I bit my lower lip rather hard. Half annoyed, half regretful.

Indeed, Eva had previously warned about the appearance of an extra act, and the possibility of a monster attack. But, I thought that it was only limited to zombies, not other monsters

Not like the one I was facing now. Because now, just as I was about to step into the house and turn the door knob, my steps had to stop in front of the porch because two greenish slime figures were bouncing in front of me.

No, no, no. Not just two, but three, four, five. Ambushing me from all directions.

I've seen these, not only in games and films, but also in souvenir shops. They're often played with by small children, and even eaten by some with slightly retarded brains.

But, of course, they would never think that the slime would become this big; alive; and come at them with murderous intensity.

I looked around and held a vigilant stance. The last monster I fought had unexpected movements and abilities. If zombies, which are usually synonym
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