"I told you all of this because you both remind me of my siblings and I won't forgive myself if I watch you both die," Geo said as he help himself calm down. "I will try my best to get you out of this situation," he said and left the room. I began to see Geo in a different light after that day.
I got up that morning. That morning I told you that we probably have used five days in that room. The morning before I told you everything about 'The Man', now Geo. I woke up that morning feeling the most tired and haggard I've ever felt before. I've not taken my bath for perhaps six days now. The room was becoming stuffy of our body odor now. But who cares about a bath or a smelling body when your might end up dying or end up in the hands of one full moon-sized belly man.
Geo had told us the previous day that I'll speak with my Dad again today and he advised me to pretend like I'm starving and being tortured so those on the other side won't become suspicious.
Geo no longer brings his subordinates with him, though they always make attempts to stay in the room, he always tells them to go wait for him outside and that he can handle matters himself. So when Geo came in that day without his subordinates, I knew it was time for the call.
The call was as usual. They keep trying to use me to threaten Dad into accepting their offer. I heard someone on the other side say during the call that Dad will soon receive my corpse if he keeps being stubborn but Dad would only keep quiet and just ask me how I am and other questions that I've grown used to hearing whenever we speak.
There were a lot of calls after that one and Geo came in a week after telling us that Dad has accepted to become the transporter.
"Your father really loves you, he is doing this because he's afraid that we might kill you" Geo said as he looked at me.
I imagined how Dad is fairing. He is being forced to do something against his own will and he is doing it so I wouldn't get hurt. Dad and I have not been the closest but to hear an outsider say that he loves me, put this warm feeling in my chest. I didn't even know if to be sad that Dad has accepted a job that could probably be the end of him or to be happy that I will be free at last.
"That means they will let Mase go, right? Jane said. She looked at Geo and me pathetically. We know it is unlikely that they will set Jane free along with me. I got Jane into this situation in the first place. If had told her to stay behind and not follow me to search for my parents, she wouldn't be here now. I was only thinking about myself then and I fail to think that she might get into dangerous situations. I was selfish, that's why Jane is here so I decided that I won't leave this place without Jane.
"Since Dad has accepted to become the transporter now, I'll surely be released. Please Geo, is there a way you can make them not to release me. I have to be here with Jane. Please, it's my fault that she's here. I don't want to have regrets" I said and could not keep the tears back.
"Calm down kids," Geo said "I have a plan". My eyes lit up when I heard Geo say he has devised a plan and I could not wait to hear his plan. I was beginning to trust Geo so much. I was not just beginning to trust him but I now love his courage and the fact that he's an ex-soldier just makes me admire him the more.
"I also don't want you to leave now because you'll have to be here for us to rescue Jane. Your Dad accepted to become the transporter after the call yesterday. He'll most likely be put through his pace today and released most probable tomorrow when they'll order for you to be released as well.
I plan to give them a logical reason for you not to be released. They know your Dad is a skilled fighter admired by the military, so I will tell them that if they release you and also release your Dad, then there's a high chance that he might run off. But if they hold you hostage, then he won't be able to run.
They'll most likely accept this reason and it'll give us enough time to plan Jane's rescue mission. Moreover, this will also clear their suspicions about me before, then I'll be able to work at full strength. Remember your Dad being who he is will also find ways to rescue you, which is more reasons why I said you need to remain here because I won't be able to convince your Dad to help rescue Jane if you're not here".
"Wait, you'll involve my Dad in the rescue mission," I asked out of shock.
"Yes. I don't have enough manpower to execute my plan, that's why we'll need your Dad. He won't be transporting anyone till about a month and a half, and the auction will be held a week before his first mission. Remember I told you the women are moved to the auction house a week before the actual auction, so we have at least a month or less to devise and execute our plan.
I'll give you the details about the plan when the issue of Mase's release is settled and I contact your Dad. I'll also gather some of my trusted men so there won't be regrets but the less number of people we involve, the better. I have to go now. Eat better than before now. You have a huge task ahead and you'll need every ounce of strength that can muster. Mase, you have more tasks when the issue is resolved tomorrow. I'll see you guys tomorrow." Geo said and he left the room and I was happy that we have such good person on our side.
I'm happy I won't have to leave Jane behind and happier there's a chance she could be rescued. I smiled genuinely for the first time in weeks.
"We'll soon be free again Jane," I said as I looked at her, giving her a reassuring smile "and we'll go back to being great knights".
Related Chapters
No One Left Mase In Training
Geo came and told us that he has been able to convince them that I shouldn't be released yet. We were both moved to a different room, probably because we were no longer going to be tortured since Dad has accepted to be the transporter. The reason we were put through difficult situations was that they needed to coerce Dad into being the transporter. The room we got moved into was a better one compared to the one we were in before. This one has a slightly large bed not big enough for a set of adults but suitable at least for two kids. The room is not as large as the previous one is as big as our classroom back in school and it does not have chairs scattered all over but is neatly arranged like my room on a Saturday afternoon after Mum finishes arranging it. The room that the room has a bathroom for us to take a bath makes it better. We took turns having our bath as we've not had a bath for weeks now. Geo came after we showered. Geo told us that we are restri
No One Left First Day At Training
When my legs suddenly left the floor, I thought I've been tricked by Geo into being kidnapped by some other punks. I felt betrayed but I screamed nevertheless for help from the person I felt betrayed by perhaps he can still save my little ass. The torches pointing sharply blocked my eyes from seeing those laughing. I don't if to feel relieved and happy that they are maybe friendly or to be sad and more frightened that they are laughing at my helpless screams. "Welcome to training boy". When I heard this, I felt very relieved and happy that Geo did not betray me but I wanted to curse at them. "Who the hell welcome their student to training in such a manner!. You freaking scared the hell out of me!!!" I shouted when they finally released me from where I was tied allowing me to fall to the floor face first. "These are your teachers Mase," Geo said. Everyone was holding a torch and it gives the hall a little bit of illumination. The two people I saw on the other e
No One Left Aura
Cara and Nate both took another path in the darkness leading probably to their own home as Geo and I sneak back to the base. We got to the base without much stress as everyone looks to be asleep by now including those that were meant to be on guard. It was not difficult sneaking back into my room with Geo by my side. I quietly entered the bed, afraid of waking Jane who seems to be fast asleep. "How was it," Jane whispered. I thought my ears were playing tricks because I felt she should be asleep by now. "How was it, Mase," she asked again. "It was okay" I answered in a similar tone just before I drifted into sleep. It was midday by the time I woke up, the sun shining brightly up in the sky and its light filled our room. I saw a plate of food by my side and I didn't waste time to get washed up and eat the food. "How are you," I asked Jane who was sitting at the other end of the bed. "I'm fine" she said. "What happened at the training yesterday? Were you m
No One Left Old Friends
I woke past noon the qfollowing day as usual. Time flew by and it was night again. Geo and I sneaked out of the base, passing through the back gate. I followed Geo, walking through thick bushes, different from the clear path that leads to the training hall. If it was a few days ago, I might not have been able to comfortably navigate my way through the dark path but the training I received from Cara has taught me to lighten my steps and make less to no sound while walking. It was a full moon night so the moon helped illuminate everywhere making it easier for us to regulate our footsteps. After walking for about thirty minutes or so, Geo pointed at a cave a few meters away and said that we stop there. The moon enabled me to see a little past the entrance of the cave but the farther I look, the darker it gets, so I stopped and asked Geo what the cave is. "What is this place?"I asked. "It's just a cave that I discovered by chance" he answered but I could
No One Left Plan
When Dad said the reason he didn't join the military was because he found out that they auction humans, I was happy that my father is a good person. It is natural for us to hope that our loved ones be good people. I wonder how differently I would feel if Dad said he supports the military and their actions. I left that for now. "Though I knew you were the one they captured, I didn't attempt to rescue you. I'm really sorry brother" Geo said. "It's not your fault and there's nothing you could have done. You can't fight those people all by yourself after all. Let's discuss the plan so I can return quickly, I won't like Jessy to know I'll be involved in this" Dad said. Jessy is my mom's name, Dad doesn't call her by her name so often except he's with someone very close to him. "I'll cut to the chase," Geo said. "Remember I told you that the auction only buys people a week before the actual auction, and it can be less, maybe a few days to the auction day or as the case may
No One Left Discovered.
When Geo finished explaining the plans and what everyone has to execute, I spoke to Dad a little, asking him how stuff is at home, how mum is doing and some other things of less importance. After about an hour of us just talking about casual things we said our goodbyes and we left for the base. I didn't go to the training hall that day as we spent a lot of time at the meeting with Dad. I returned to the base alone that night cause Geo said he was going to see Nate and Cara and I returned to the base alone. Time flew by quickly and it was the day that Jane was to be transported to the other base. The day that we've been planning and strategizing for since over a month now. After that night that we met Dad, I became more serious-minded about the essence of the whole thing so I trained with a lot more seriousness than I usually do. Nate and Cara were enthralled by the speed at which I got a grab of all they taught me. I learned the art of lock-picking within two days and b
No One Left Calm Before The Storm
Few years back in Elementary 2, when my naivety was still top-notch. I was superbly ingenious and in most cases could not put two and two together, and I ended up being a gullible little lad. Something interesting happened in Elementary 2. There was this boy in my class, we were sort of close, not friends per se but we are not enemies either. We talk and gist when necessary. His name is Kaze. Kaze came to me one day and told me that there was a gate at the back of our school. He said it's the second gate that students are not allowed to pass there because it is prohibited. I knew Kaze won't just tell me about the other gate without ulterior motives. Kaze told me that there is a place where we can get candies and other stuff for a cheaper amount than it is sold for in our school. "We can even get some for free" Kaze told me. It didn't a lot of words for Kaze to convince me. I told you how naive I was. It wasn't so much my fault because there was never enough
No One Left The Auctioneers
I always knew that I was a good actor having played huge roles in a lot of interesting episodes, like acting all sick in front of Ms. Erin so she won't punish me for not doing my homework or so as to go home earlier than normal and avoid school work. I remember how I use to act as if I was choked and let drools drop off my mouth on my meal, keeping off the seniors waiting for an opportunity to take their share of my meal. It is my drool after all so I still ate my food but it has done its job. Most memorable of my acts was the one I told you about Biggy. The big guy who was in elementary 4 when I was in elementary 3, the one that I do pass by his class to my class, the guy that always sends me to fetch water for me him and the guy who I dropped a leaf in his water. You should remember him now. So after I dropped that water in the toilet for Biggy and stayed behind to see the result, and after learning of the casino, I saw Biggy leave for the toilet. I didn't know what he
Latest Chapter
It was pitch dark in the vault. I could hardly see the person next to me. Master Leao was the only one with a source of light amongst us and he was at the front. When Jane entered first, Katie followed, Rio and Alex went after her and I was the last person to go in, so I was at the back of the group. I was struggling to keep up with the others as I place my feet on every step.The stairs were narrow and curved in an S shape. The space got larger when we got to the larger part of the stairs and it opened to another big hall. The hall was empty and our voices echoed as we speak. There was nothing notable about the hall as it looks like the one that is up. Master Leao led the way to a rigid-looking iron door on one side of the hall. The door has a wheel at its center and requires a pattern to be unlocked.Master Leao went ahead and made some marks on the wheel. The wheel began to roll on its own after Master Leao finished whatever thing that he was doing on it and soon after the door
Lewis and the seniors did as I have told them. They wouldn't intend to flaunt my words remembering what I did to them.They did so well that the school got a hang of the things happening even before they reported themselves. If Lewis decides to report Alex now, then he will most likely not be believed.The school found it weird that the students came out and reveal themselves. Just like that!. The bruises on Lewis had raised suspicions but they wouldn't dare to reveal the person behind it.The students that have been robbed off their food items got their items back and Alex's situation was solved that way. The situation was a lot easier to handle than I thought.The next day was the day we were meant to meet Master Leao. I didn't bother to look for more students to take the number to 7. The lesser the better. I had passed information across to all the members the previous day. It was something easy as we are all in the martial arts class. I most times have Jane by my side, Alex has b
Planting Fear
"Your time's up," I said.If the other students are as strong as Lewis, then I might have trouble dealing with all of them at once. There are four of them and just me after all.I never wanted them to accept my offer and I didn't expect them to either. They may accept to return the things they collected from the students and also promise me that they won't report Alex but it won't be something that can be guaranteed. They may accept just because they are scared of my appearance and the fact that I discovered them, but all of that could be thrown away along with their promises once my back is turned. The best way to resolve this is to beat them to submission.I walk towards them, one step after another, slowly, making each step as terrifying as possible. They were bedazzled by my act of arrogance and were still in a daze when I got to the first person.I flung my legs across the average-weight boy, adding enough strength so he won't be getting back up to cause more trouble. I was lef
Your Time’s Up
People having powers has become a myth in this age. It has become something we read in books, see in pictures, and just wow about them.We have been taught that the people who created Silverland were powerful and that it was through their powers that they defeated all the strong and dangerous beasts on the land at that time. It has been said that some people still have the powers like these people today. I never thought I would ever see one and if I did, I wouldn't have thought it would be a student in my school."Lewis and the seniors know about it" Alex whispered. "They know I have powers. I haven't told anyone in this school except you, so I don't know how they found out""How do you know that they know? Did they tell you or something?" I asked.Before Lewis and the others found out that Alex has some kind of powers, he has always been subjected to bullies. They will take some of his food and let him do work for them.Alex doesn't know how they found out that he has powers but it
The students were starting to leave after the fight ended. It fight has become a new trend among the students in martial arts class. The student had jumped from number 52 to number 4. It was probably the greatest leap ever by a student.Lewis got off the floor after some time. He dusts off his cloth like nothing happened and left the hall silently. He was no longer in pain, it looks like so.The boy was still standing in the same spot when everyone left. He didn't do any celebration whatsoever when he won the fight and he just stood there still looking as feeble as when he was walking up to the stage.After a while, Master Leao went to do his own thing and almost all the students had left the hall then. The boy finally left the hall.I told Jane to go ahead and not wait for me. She protested that she wanted to follow me but the boy might not be comfortable if we meet him together so I asked her to stay behind.Something looks to be troubling the boy. The fight didn't seem to have sett
Number 52
I was still bleeding when the hooded person left. The cut was a little bit deep but I tore a part of my cloth and cover the wound with it. I lay on the floor having lost so much blood already. The energy surprisingly has not turned off. It was still active. This time though, it was not growing. It has been at a standstill for some time now, perhaps, since I was cut. It wasn't supplying me with an insane amount of energy like during a fight. The energy has rather gathered around my chest and it was somehow healing the wound from inside.I decided to stay on the rooftop for some time before returning to my dorm. I was feeling weak and end up falling asleep. Blood had stopped coming out of the wound when I woke up. It was healing as well. The energy was still active but it was reducing rapidly. It was like it gets used up as the wound heals.I untied the cloth on the wound after some time and it was at a point where I would not feel a lot of pain from it. I left the rooftop past midni
The Rooftop
Some people would jump at kind opportunities that guarantee them power over other humans. It is human nature. Humans crave power. They want to have dominion over other people and exploit them in the long run. I do not wish to be Rio's boss. I have never wanted to be. I proposed the deal to be his boss so I could keep him away from my things in the future. If I accept to be his boss and start ordering him around, then I would be just like those that I loathe so much.Rio was still kneeling in front of me. I was at a loss for words initially, and so did Katie and Jane. "We didn't bring you here because of the deal you guys made," Jane said "It is for an entirely different purpose and it'll be nice if you listen to us first. You can sort out your issues later."I was glad that Jane bailed me out of that so I quickly backed her."That's true. Let's talk about that later," I said and helped Rio back to his feet. "Promise us you won't reveal whatever thing that will be said here to anyon
I intend to get the five or seven people Master Leao had asked me to select as soon as possible. I already have Jane and Katie in mind so I just need to look for two more people at least.I rushed to the dorm as I had told Jane. I met her waiting on my bunk. She was the only one in the room as none of my roommates are in the room at that time."Let's go to the rooftop" I requested.It was twilight. Students have finished every activity for the day and are making preparations for dinner. The view from the rooftop is grandiose. The students walking around the school, the high buildings around the school, and the bushes beyond the school building."It is beautiful. Isn't it?" Jane asked."What's that" I replied."The view from this place. The serenity. The sky, those few stars, the wind, and everything. They are beautiful, aren't they?" Jane asked as the wind blew her hair over her face."They are," I said. "It's the serenity that bothers me though.""I'm sure you brought me here for a r
Meeting Master Leao
Master Leao is always at the martial arts hall. That is his office and he rarely leaves there, except at nights. Most times, when you enter the martial arts hall, you either meet Master Leao punching thin air while doing back flips and sending kicks mid-air or sitting with his legs crossed inside and his hands stretched out making a V shape.That's Master Leao in summary. Train, train, and train. He would spar with everyone in class standing on one spot and anyone who manages to make him move a leg would be given something. We would put our all into the spar with him, and fight like our lives depend on it. For sure, we know Master Leao was a man of his word and his gift would not be little either so we fight for the reward.Only one student has managed to make Master Leao move his legs. Notwithstanding that it was through sly means. That student was me.I had offered to spar with the master that day. I was bent on making him move a leg and a good idea popped up in my head. 'As long