In Peril

Specks of white light sparkle across Samuel's eyes as Lee's fist meets his nose. Before a second blow can land, Hael puls Lee back and Samara does the same with Samuel. Lee struggles against Hael's grasp for a moment before shaking her off and spitting at Samuel's feet.

"How dense can you be, boy? Your father would have never allowed such things to transpire!"

"I could never speak on his behalf, as I never met my father." Samuel retorts, wiping away a bit of blood that had poured onto his upper lip. "Regardless of that fact, I thank you all for coming to our rescue. It has been a grim waiting period here in our... refuge." Samuel motions at the dirt walls that surround them, neglecting the many utensils and contraptions that also fill the space.

"Will you all hurry up!" Shouts Marne from outside the hideaway. "Not to rush, but I'd rather not be left to fend for myself should something else come for us."

"Of course." Hael offers, turning to face the twins. "We have many questions for you, but they can not be made known here. There are other ears listening in." She points to the stalk beyond the doorway, then raises a brow, ensuring she is understood. Each of the twins nod in her direction, then begin approaching the door. "I'll go first. Lee, stick behind them. Yuler, meet Marne outside, please."

As the group steps back into Dabria's grove, they take turns examining their surroundings and listening in, ensuring that they are alone before continuing on towards the kitchen.

"Odd that we weren't attacked by the congregation, isn't it?" Yuler asks Marne.

"Of course it is. They were quite aggressive last time we attempted such a thing."

"Perhaps they knew Dabria's Bloom was protected."

"Perhaps that is so."

Yuler pauses their conversation for a moment and looks towards Samara, whose stomach has flattened significantly since their last encounter.

"What do you think he was doing to her?"

"What do you mean?" Marne wonders, now looking between each of the twins and whispering as Yuler had done.

"I forgot I never mentioned it to you."

"Mentioned what?"

"The strange experiments Samuel had been performing on his sister. I will explain it further another time." She concludes, noticing that Samuel has begun to look about the group.

"None of you have changed a bit since last we crossed paths." Says Samuel with a smile.

"Neither have you." Lee sniffs harshly and scowls at the man. "Still trying to preserve the lives of these... things."

"Actually, I haven't been. That pregnant creature managed to survive the murder you set yourself towards imposing on it, and with that, came its cubs."

"I was doing what must be done."

"You were doing what you thought was right, and I respect you for that." Samuel offers another smile, but Lee does not return the favor. "Listen, we will tell you all that you want to know so long as you get us to safety. That is all I ask."

"You will tell us what we want to know no matter your health, boy." Lee informs, now gritting his teeth and the hilt of his blade. "We didn't come all this way to leave empty-handed."

"That is enough out of you, Lee!" Exclaims Hael, who turns back to face the men. "From here on out we will try to get along with one another. Regardless of our differing views on things." She then turns back towards the path ahead and continues to speak. "I for one am grateful for their lives having been spared. If not for that, who knows how we might stop this nightmare from continuing to unfold?"

"Stop it?" Samuel asks, pausing in place before Lee nudges him forward. "Why might one wish to stop this?"

The group as a whole now stands in place just below the kitchen area and looks to Samuel. As they do so, Samara nervously fidgets with her hands and looks to the ground.

"Why would one wish to not?" Hael asks, now unsure of her previous statements.

"What is happening to the world is something grand. Something greatly unique. I would think such experienced Nostrum such as yourselves would seek to understand it before seeking to destroy it."

"Nostrum are trained to rid the world of this very thing." Lee informs with a roll of his eyes. "We have no interest in seeing what will become of things if we are to let it go. Now, up with you."

"You will have to kill me if you choose to destroy what has already been done." Samuel raises his chin as Lee ignores his words and shoves him up by the waist, until Samuel manages to climb out of the hole. "I will not be apart of your destructive path beyond this point."

"Silence yourself and give one of us a lift!" Lee demands.

"I will assist only my sister, unless you lot have a change of heart."

The group looks amongst themselves, then offers the path to Samara.

"We can get ourselves out of here, Samuel. We have come this far and we have saved your lives. It seems only fitting that you assist us, too." Hael gives a disapproving frown as she watches Samuel lift Samara from the pit before he storms off through the upper corridors. "Samara?" Hael calls, raising a hand into the air.

Samara looks to it, then to her brother. She then fidgets once again for a moment and huffs before leaning forward and grabbing Hael's hand. Once Hael makes it out, she turns and pulls up Marne, who helps pull up both Yuler and Lee.

"I apologize for my brother's ways. These types of things have always found a way to involve themselves in our lives. I wish it were different... but-"

"There is no need for you to apologize." Yuler assures her with a soft smile. "I know only a fraction of what you have been through. Things can be different for you... provided you are willing to come with us."

"We can help you." Marne adds, even though he lacks what information Yuler has. "Just... help us out, too?"

"I am sorry, but what my brother has provided you with is already enough." Saddened, Samara allows her chin to fall, then turns towards the rear of the manor where her brother awaits her. "Know this;" she whispers, "Dabria can only be stopped when the children of Impar have been extirpated."

"That's enough, Samara." Samuel states, offering a hand for her to accept. "These people have done all that they can for us. Now, we go."

Samara allows her chin to fall once more, then looks toward the others before walking further and accepting her brother's hand.

"You will regret not helping us!" Lee exclaims with a shaking fist.

"Never mind them," begins Hael, "I trust that Samara has given us all that we need."

"And what might that be?" Lee presses his knuckles against his sides and rocks his jaw from side to side.

"She said we must destroy the children of Impar."

"And where might we find such a thing?"

"Well, with The Bethel's literature destroyed, we must seek out one of their Kirks. Only there will we find any amount of information on these beings."

"How can we be sure that there will be anything on the topic?"

"I remember hearing something about 'Moon Children' in an old tale. One The Bethel's holy men would tell during camps and gatherings. Perhaps it has been preserved in writing."

"And what if it hasn't?"

"Then we continue searching for someone who knows it." Marne explains, growing tired of Lee's attitude. "We have no other options at the moment. We might as well follow Hael's word."

"I have a better idea. Why don't we travel back to Maciofim and simply ask the holy men there? Surely, if any are still alive, they will know the tale."

"You know we can't do that, Lee." Hael states with a roll of her eyes. "We're unwelcome."

"And you think we'll be welcome at one of their Kirks? The Bethel is quick to spread information, and false information at that. I trust that by the time we arrive at a Kirk they will have already heard of the four beastmen that destroyed a city with nothing but their paws. How Maciofim was subjected to great devastation by the blue fire these beasts blew from their own mouths."

"Stop it." Hael shakes her head and sighs heavily. "Even if what you think turns out to be true, it is our only lead."

"Fine, but do not be surprised if we are welcomed with bolts and blades."

"It wouldn't be the first time." Hael reminds before turning towards the rear of the manor herself and traveling out into the open.

"This woman is going to be the death of me." Lee states with a heavy sigh and trotting boots.

"What was it you were wanting to say to me back there?" Marne asks, directing his question at Yuler.

"Oh, I had witnessed Samuel performing some kind of strange experiment on the belly of Samara."


"I know it sounds strange, but it is the truth. That is why she had appeared pregnant last we saw them."

Marne stares blankly back at Yuler, as if to be waiting for more information.

"That is all I know for the time being, but clearly it was something quite... unusual."

"It sounds to be. Do you think...-"

"Do I think what?"

Marne looks back towards the tunnels below, then shakes his head.

"No, never mind me. Just a thought."

"We should catch up with the others, before Lee throws another one of his sober fits."

"Agreed. Best to not be on the other end of that in a time like this."

As the two of them step outside, they are met by the faces of Hael and Lee, who both seem to have been waiting impatiently for them.

"See all that you could while you were in there?" Hael asks jokingly.

"Not as much as I'm sure they would have, if we left them alone a bit longer." Lee offers a dirty wink and a devilish grin as he turns towards the woodlands just off the hill from where they stand. "Where might we be headed then?"

"Straight ahead." Hael states, pointing off into the distance with a single finger. "The Kirks are outposted every seven miles, north, east, south, and west. We will run into one so long as we follow that star." Raising her finger into the air, she points out a blue star that appears as nothing more than a flickering light, though it remains brighter than all that surrounds it. "Let Numen's light guide us."

Hael, Lee, and Yuler begin moving north, while Marne stands back and observes the distant star.

"All of this... for a star?" He thinks to himself. "Had we just allowed Farrow... my father... to perform that ritual... would we even know the name of this star, or would that have been lost as well?"

"Well, are you coming?" Yuler asks, having stopped in place when she noticed he was no longer following.

"Oh, of course. Of course, I am."

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