Abducted once again

A week has passed since Frank made contact with me. I have sent my package to Masato and I have already requested Akito to not help Ratri.

I know that she is trying to save me. But there’s no saving me. I am beyond redemption. I have my death planned out. It will be a Viking style death. I will sit on a raft and set sail and then light that raft on fire.

My remains would be too damaged to be analyzed. That way, I won’t have to worry about me being cloned.

I am sitting in my room. Ratri is helping Ma with cooking. Papa is busy in his office. This house has a lot of people living here. The members of the group all live here. I have no shortage of people.

I have been playing chess and cards. But I do play video games as well. It’s really fun. It has been a while since I was able to play video games.

I remember my time in France. After leaving Africa, we made our way to England. It wasn’t a bad country. But I have to say that food wasn’t exactly stellar. So we made our way to France with
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