Liquid fire speckles the stone underfoot as freshly drenched torches illuminate jagged, damp cave walls. The sound of hard soles softly clopping against earth, and distant humming of winds seeking an escape from deep within the tomb fill an otherwise still atmosphere. The warm glow of each improvised tool offers only direction, as the destination ahead has already succumbed to a chill, not even the forgotten sunlight could have conquered. Four silhouettes cautiously slog further into the depths, remaining as close to each other as they can without risking restricting or startling one another. Keeping their lips sealed and their breaths muffled beneath fabric, they listen.
With a sudden pause and one finger raised in the air, the leading silhouette brings all others to a halt. Lifting his torch to just above shoulder level, he watches the darkness ahead of them shift about. With only his eyes and the tissue around each exposed, he maintains his composure. Trails of luminescent smoke churn, breaking away from a much larger body of it not much further ahead. The gray glow warns of a very near threat, but its wisdom goes unacknowledged.
Upon seeing such a barrier, the men's tired bodies find new vigor. Alert, armed with strange weapons, and unyielding confidence, they march through the fog. Whispers fill their ears as they do so, but stop once the fog is behind them. Now, being in a pocket too large for the far walls and ceiling to be seen, they ready their weapons. Their feet slosh about as they move further in, with a black liquid now surrounding the leathers of their boots, and releasing a putrid odor that not even their facial coverings could dilute. Suddenly, they hear it. The sound of something larger than themselves letting out a thick growl as it exhales through its maw. The intensity of sloshing grows, as the Unseen steps into it with them. All four torches follow as the thing makes a slow circle around them. The light, though it does not expose the beast's form, shines back at them through large, yellow eyes. Eyes that- with a single sharp breath from the Unseen- dart upwards and out of sight once more. The inky fluids ripple furiously, lapping over their boots as they wait to hear the monstrosity again, but only the briefest of moments pass before the man at the lead cocks back a curious crossbow and fires it overhead. As the projectile is released, sparks fly off the weapon, igniting a wick that streaks through the air.
"Scatter!" The lead shouts, sprinting towards where the Unseen had come from. The others disperse in opposing directions at his command, clearing the area in which they had been standing. Almost as soon as they do so, the beast above them screeches; Whether it be out of pain, as the spiky sphere latches onto its hide, or to strike fear in the men, is unclear. The ground quakes as the beast slams against it, creating waves as it does so, and more as it jerks its head from left to right, soaking the fur beneath its elongated neck. With another roaring screech as it spots the man that attacked it, the wick runs out. A blast- just big enough to stagger the mangy creature- lights up the cavern. An oily substance sprays in all directions from the point of detonation and immediately ignites. The beast squalls as the substance coats its soft underbelly and ridged torso, searing the exposed flesh and setting the fur aflame with fire raining down from what oil did not stick. As droplets hit the ghastly pool below, so does the beast. It flails about wildly in its distress, attempting to smother the flames.
"Now!" Shouts out another of the men, wielding a great, serrated cleaver. The blade- though god-like in size- raises above the man's head with ease. In unison with another who wields a similar weapon, he drops it against one of the beast's hind legs. In a furious rage, the monster lashes out at the nearest of the men in front of it, but the efforts are futile; As its vision is engulfed in the hellfire. Keeping the beast snared, both men at the rear press their tools further into the oozing wounds they had created, and with a nod to one another, they swiftly wrench them free. The beast's blood, indistinguishable from the pool it thrashes about in, runs unending.
Blinded, bleeding, and with its lungs full of vile waters, the beast continues its efforts. Dragging its mangled legs behind it, it slams its front claws into the stone, scraping at it for traction and gaining speed in the process. With one vicious swipe and an unexpected turn, the creature sends one of its assailants skipping across the muck and fastens its grip around the other. With a deafening bellow, its antlers shake and what fur remains around the face stands on end. The man struggles fiercely; Trying all that he can to loosen the grip, but as teeth like talons surround him, he accepts his fate. His legs shake harshly as the beast clamps its jaw shut, but they soon go limp as the Unseen raises its head and lifts its body using both front legs, preparing to swallow him whole. As it does so, the fourth of the men hastily hikes up the spine and sinks an ax into the skull. Following a sickening thud, bubbles form around the creature's nostrils as what air had been trapped in the lungs during its final breath is released.
Frantically, the remaining three lift the corpse as best they can and open its stomach. Foul contents spill out, but none are unlike those around them.
"Marne? Marne, look at me!" Pushing the others aside, the second man throws down his cleaver and holds up Marne's weary head. "Marne, keep your eyes open. Let me mend you." Reaching for a vial with contents of a deep red, the man pulls it from his belt and pops out the cork. Marne stops him from doing any more than this by placing a pale, weak hand over the opening.
"No... it's too late for me. I-I made a mistake."
"Nonsense! Drink!"
Marne refuses the brew once more before pulling the black fabric that shrouds his lower face down and taking a shallow breath.
"My wounds are fatal... and... even if they weren't-" Marne looks down at the gashes that had been made in his torso and begins coughing abruptly. "I got its blood inside of me. There is nothing you can do, Brother. I'm finished." Marne wheezes, struggling to breathe as the second man closes his own eyes and turns his face towards the others.
"Belial, you know what must be done."
Belial opens his pained eyes once more, glaring deep into those of the man who led Marne to his death. He then looks back at his brother, whose lips have turned white, and shakes with remorse as he lets the back of Marne's head submerge in the filth at their feet.
"Belial?" The lead asks.
"Silence, I must be the one to do this." Keeping his eyes on Marne's malformed pupils and acknowledging the changes that have already begun, he makes his choice. "Let out your breath, Brother. Rest. Then, take another."
Marne does as Belial requests, but before he can inhale, Belial pushes his face beneath the surface. Marne's body becomes tense, but his diminished strength gives him no other choice than to take in the inky bile. As the shock sets in, a dull crack becomes audible, and Marne relaxes. Belial silently shudders before standing, retrieving his cleaver, and heading back the way they came; Never-minding the lack of light to guide his way. The fourth sighs as he kneels alongside Marne's body. Then, he begins to pray. The lead allows him to finish whilst pouring a clear beverage over both corpses. As the fourth stands upright and steps away from their fallen, the lead lowers his torch, allowing only the flame to touch the ick. The surface erupts into a blaze that climbs over both masses, consuming every bit of them that remains visible. The two then turn away, venturing back themselves.
* * * * * *
"Was it real? What I believe I just witnessed? What I believe I... did?" Belial wonders, gazing up at the pale moon as his companions emerge from Marne's final resting place. "Tell me, Briar."
The one who led them sighs lowly before wedging his dying torch between two large stones and stepping nearer to the grieving Belial.
"It's a risk we face often and a fate that is all too common."
Belial scoffs, removing his arrow-tipped hat as he does so. Spite poising his face as he studies each crease in the skin that makes it.
"This Oath can be quite difficult to bear at times."
"But an Oath, it is."
Belial nods knowingly before placing the accessory back atop his silver hair.
"Truer words could never cut so deep on any other night... prior to this one." Belial turns back to the moon as Briar's hand rests against his shoulder.
"I'd think it wise of us to continue on." The third's voice calls out. "Best to not upset The Council with these results." Lighting a freshly drenched torch with the embers of Briar's, the man starts off towards their left.
"Cronn's right. We should keep moving." Briar retraces his steps and rekindles the flame of his own. Then, assists Belial in doing the same before catching up with Cronn.
As a column of smoke rolls out from the cave's mouth, the trio travels in its usual silence; But this time the atmosphere is heavier, and the silence is deafening with such fresh grievances digging at the backs of their minds. Knowing the odorous, churning cloud behind them will tell The Council of their woefully successful hunt, they accept that they must be the ones to speak of what costs have come from it.
Related Chapters
Nostrum: Tales of Valor Keen Eyes
Forest trees with mangled branches loom overhead as a small fire crackles and pops, giving off a warm glow and offering a place to rest. Belial, Briar, and Cronn huddle up near the flames, planting themselves against firm soil as a thin layer of fog rolls onto the improvised campgrounds. Their aching feet thank them for doing so but still throb against the restraints of footwear as if nothing has truly changed."Tell me, Briar; What brings a man such as yourself to join The Purebloods?" Cronn loosens the straps of his leathery boots before stretching his legs out in front of himself. "What charm is there in it for you, I should say?"Briar thinks on the question for a moment, taking in all that he has been through since his first encounter with The Purebloods covenant no more than a year prior to this very day. Deciding on what is best to say he nods, lets out a sigh, and looks towards the moonlit clouds above."Knowing there is an end.""Surely you've more reasoning than that.""Is t
Nostrum: Tales of Valor Harrowed
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Nostrum: Tales of Valor Ersatz Village
Feeling woozy, temperamental, and with the hilt of his cleaver clutched tight in hand, but still strapped to his back, Belial awaits Arbor's explanation. At his side, Cronn and Briar focus their interests on a greater threat; The crowd of village-dwelling patrons. All of whom seem to be awaiting some sort of command before they engage in what is- most certainly- an ambush. One which has long been thought out... and already at play. With little choice being offered, Briar removes his crossbow from a pocket holster and swiftly flicks a latch open just below the sight bridge. As he does so, both limbs at the front snap forward and the crossbow splits entirely down the middle, creating two identical short swords, with one still having the string attached. Cronn, following suit, draws his ax at the right, and a pistol at the left."I bring the likes of you into my business... my home, and this is how you repay my hospitality? Accusative statements portrayed as questions? You knew the truth
Nostrum: Tales of Valor Frigid Flowers
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Nostrum: Tales of Valor Convener's Brood
With some consultation and a more than fair filling of mixed meats and porridge on his side, Belial joins in on Briar and Cronn's bull sessions, boosting his spirits and the trio's morale overall. As Devough and an assisting servant bring out a gracious helping of broth-drenched turkey and a pot full of boiled, seasoned greens, the three give their thanks and begin picking at the feast bestowed before them. As they do so, Briar catches a glimpse of Belial filling his wine-stained chalice with a foreign beverage that had been tucked away in a metallic flask at his side."What antics might you not be sharing with us?" Briar asks with amusement in his voice, pointing down at the container."Ah, it's nothing." Belial explains. "Just some of the brew Arbor introduced to us.""And you think that a wise choice of drink, given the circumstances?" Cronn cocks a brow as he strips a sliver of dark meat off the bone, keeping his eyes locked on Belial as he does so."Well, it may be pungent, but i
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With dusk approaching, numerous Nostrum awaken speaking in whispers, before rushing out of the quarters. As his mattress shifts from the weight of a bunk-mate hurrying off, Briar groggily pulls himself up and rubs his eyes. Once they're open again, he looks in the direction of the man that woke him, catching only a glimpse of his feet as he rounds a corner and darts down the hall. Curious as to what has alerted the others, and seeing that neither Belial nor Cronn are in their bunks any longer, he lifts himself up and follows the man's trail. With only the sound of bare skin slapping stone to guide him, he keeps as close as he can to the other but inevitably loses them among the corridors. Stopping at a point where the hall splits in opposite directions, he pauses and looks towards both ends before hearing a large door knock against its frame. Turning to the left, he picks up speed once again. Then, pushes through the same door the bank-mate did prior. As the light of a burning brazier
Nostrum: Tales of Valor Callous Mires
Drooping vines and clover-colored leaves of mossy, twisted branches canopy mucky lands. Clusters of cattails and whiskery ferns litter the boggy soil, giving way only where they must, but never where they should. As still, damp air brings about a layer of sluggish fog, the chirps of frogs and other pestilent critters fill the void. With nothing to fear in their own domain, they stop not when in the presence of what they find to be familiar, yet curiosity brings their chatter to a halt. A trail of silence is crafted, slithering through the marsh much like a serpent, whilst lacking the actual form. In the midst of it all, three orbs of light flicker about. Each being in possession of a predator unknown to the local wildlife; Mankind.Keeping their feet as dry as they can, the Nostrum tread through deep puddles and tall foliage. Being aware of their surroundings, they avoid the largest of the pools. For what lies beneath them may be worse than what has already been discovered above them.
Nostrum: Tales of Valor Silence
"Do you find it strange, Briar? That The Council would permit us to leave in place of others, even when we were at the heart of a present threat?""Perhaps that's why they would rather us be away." Briar raises the Kneller's bell in his hand and turns it about as he speaks. "If the Great Beast has picked up Belial's scent, it would be best to remove him from the current situation.""How might that be?""Well," he begins, clutching the bell's clapper in his hand and twisting it back and forth, "that depends on what remains unspoken. Perhaps, they wish to preserve his safety. Sending him off with beliefs that the beast hasn't taken hold of his scent would give him a chance at recovering. Or...," he pauses, snaps the thick metal apart, and tosses the clapper aside, "they have hopes that the beast will trail the scent." Slinging a rope over his shoulder, he ties both ends together. Then, loops a portion around the handle, pulls it tight, and lets the bell fall securely to his side. "Who a
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Rude Awakening
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Crater's Crown
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Hael places her index finger and thumb above her head, then looks at the stars surrounding them. Once she is seemingly satisfied, she begins moving toward an undisclosed location. Lee, Marne, and Yuler follow, sticking as close as they can without burning one another with the flames of their torches. As they go on, Lee can't help but to look over his shoulder, sensing something to be near, but not near enough to be a threat, yet."Are we sure that this Kirk will still be standing?" He asks, attempting not to come across negatively. "I mean, with all that is going on, even Maciofim is having a hard time staying standing.""We can't be sure of anything," Hael begins, "but we must attempt... something. Otherwise, all will fall without a fight.""Perhaps there are others also seeking answers." Marne offers, wanting to be part of the conversation."Perhaps so, but I find it unlikely that any have come as far as us." Hael states, stepping around a large boulder in their path. "What are the
In Peril
Specks of white light sparkle across Samuel's eyes as Lee's fist meets his nose. Before a second blow can land, Hael puls Lee back and Samara does the same with Samuel. Lee struggles against Hael's grasp for a moment before shaking her off and spitting at Samuel's feet."How dense can you be, boy? Your father would have never allowed such things to transpire!""I could never speak on his behalf, as I never met my father." Samuel retorts, wiping away a bit of blood that had poured onto his upper lip. "Regardless of that fact, I thank you all for coming to our rescue. It has been a grim waiting period here in our... refuge." Samuel motions at the dirt walls that surround them, neglecting the many utensils and contraptions that also fill the space."Will you all hurry up!" Shouts Marne from outside the hideaway. "Not to rush, but I'd rather not be left to fend for myself should something else come for us.""Of course." Hael offers, turning to face the twins. "We have many questions for y
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Book Three: Moon Children
Flames burst from the nozzle of a thrower, scorching the land underfoot. With each pass it makes, sprouts of Dabria wither away with cries that almost go unheard beneath the sound of the fuel that burns them. As the stream of fire passes, another is ignited. Then another, and another. Footmen walk along Maciofim's outskirts as they incinerate all that they can, but the efforts remain futile. No matter the work they get done on this night, the next will be more of the same. Within the city, tired eyes and hushed whispers fill the streets as homes remain in disrepair and food becomes more scarce with every passing moment. However, faith serves as a guide and The Bethel's lower floors remain full of life. With the rebels and Craws all but forgotten, peace- though felt only in spurts- befalls the hallowed walls.Beyond the brick and mortar, cast aside by the city, a small fire burns bright. Its flames lick at poisonous air and whisk away what infection approaches, but it does nothing of t
Marne observes a growing crowd. Along with the growing crowd is a growing flame, where many books have already found themselves to be set alight. More join them as each member of Farrow's rebellion arrives, donating a piece of text as they come, before finding their place amongst the others. Marne begins to feel saddened by what he has come to witness thus far, acknowledging that with each page that turns to embers, rare knowledge is forever lost."Beautiful, is it not?" Comes the excited voice of Farrow, who rubs his palms together and peers off at a resting sun, which begins to set behind him. "The time has nearly come to bring Great things to an end."Marne looks about The Bethel's roof once more, then to Farrow."Nothing about this feels right."Farrow drops the smile he has been fashioning, then looks to his son."Have you had a change of heart?""No, I mean, nothing feels right without the others being present.""Ah, of course! Of course." Farrow chuckles with relief, allowing h