It was like walking into a room that was a mix between a library, a shipwreck deck, and a pigsty.
Many things were scattered on the floor.Parchments with obscure inscriptions, glass tubes with cracked surfaces, and even pieces of clay that seemed to have once been pottery or ornaments.I picked up one shard of pottery.
It was shiny. Carefully polished. I'm sure this was once an expensive, aesthetically pleasing item.
But, what's more striking here is the smell.The sourness of sweat. The stench of rot. And the biggest smell of all: hopelessness.
Among the mountains of junk furniture that resembled ancient ruins, Lucian was still engrossed in another piece of parchment - in a brighter colour, I guessed this one was new - and a new glass tube.
"Nope," he said briefly when I told him what I was here for.
This time, surprisingly, he willingly flips his chair over just to refuse the request. "Sis. What trick are you playing now?"
Lucian just grinned.
That irritatingly calm smile again. But, this time he was blatantly condescending. "Since when did you know, hm? Yesterday? Last month? Or even since the beginning?"
What was she talking about?
"I know what you're planning. But unfortunately it won't work." She turned around and started to get busy on her own again. "Nah. You better go back to your room and sleep. You still have class tomorrow. You don't want to make Dad angry, do you?"
What the hell was she talking about?
Plans? Do you know? What do you know?
I came here to ask for medicine.
But, I can't go back empty-handed. At the very least, I need to play the game first. "Are you sure?"
Hah! She's getting interested again. "Are you sure that it won't work?"
"How would it work? It's not like you don't have proof, Sis. "Lucian shrugged. "Isn't that what you're doing now? To get that evidence."
Although I still wore an unwavering look, my years of experience in dealing with bigger jerks sniffed out something odd.Weakness. Lucian's eyes for a glimpse implied caution and fear.
And again, I was starting to pull the strings here.
The reason why Lucian insisted on not handing over the medicine.
The reason why my damn twin brother is making things complicated.
The drug was just evidence for a bigger incident. A more heinous incident.
From his gestures and the uncomfortable-sickening romance I kept feeling when I was alone with him, I finally had a definite conclusion:
This bastard abused his own sister.
Yeah... what else is a more reasonable guess?
A smile that seemed domineering and intimidating. Forced affection. Parental favouritism.
Well... Sometimes, people can do crazy things just for the sake of it.
It's some kind of sleeping pills. Or tranquillisers. Or stimulants. Or even a combination of all three.
And the reason why Rachel lost her memory recently was... because she was traumatised. Stressed. Bipolar. Depression.
Ah... whatever you call it, I'm not a medical graduate, you know.
What rubbish!
These two.
If you want to drag someone into this troublesome matter between you two, find someone else.
Not me.
It's very troublesome.
"You're so sure, bro." I smiled. As confident as possible. "What if I'm just here to ask for confirmation, hm? What if I still have the evidence?"
Lucian snorted with amusement. "Wow, sis. You're a good actor. I almost believed you. But, yes, things that don't exist will still not exist."
I can hear Lucian saying this silently.
Wow! Apparently he's already got more preparation. I'll bet that long before I even got here, he'd have sent the servants, or gone himself, to rummage through my room.
"Have you really searched?" This time it was me who grinned. "Tell you what, big brother. It's said that every woman has a secret. And, when revealed, it's more shocking than you think. Well, in my case, my secret has to do with space. Specifically, hidden space."
The smile was gone. Lucian's face turned hard and cold "You're just bluffing."
"Maybe." I shrugged. "But, maybe not."
After that, silence crept in for a while.
Amidst the dim lighting that an ancient era like this could provide, I seemed to be able to see the seepage of beads of sweat.
Is that nervousness?
Or is it just my imagination?
Nope. This time, I've won.
Lucian suddenly burst out laughing. So loud and excited that he coughed.
What was he doing? Crazy, huh?
"Then. Hm... look, sweet sister, let's assume that you really have one. So what?"
Huh? She's not aware of her position, is she?
"Well, I heard some unpleasant news this morning. About you and Count Carrington's only daughter."
Lucian smiled. "And I don't think anyone would believe what someone who ... um ... what do you call it. Ah. Right. Less sane."
Of course she would know about that. But, this has gone too far to back down.
And if I show a defeated look for even a second, I'll really lose. "Yes. Indeed. People wouldn't believe it if it came from my mouth. Well... it's a good thing that I've made some pretty strong friends lately. Influential."
Lucian's face crinkled again. But, this time, he wasn't too fazed. "Who?"
I showed him the bracelet. A piece of jewellery given to me by the Prince of Devon as a token of apology.
Finally, this worthless object had a use.Even Lucian wasn't stupid enough to ignore what it meant. "You... wouldn't dare." The man was now almost on his feet.
He was hooked, too. Well, then, the process would be much easier. "Oh yeah? I'm even more curious. Gossip spreads fast. And it's even coming from a very reliable source. How will people react when they hear about this. The reaction of the nobles. The reaction of... Father?"
Lucian's earlobes turned red and now he rose up to me.
His face was like that of a knight about to charge into battle.
What is this? A sudden attack?
Huh! Did you think I wasn't prepared?
I tightly grasped the pottery that I had been hiding behind my back. Come any closer, and you'll bleed out, you bastard.
We're face to face now.
Lucian raised his hand. I was about to raise my hand too.
But suddenly he ... ducked. No, no. Prostrate himself.
Then, there was a roar. Sobbing. Pleading.
He was... crying?
"I'm... I'm sorry, Sis. I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to do that at all. Please! Help! Oh, good sister, have mercy on me." He started wailing.
How annoying!
I thought I was going to face a tough fight, but it turns out I'm just fighting another loser.
Should I just told him lick my feet clean?
Ah, no. He'll get too excited-from my assumption, she's already too crazy, that would be a reward instead of a punishment.
"Dear sister, what did you ask for earlier, hm? I'll give you everything. The results of my research. My potions. All, Sis. Everything. So, please, I beg you."
I sighed. Crouched down. And, gently stroked the man's hair. "Brother, don't do that. It makes me feel bad."
I smiled lovingly. "They say friendship starts with sharing. We've already shared our secrets. I just want, with this, we'll be even closer in the future.
"Besides, don't you already know what I'm asking?"
Something went wrong.
I managed to obtain that wretched medicine.
I now also have control and loyalty over Lucian-although it's still questionable.
But, is this really the answer to my problems.
This thick purple liquid is disgusting.
I warned you before. If you still want to take it, it's at your own risk. Okay?
Okay. Granted, taking more than the recommended dose of chemicals is never good for the body, but... this?
Did someone die because they slept too much? Or because of an overflowing libido?
Yes... there are.
But that's a case with an improbability ratio of one in a million.
Am I one of those ridiculously rare exceptions?
Listen, sis. From the beginning, this was all your fault. You made me this way. You were the one who insisted. But, I really regret it. It's... you'll endanger yourself if you keep going.
It's useless.
Lucian's last statement I remember was just another ambiguous thing. If I ask for a clearer explanation, I'm afraid he'll get suspicious and everything will be ruined.
I think I should try it first.
It smells... um... normal.
How about that? It's like a mixture of half-stale grape juice and condensed syrup.
It's a bit nauseating, but all medicines do that, right?
Is it possible that he's giving me poison instead?
But... with that look and demeanour, I'm sure she wouldn't dare.
But... the character is based on a real person that I can't trust at all.
Oh well... what to do.
Cap, chip, cup.
Never mind.
I drank it.
Rose is an arsehole.
Lucian is an arsehole.Everyone is an arsehole.A way out? I just found a dead end.Do you know what happened that night? I got fucked over. Either by those two morons. Or by my own assumptions.My body temperature rose dramatically, but I was shivering.My joints were aching all over.And there's one moment where it seems like I've seen heaven-if it exists, or if I can get there.I think it's true that Lucian put poison on me. No wonder he panicked so much.What a freak!Poisoning his own brother to get his father's attention? Okay.But, why did it have to be when I was inhabiting this wretched body, anyway?"So... um..., what was your name, Miss?"Well... at least, after a moment of meditation and reflection on my increasingly disgraceful life, I finally discovered a surprising fact: this story won't end so soon.And, in order to ensure the continuation of my history here-which is already in shambles-I need one crucial component.The factor that most humans need to survive.Huh?Food? Clothes? A home?What year's curriculum are you studying?Well, I can confidently say that nothing written in that book is true.And those who still believe are just a bunch of lazy, easily brainwashed people - why do you think the state even bothered to provide free education?What I need right now is support.Relationships.A medium that bridges emotional needs, guarantees a sense of peace, as well as the first alternative when I'm in trouble.Ah, what do you call it?Well, that's right.Friend.And, in the world, at least I know where to stand. "Rachel. Rachel Dawver, Mr Folkstein.""So, Miss Dawver-""Hush! No need to be so formal, sir. Just call her Rachel." I put on my best smile.For some reason, I've been playing with my expressions more and more convincingly lately-it's a waste that I work in marketing."Okay. Rachel. Are you friends with my daughter?""No."Okay. That was a knockout blow.But I never expected it. "Well, um... we happen to sit on the same bench. We have a match or two." Many, actually. And one of them is that we were both caught red-handed. "So... yeah, I guess? It just so happens that our houses are close by, so I thought I'd drop by."I don't know if he looked that pathetic or if Mr Folkstein was a typical ignoramus.But the reaction I got was a loud laugh."Ouch... ouch .... Okay, Jean. Are you doing Dad's work again? Okay, then. I got it. But..., being friends with them... pffft-""I'd better get out of here." The next second, Jeanette was already up and out before I could stop her.What the hell is this?What a rude host!"Hold on. Hold on. This friends-of-friends thing between you... right?"I think I saw it wrong, or was it a mistake from the start?The man in front of me, who I thought was just a muscle-brain who always had a silly look on his face, turned into a giant with a cold, bloodthirsty gaze.Shit!Did I make fun of him?Hey! What's wrong with commenting on a beard like a muddy burnt forest (the exact description, you'd better imagine yourself, lah.)"Can I be blunt? This isn't some sort of test or impromptu inspection, is it?""No, no, sir. Just relax." But I'm the one who's not relaxed here. Should I call the bodyguards inside?"Okay then. But for the record, whatever I say next has nothing to do with my daughter. So if someone needs to be arrested, just arrest me."I tried to chuckle as naturally as possible. "Sir, I think there's a misunderstanding in the-""First of all, I hate you."Cih, let me have my say, Old Man."Not personally. And not just you. Tsk! What do you call it. The point is, I hate people like you. 'Upper' people who think that commoners like us will follow and bark if you throw bones-or gold. Or food. And, get slashed if you don't comply.""I don't understand-""Well, you wouldn't understand. Have you ever been to a battle? People like you?" He shook his head. "Never, right? But I have. And I'm sure, you won't be able to hear the story about it."What's this again? It feels like my story only got 'a little' bloody at the end. Little did I know that the setting would become more realistic like this."I've often heard about the greatness and noble sacrifices that you and the other officers made.""Noble, huh?" Mr Folkstein snorted. "You know, it was supposed to be the last day. There was word from a 'higher' authority that we'd be allowed to go home. Turn back. Do you know how happy I was then? Jean was just born. She was still in my belly when I left. I thought, at that time, she would be an orphan."I... I never realised until the attack came. There was a momentary shootout. Blood. A lot. Lots of it. But, it wasn't my blood."There was one of my colleagues. He was young at that time. Fourteen, fifteen. About your age, lah. He said that after he came back, he would work on his father's farm. Propose to the girl he'd always wanted to be with. Build a family back home."But that never happened. He died. In front of me. In my arms. And I couldn't do anything at the time. Until now... she's been haunting me. Every night. I keep seeing his face in the mirror. In my own face." Mr Folkstein gave me a cursory look. "In the faces of people who can only receive a clean bill of health like you."Hoamm!Ouch. It's a good thing I didn't fall asleep.I thought he was going to tell me about an interesting experience, but it turned out to be just fairy tales and delusional babble.Heh, old man! If you have a mental disorder, you'd better... um... how does today's society deal with freaks like them?Exile? Having their heads smashed in? Having their brains drilled out? Electric chair therapy?I don't know. I'm not a history buff.But, that sounds horrible; painful; and powerful-I swear, I wonder why it's not enforced anymore in my time."That... um... I really don't know. I'm sorry for your loss, and I hope your friend's soul is at peace-""Peace?" Mr Folkstein snorted. "What do you think he's hanging around for?"It was a rhetorical question.And I'm not that stupid either. My existence is no longer welcome here.Just look at the way he looks at me like a stain on a freshly washed white shirt-when, in fact, he's the one here who should be the stain."Ah. In that case. Sorry to interrupt, sir. It's getting a bit dark, and-""Wait. I haven't finished talking yet."I haven't either, you know.You selfish cockroach!"I hate you. I don't know what Jean thinks of you. I also don't know what foul intentions you're planning."Mr Folkstein looked at me once more.I thought I was going to get a more frontal eviction."But don't stay away from her. Don't get too close either. Just make sure she doesn't get lonely."Huh?"That kid... he inherited his mum's persistence and my stubbornness. But, he's a good boy. He's sincere. And he's willing to sacrifice anything for the people he cares about."Yes, yes.Can I throw up?The third thing I don't want to hear besides skincare price hikes and downsizing announcements is overly positive expectations of people.What is this? Have I ever thought so highly of myself? "I will, sir," I said as I got up and left."One last request."What else?"Please tell Jean that she doesn't need to worry. In the evening, he'll still get his food ration."Huh? "I'm not nger-""This message is not for you. It's for him. Just give it to him. He'll understand."I had no choice but to turn around and obey.Related Chapters
(Not) A Vanilla Levelling System 12
"It's been three days and no mission."I nodded and again felt that this cramped space resembled a prison. Elena sat with her hands crossed and looked at me intently every second, acting like an interrogator who doubted my every word. "I... I tried various things. I even started exercising again." It's just jogging and doing ten push-ups, though. "But, I didn't get any EXPERINECE. I guess the way to get it is by completing missions.""I see." Elena nodded, and started taking notes, again. "So, did the intensity of your previous missions come quite often?""Eh, well..." I didn't remember it in detail because at that time I thought it was nonsense. "It can't be called frequent, maybe around a day or two. But, never this long.""I understand your frustration, but from what you've said, it's probably normal. However, we can't make a definite diagnosis because the data you provided is incomplete," said Elena, now really looking like a scientist, especially with that lab coat and formal sui
(Not) A Vanilla Levelling System 13
"You're saying you can't help?""We'd love to help, Mr. McKane. After all, you are our most valuable partner. But, eliminating an outstanding student that many people care about is much more difficult than destroying a colony of cockroaches like yesterday."That cockroach colony also had children in it, dammit. "And as a professional institution, we hope to minimise the collateral damage that could be caused, for both of our convenience."I clucked and said again. "I never asked you to hurt him, or anything more cruel than that. I just want you to teach him a lesson, or simply scare him would be fine. Make him a deterrent.""And that's after you've caused her trouble? He'll wonder. People will wonder. One random loose knot could be traced and put us all in danger."I sighed. I thought, my life has gotten a lot easier."However, you don't have to worry. We can give you the information you need. Where he lives, his family background, even the dirty secrets he's trying to hide. I know y
(Not) A Vanilla Levelling System 14
"Eh? Have you heard about Grayson?""About him being an addict? Well... that's nothing new. People like them must use it. How do you think he's so smart if he doesn't 'high'?""But, after all that, the teachers still entered him in the competition? People these days are corrupted.""I don't think so anymore. The principal still has a brain, too. He won't make the school's name blatantly tarnished."I had just stepped inside, and it was still as crowded as I had imagined.What I did was actually quite trivial.Log into the anonymous account Elena prepared, join the school forum, spread the information, and BOOM!The news exploded the next day.The school's journalism club even set up a special section in the mading.PHIL GRAYSON: The evil conman who brainwashes everyoneThey have phenomenal word choice, huh. Just what you'd expect from a future newspaper editor.There was a slight feeling of guilt, but it was soon washed away and justified. Especially when the completion notification s
(Not) A Vanilla Levelling System 15
"This is a waste of time." And a waste of energy.As soon as I told him to wait, Fletcher forced me to follow him to the car park, start the motorbike, and drive off again.This time to Liz's apartment. "What are we doing here?""If Liz is kidnapped, or harmed, the culprit will definitely come here once again," Fletcher said as he checked for a window crack that could let us--no matter how--inside."You watch too many films." After all, if anyone looked suspicious here, it was him."What can we do anyway? Wait? Waiting for what--"Just then my mobile phone notification went off. "Well, we're done waiting. I got Liz's family's contact information.""Wha--"I ignored Fletcher and scrolled through my phone to check the email.I guess it only asked for a landline number, not such a detailed civil document like this.All her information was listed there. From the names of both parents, place of residence, place of birth, school history.For some reason, this was starting to feel horrible.
(Not) A Vanilla Levelling System 16
"I was never told about this," I said, looking at Michael through the window.\The beautiful engineering memories I had experienced earlier were now slowly changing their form in my mind. It wasn't Susan's hand that reached up and grabbed my neck, it was Michael's. He was trying to strangle me and make me out of breath.What a crazy psychopath!I stared at Elena with unbearable irritation. I felt so betrayed. "You said I was your valued partner!""You are and always will be.""So? Who's that?" I exclaimed, pointing at Michael.Elena looked over, sighed, and nodded. "We apologise for the inconvenience and misunderstanding that occurred between the two of you. However, for the record, from the beginning, we never said that the only partner we had was you."That's a valid point, but that's not what I meant. "I thought we were co-operating and mutually beneficial here.""That's right. You give us information, and we give you money. Nothing less, nothing more," Elena said, this time more
(Not) A Vanilla Levelling System 17
"Did you hear me?""Ah, yes? What's wrong?" I stammered. It's bad. This is the third time Susan has said that, I hope she's not getting fed up."I said, the food is good, right?"I scooped up the pasta that I'd been eating for a while, put it in my mouth, and chewed. This was even worse than my cooking when I was sleepy.I took a quick glance at the tender's table, just to see what kind of chef was behind the kitchen, and... it was pretty ordinary.A smiling, 30-something man who seemed to be known to most of the bar patrons. Well, one valuable lesson there, familiarity can distort the performance of the senses."Yeah... that's it," I said, in the end. I looked at Susan's still beaming face, like she wished I had said something more. Something like what? Okay. It all started because of my (forced) involvement with those pesky thugs, but it wasn't an experience I wanted to remember, let alone retell proudly.Susan seemed to realise that. She leaned back, sighed, and picked up her mobil
(Not) A Vanilla Levelling System 18
Women are unpredictable, but Susan seems to be the most complicated. Just now she was talking nonsense about 'killing someone', and now she was on her third glass of alcohol and starting to attract people's attention.Apparently, the bar was organising a special drinking challenge where those who managed to down the fastest ten glasses would get a free purchase at the next meeting.It was a ridiculous challenge. Besides the fact that we were underage, alcohol was one of the things I cursed and avoided.I don't know. I don't remember the exact reason. What is certain is that it was related to something dirty and I hated it.Nevertheless, Ssan was the first to volunteer, and was now standing in the centre of a crowd of people cheering and encouraging her enthusiastically."Well, Miss, this is the fourth glass. You still got it?" the bartender exclaimed, breaking up the noise.Susan just smiled. "You've got to be kidding. Don't underestimate me like this, pour all the glasses, I'll finis
(Not) A Vanilla Levelling System 19
I grabbed my phone, looked up the name of the place on Maps, beamed when I found out it existed, and then gave it the lowest rating.Not only was the food unsatisfactory, but the service was also inferior.Again, I wondered, what qualifications were being sought when the owner of the place opened a vacancy?The rate wasn't worth it anyway. I won't go there again. Or accompany this girl wherever she goes, ever again. "Can you still hear me?" "Very clearly~" Susan exclaimed in a humorous tone.However, I wasn't in the mood for jokes. "Where's your house? I'll call a taxi.""My mother is a victim of Divine Punishment.""What?""You've even heard of that ridiculous term, right?" Susan said, looking at me again with a small grin.I tried to ignore her and act normally. Hearing the incident that I used to trick Hudson being said again made me wary.I thought that maybe Susan was her minion, but that was impossible. Because if that's the case, then Hudson is a bad picker. Compared to Susan
Latest Chapter
I chose to let it pass until it ended on its own.I gulped. I had thought that this relationship ended when they broke up with me during these weeks, so what was she trying to do now?Could it be that one of them saw me caught red-handed by Detective Werner and concluded that I was someone who couldn't be trusted with responsibility, and wanted to collect a fine?Or did they know my intention to spill the beans, and thought to get rid of me?Okay.I know my mind has been very paranoid lately, but it's certainly a plausible option.Michael told them everything about my betrayal, and they decided that I had to go.It makes even more sense that David's death was part of their plan.They made it an ultimatum of sorts.It was as if they were saying, "It's your turn next!"My phone vibrated again.[Elena is calling...]I gulped and started to feel uncomfortable.Why isn't Eva back yet, anyway? How many hours has she been in the bathroom?And why did it get so hot in here?The third call cam
I was turning the door knob and was already anticipating another surprise attack.My eyes darted behind me to see who might be the troublemaker now. Because if there was, he'd better show up or he'd really ruin my night.The last time I looked at my watch, the short hand was already showing eleven o'clock. Normally, I'd have gone to bed an hour earlier.But, because of an oversight, and a legal regulation that was rigged as well, I had to stay up like this.Yes... the rigged laws. If the tension of this whole situation starts to drop, maybe I'll teach Detective Werner a... lesson.Not the harmful kind of revenge. I can see that he's an honest and firm law enforcer (and because of that firmness, I'm sure one or two suspects ended up confessing before even getting to the interrogation room), but I think that sometimes there's a line that shouldn't be crossed, and everyone should start respecting that line.Ah... what the hell was I thinking. It must all be because of the [Logical Reasoni
Right from the start, it was a mess.And I'm starting to not care.What? You think, when I leaked almost everything to Detective Werner, I had a clever scheme that went one step further?Yes, and no.I might use Detective Werner to find Michael for me, but then what?His existence can't even be controlled by someone like Eva, what can an ordinary cop do?And as for Eva, I had considered it too. In the last fight, I think she was just holding back.I mean, okay, I'm nothing compared to the two of them (Michael and Eva), but at the very least, the person who defeated you in less than five seconds must be a very dangerous person..., right?My original plan was to investigate Michael's whereabouts first, cut ties with Elena's people, and cooperate fully with Eva.That sounded brilliant.I hate to admit it, but Eva is the equivalent of an army. No matter how many opponents I had, if Eva was by my side, I would most likely win.But, I ended up thinking it was stupid. Because even though Eva
"What?""There are no anomalies like you said," Amy said indifferently. The woman downed her half-empty coffee cup. "I mean, anomalies?""Do you think this is all a joke?"Amy shrugged. "Life is a joke, isn't it?" She frowned when I didn't break eye contact, then sighed. "Everyone takes this job as seriously as you do, okay. And, no. These are all preliminary test results.""So what does it say?""Do I have to repeat it ten times?" snapped Amy, in a more sarcastic tone this time. "I don't think so, really. If you want to go through a more intensive examination, I can refer you to the city centre's more adequate research agency. That is, if they believe your alibi.""What does 'if they believe' mean."Amy frowned, again. "You're sure you're not drunk, right?"I growled, stomped my feet repeatedly, and prepared to leave. What a bunch of corrupt people who like to manipulate facts.Were they this pathetic to begin with? Were they already beyond help.I went to the interrogation room agai
"I said you saw it wrong," I insisted. Although I looked calm, my mind was in turmoil.Of course, this wasn't my first time at the police station. The first time was when I had to see Shane. It wasn't an experience I remembered. I still remember how intense it was, even chatting here. Even then I was just a visitor, but now I'm being brought in as a suspect.My hands were handcuffed to the table, and Detective Werner, the man who had prejudged me at school, was sitting in front with a meaningful grin. "Look at you. Don't you realise your position? You've been cornered, and you can still make excuses?""I don't know what you mean--"That's when the detective handed me a mobile phone displaying a video.The video of my fight with the slimes earlier. It didn't show the slimes (as Eva said, the eyes of ordinary people wouldn't be able to catch it. It seemed to apply to the camera as well).But, it captured the image of me suddenly disappearing and bringing fire out of nothing like an unp
I bit my lower lip rather hard. Half annoyed, half regretful.Indeed, Eva had previously warned about the appearance of an extra act, and the possibility of a monster attack. But, I thought that it was only limited to zombies, not other monstersNot like the one I was facing now. Because now, just as I was about to step into the house and turn the door knob, my steps had to stop in front of the porch because two greenish slime figures were bouncing in front of me.No, no, no. Not just two, but three, four, five. Ambushing me from all directions.I've seen these, not only in games and films, but also in souvenir shops. They're often played with by small children, and even eaten by some with slightly retarded brains.But, of course, they would never think that the slime would become this big; alive; and come at them with murderous intensity.I looked around and held a vigilant stance. The last monster I fought had unexpected movements and abilities. If zombies, which are usually synonym
I parked the car in front of a small local pharmacy near the street. Ever since returning from the casino, my head had been in severe pain.I didn't know if it was because I'd been awake for almost 48 hours or because of the string of tangled facts I'd just discovered.I approached the pharmacist, handing over the prescription I'd been holding onto for a while. It's something I got long before I moved here, I think.Lately, my head had been hurting, but I couldn't sleep. I guess that's why there's a sleeping potion in there that I need to take.However, after receiving a plastic bag of what I wanted, I quickly threw the sleeping pills in the bin, and took some energy-boosting vitamins.I don't need sleep right now! I just need answers!"Ah, that strange Mr Strange from earlier," said an unfamiliar voice... next to me.I turned my gaze to the side and found a face that was... can I call it familiar?I did feel like I had met her, but that's also how I feel when I meet new people.The g
"First of all, was it really an accident?" I asked while taking out a small note.I asked us to go outside to make the atmosphere more conducive (as well as to keep him awake. Learning from past investigative experiences, it's much more effective to question people who aren't high).Instead, this Becker stole a bottle of alcohol to drink outside.His eyes were now wide open, and if he fell further (and he would), then things would be even more troublesome."No pleasantries first?""We don't have the time, do we, sir?"Becker chuckled. A chuckle that slowly faded and was replaced by a heavy-handed reply. "You've heard the rumours, and you know the answers, why ask again?""I need confirmation."Becker shrugged. "Fair enough." He took a swig, sighed, and burped. "She was murdered. I don't know by whom. Some sane people suspect those two little bastards. Although they have innocent looks, but after all, they were the only ones there. Tell me, is it possible for someone to be found decapi
Does he know? "Oh, really?" Remember. Don't make assumptions beforehand. Next time, I'll make the same mistake as before."Why did you do that? Sara... you... why are you that heartless, anyway?"Hah, it was just that calm. "I..." From the romances, I must look sympathetic anyway. "It was a mistake, Miss Irene, really. It was a mistake. I ... if I could have stopped Silas that time, it would have been Sara now ..." Come on... tears, come out. Just a little bit."So why didn't you do it?" Irene was so frustrated.Oh my goodness. Is someone like Sara really worth missing? "I... I was late."What I heard next was a surprise: it was a snicker. She's crazy, isn't she? Or has she realised? "You're right. It's all my fault." His laugh ended with a bitter smile and eyes that were fixed in an enigmatic direction. "I shouldn't be here."She looked away without speaking again.What the hell?Do you think this is some kind of reenactment of a sad film scene? My mind is full, you know.Hopefully,