Chapter 268: Tell the Truth!
Nicole, taken aback by the news of her cancer, began to wonder how or from whom she had contacted it. She was also aware that it was a hereditary illness, so she began to wonder who she had contracted such a lethal disease from.

Another question on her mind was whether her husband was aware of the situation on the ground, and if so, why had not she informed him. She knew she might have felt bad, but she would have preferred to hear it from someone she knew rather than a doctor.

"Excuse me, ma. Are you following what I am saying?" The Gynecologist inquired, sensing Nicole was deep in thought and had overlooked the critical information she was attempting to convey to her.

"Doctor, I am fine, and I am following," Nicole said as the doctor's voice jolted her out of her reverie. She was aware that she had missed out on important information from the doctor, but she was confident that by asking questions, she would catch up.

The gynecologist was not buying her response and asked her to be ho
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