Moving from town to town was tiring and stressful, but Kate could not complain because she was the fuel of the journey, if she gives up everyone does. The journey became very stressful when someone stole their car when they were at the town of the oldies, they had parked it out side town by the time they returned their car was no more there, they searched the area for in but the could no find it, they continued their journey on foot. It was easy at first since the road was smooth and well constructed road but walking in the sandy desert was not easy, as they moved forward, the sand then to drag them backwards, after facing this trouble for about five days, they saw someone who was head the opposite direction they were heading and they had a spare horse, the prisoner said he had a plan which actually made sense 

" We could ride with them to the nearest station, get a horse and continue our search." Kat and her dad were surprise, all he had been talking about ever since they started the journey was how he was going to escape while they were sleeping then he would kill them in their sleep, he could not escape because he had chains on him, the chains were really long that could a mile while the person holding it would stand behind. The crew hopped on the spare horse and carried on with the prisoner idea. 

    Sam was the only one that refused to show up at the meeting, he was busy with his uncle, James held the meeting in his room, he showed his friends the diagram his friend had been showing him in his dreams, according to Kia it was a language the Wizard of Hoods do speak, this means James friend that keeps on appearing in his dream was one of the Wizards of Hoods, the crew thought it would be better if James learnt about the language before going back to sleep so he could have a proper conversation with him like why he keeps on appearing in his dream? Or what was he warning them about? To their surprise there was a book written in the language in their school store,  Kiara was not sure why it was it was there but she claimed that she and her friend Alice had seen the book lay on the floor in the creepy old store when they went to get  brooms for the new students to sweep their classes, Kate explained her experience has a very bad one, she said the place was still dark even with their flashlight, she said that they had heard creepy sounds like ghosts, she said anytime they looked forward it's always like someone is watching them from behind, if they look backwards the person is not there again but now watching them from behind again,they made sure they left the door widely opened so they could run out, they also attached a rope to to their body, the new students were to hold them out side and were ready for them to give the signal so rbey can pull them out, their signal was pretty unique she said taken a pause, their signal was screaming, once the new students outside hear them screaming, they start pulling them out, it worked because that was they got the brooms they needed from the store. Their school store was not haunted by a ghost, Kia was sure of that because he was a wizard and wizards have great connection with ghost, they were once great friends but that friendship did not last the way they wanted, nobody really know what was the case for them to end their friendship or what made them friends in the first place but as always the humans had rumors about it. Lately, any situation that the world was not sure of how it had happened or any situation only their forefathers knew about, they would make it their job to write about it including everything that did not happen, they worst ting was not that they do that, not only one person did it, their were some that specializes in it, that was their way of living, it was wrong because they were telling a lie and because they were ruining the image of the night creatures, the unborn dark creatures would not know the really truth to believe, either the humans lie or thier own truth, this was one of the reasons the war was not yet over. Kia reminded the crew that no matter what Kate had saw in the store tgey had to go if they really want to know more about the dream James had been having. The whole crew agreed with Kia, they almost done with the meeting when they noticed that Sam was absent, they were worried because Sam was always punctual to meetings no matter how busy he is, he would always make it but when John pointed the fact that he was angry at the second meeting, they felt less worried, their plan was to go into the school store late that night, Kiara was going to be on the look out since she was too scared to go in. 

      The prisoner was right, they were right about getting horses, we allowed to choose they one we wanted, while some men got the horse dressed, Kate, her dad and the prisoner went into the bar to get a drink, they had strippers and lot of prostitutes that were happy of their profession, in this town they don't go by the name prostitutes, they go by the name HOT, which had a full meaning, Holes Of Time. They also had an organization and a court which sloves cases like their clients not paying them the exact amount or the client maltreating them, or crazy cases like the client killing them for no known reason or client running away with them saying because they were really hot and they don't have enough money to pay for another round or one crazy case where the man sold his house to fuck one of them, his money was not enough but one of the girls agreed to it just because she was horny, he had the sex right in the bar, he sold his house for just five minutes sex, that was not the problem but when his wife came back to the bar yelling at the ladies that she wanted refund, that was where the fight began. The court had seen so many crazy cases and they always stood behind the HOT. 

           The police department were getting frustrated already, trying to be everywhere saving the day could be annoyingly sometimes, the one with high rank do not have to do anything apart from sitting in their office, yell at the officers who were really doing the main work and watch comedy shows, I hope one of this days they would laugh their heart out. The police department were not done with the war of the dark creatures when a serial killer arise, immediately this happened, one third of the police department all over the world quit,  with the same statement, "you can not keep sending us to die." The president of the nations, came together to have a meeting, the night creatures were attacking all of them and the serial killer also, they decided to bring in some new forces, they called them HOPE, they were to work on only the serial killer case but the commander of the HOPE claimed that the HOPE could handle the two, both the night creatures and the serial killer case. With the help of the tecth they have created, a robot that looked just like humans, Black Tryrants, would also be of great use, the president of the nations were very impressed when they saw the Black Tryrants, they looked exactly like human but under their skin lies dangerous weapons of war enough to bring down a nation, the commander also stated in his speech that all nations of the world should put an end to their cops, and bring in the HOPE, most of the president wanted the HOPE in their country but they were not sure they should end their human cops for some set of robots. Since he said it could force  the night creatures out of their nations and they would return to wherever they came from, they whole president on sit agreed and signed some piece of paper, it was to show agreement that they were the ones who asked for the HOPE to be in their country. A country did not sign, the said he would rather have his cops kill the night creatures that a robot they barely know the full details, the commander tried to persuade him not to kill the poor cops and just sign the agreement, he was desperate and certain that he was not going to sign the papers, he left the meeting before it cane to an end


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