

"Man, if you're looking for someone, I'm the guy you need, baby," he boasted, pointing his thumb on his chest. "But Jurgen? I never heard of that name before, baby," he added, blowing off my hope.

"Do you, perhaps, know someone who could help us?"

"Well, that skinhead from Clean Bridge might help you. That boy knows a lot and says a lot of cool stuff about a lot of people, baby. The boy got eyes and ears everywhere," he informed me, bobbing his head in rhythm from his music that I can barely understand.

"This boy, does he have a name?"

"Yeah, Boy," he chuckled. "Mind-blowing creativity of a young man, baby."

Poppy kicked the back of the driver's seat, making Will squeak from the sudden force. "If you really want that wine, you'd answer clearly."

Letting out a shaky chuckle, Will found my gaze through his cracked circular rearview mirror. "He's really known with his alias, 'Boy', because he never grows taller. He's already in his thirties but he never aged. His face still looks like it belongs to a nine-year-old boy."

"So he found the fountain of youth?" Poppy snorted.

"More like cursed. He was the cock-of-the-walk walking with a tiny cock. Do you get what I mean, baby?" Will burst out laughing at his own words. And that loud cackle faded when none of us laughed the way he did. "You'll find him easily. He's staying at the slums. Ask anyone where Boy is, they'll point you in the right direction, baby."

This is getting either broader or narrower. A lot of people are getting involved, but we were already there, just a little more step closer.

Should I still pursue this? I've already come this far, I shouldn't turn back. Besides, where else am I gonna go? Hide myself for the rest of my life? I'd die first.

"Here we are, baby, the tavern. I smell a nice pint and shots of whiskey from here." He had a long sniff in the air with his eyes closed.

"Go get some, if you can," Poppy said before having to kick the door open because the hatch is rusty.

"Care to buy a new car?" I asked as I hopped out of his hellish car and having a hard time closing it. The clutch is loose.

"No can do, baby. This car is my lucky car, baby!" He caressed the door that has patchy paints all over it. "Even if you offer me brand new, I would never replace this baby for anything at all."

Letting him choose whatever floats his boat, I stepped back and followed Poppy who's just entered the tavern.

My nose wrinkled from the mixed smell of skunk and alcohol mingling in the air when I stepped inside.

It's loud. There's a circle where everyone's singing, some were having loud conversation while betting their rations over arm wrestling, while on the other corner, there's a fight going on between four huge people.

"Are you sure that this is the right place to find your guy? I don't think that he would be in the right state of mind leading us to where we're going if he's drinking in here."

"Chill, I know this guy."

"You know a lot of guys," I mumbled that missed her ears.

We reached the end of the bar and found a hulky man, sitting on a stool, wearing mechanical tools as his ring and piercings. He's got a huge scar traveling from his shoulder down to his forearm.

The man looked like he's been through hell and was woken from the dead.

His eyes inked, making him look even more terrifying.

"That's your guy?" I whispered to Poppy.

"Nope," she turned over at a lanky guy sitting on a long rotten couch with a couple ladies on his side.

I thought that the hulky man had an overwhelming taste in style, I was wrong. This guy Poppy knows, he's... I don't mean to judge, but he looks rather hideous than stylish.

He's wearing a shiny shirt with all buttons undone, showing off his hairy chest. He's wearing a pair of sunglasses that has a missing lens and his hair tells me that he stinks. Like badly, to the point that flies are having a nest on it.

"Poppy, Poppy, Poppy..." the guy chanted.

"I needed the ticket, Harry."

Standing behind her, I noticed that one of the man's goons is staring at me with those suspicious eyes. Shit! I can't be recognized.

Lowering my head, I acted like there's something itchy on the side of my head to cover my face, but as I try to keep myself hidden, the more I feel like I was being eyed on.

"Did I promise you anything, Poppy-Poppy?"

"I have the payment right here, all I need are the tickets you sell," she sang, shrugging her right shoulder.

Humming, the guy took his arm off from behind his girls and leaned close to the table to pour himself a drink that looks like a fermented spit.

"We've already talked over the radio, you said you'll help me in return for the right payment, remember? You were sober earlier when I rang your little static thingy, I think you can recall our deal clearly."

I stepped closer to Poppy, warning her of the atmosphere around us.

The hulky man stood up, alerting some of the goons that are around us to focus on our direction.

We're in the middle of a fucking tavern full of juiceheads.

"I think we need to go now," I whispered to her, feeling a little too suffocated already. "Poppy?"

"Two tickets, hand it over to me and the five grand is yours, no questions asked, no muss, no fuss." Waving her hands once in the air, she offered a wide grin. "You named your price yourself."

"You never really asked for any tickets that I sell before, Poppy, oh, Poppy. Who's the guy with you? Is he afraid of the sun?" He questioned, chuckling, showing off some of his missing teeth.

This dude needs serious dental care. I think everybody in this place needs health support.

"I think he's a little too dressed for a warm day."

"Whoever I'm with is none of your business. I came here because you promised to hold your word. I think I overestimated your honesty," Poppy replied and shielded me using her body. "Are you going to sell me your tickets or not?"

"Poppy, they're getting uncomfortably closer to us."

Swallowing to aid my drying throat, I can feel the air being closed every step they take to corner us up.

Looking around, I found a broken window covered by a thick curtain that has webs on it. I know for sure that they won't offer the door where we came through. Unless this Harry guy raises a white flag.

My ears are being beaten by the sound of my drumming heart. I don't like this.

"How about your boy give us his bracelet and I'll give you the tickets you need? It looks like he's worth more than just five grand," Harry stated his unfair negotiation.

Immediately, my hand reached for my bracelet, wanting to safeguard it. I wouldn't want the only important thing left of me to be held in the hands of someone else.

"What do you say?"

"No," Poppy firmly replied. "Five grand, two tickets. I think that's already more than enough," she added.

"Nothing is enough."

Harry was about to wave his hand in the air to gesture for his goons to start mobbing us when Poppy suddenly kicked the table, hitting him on the chest and groaned loudly.

With her quick hands, Poppy reached for Harry's little bag and grabbed me by my wrist.

Just as I thought, she had us jumping outside the broken window and landed on dry land.

"Shit!" I exclaimed when I saw the hulky man coming straight at us as we ran. "He just crashed himself through the wall?"

Unbelievably looking back, my feet felt like they were pacing slow as the man comes closer and closer every second.

"I got the tickets!" Poppy rejoiced and jiggled something with it. "And our way out of here," she added, jumping on an old ATV and started it.

Black smoke came out of it as she turned the engine and let it roar.

The bag Poppy snatched held a lot of bracelets and tickets to pass through the next village. She got what we needed and left it on the ground.

I held tight.

"Whoa!" I exclaimed, first time riding this kind of vehicle on an unsteady road.

"Hold on!" Poppy shouted in ecstasy as she accelerated the ATV.

From where we came from, I could see Harry and his goons standing helplessly in frustration as they watched us flee from the place.

At least they didn't have a shotgun unlike the people we encountered at Silk Road.

"Whoo!" I celebrated. I'm still alive! "Can't believe we did that!"

A huge sigh of relief from me as the distance from that tavern and the ATV gets further and further...

Until I heard a sound of boom and then the ATV we're riding stopped.

"Oh, shit, this is not good."

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